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作者(外文):Huang, Yu-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Apply Design for Six Sigma combined with VSM and TRIZ to Improve Service Performance of Customer Complaint Process
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
外文關鍵詞:Six SigmaDFSSDMADVVSMTRIZCustomer Complaint Process
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六標準差(Six Sigma)方法論已被廣泛應用於各種產業,並且證實能夠為流程的品質改善提供更好的解決方案,而六標準差設計(Design for Six Sigma, DFSS)則能讓流程在設計階段即創造出更加節省成本與促進經濟效益的方法。本研究使用DFSS與DMADV(Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify)作為品質改善的架構,來提升個案公司客訴流程的服務績效。過去個案公司處理客訴的經驗中,發現流程不僅花費時間長、且經常錯失解決問題的時機點,本研究透過價值溪流圖(Value stream map, VSM)與流程週期效率(Process cycle efficiency, PCE),作為DFSS專案的衡量工具以及關鍵品質特性(critical-to-quality, CTQ),並使用TRIZ矛盾矩陣(contradiction matrix)設計新的流程方案,最後透過失效模式與效應分析(failure mode & effects analysis, FMEA)驗證潛在的失效與風險。研究結果顯示不僅PCE從過去的0.47%提升至46.51%,管理階層也能聆聽更多顧客的聲音、建立即時處理潛在問題的機制,為個案公司帶來更好的競爭力。
The Six Sigma methodology has been widely applied in various industries and has been proven to provide better solutions for process quality improvement, while the DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) allows the process to create more cost-saving and economic benefits during the design phase. This study used DFSS and DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) as a quality improvement framework to improve the service performance of the customer complaint process of the case company. From the experience of handling customer complaints, the case company found that the process not only took a long time, but also often missed the best timing to solve the problems. This study applied VSM (Value stream map) and PCE (Process cycle efficiency) as a measurement tool and CTQ for the DFSS project, and used TRIZ contradiction matrix to design new process solutions and, finally, verified potential failures and risks of the new process through FMEA (failure mode & effects analysis). The results show that PCE has increased from 0.47% in the past to 46.51%, moreover, managers are better able to listen to more customers’ voices and establish a mechanism to deal with potential problems immediately, and most importantly, the new process enhance the competitiveness of the case company.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
1-3研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1品質改善 4
2-2六標準差 5
2-3六標準差設計與DMADV方法 8
2-4價值溪流圖 11
2-5 TRIZ 13
第三章 研究方法 16
3-1六標準差 16
3-2六標準差設計 17
3-3 DMADV 19
3-3-1定義階段 19
3-3-2衡量階段 20
3-3-3分析階段 21
3-3-4設計階段 22
3-3-5驗證階段 22
3-4價值溪流圖 23
3-5 TRIZ 25
第四章 個案分析 28
4-1個案問題背景 28
4-2運用六標準差設計提升客訴流程 29
4-2-1定義階段 29
4-2-2衡量階段 31
4-2-3分析階段 35
4-2-4設計階段 43
4-2-5驗證階段 47
4-3改善成果與效益比較 49
第五章 結論 50
5-1結論 50
5-2未來研究方向 52
參考文獻 53
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