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作者(外文):Ciou, Yi-Guan
論文名稱(外文):Applying Lean Six Sigma Approach to Improve the Efficiency of Order Fulfillment Process -- Case Study
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
外文關鍵詞:LeanSix SigmaValue Stream MapOrder fulfillmentProcess Cycle Efficiency
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The Lean and Six Sigma are tools have been frequently used by businesses to eliminate waste, reduce costs, improve quality, and reduce variation. The two methods could be integrated into the method of Lean Six Sigma, which could be applied not only to production processes but also to service processes and variety of industries.

This research takes the semiconductor intellectual property core company P as an example. There are often delays in order fulfillment due to communication and waiting for approval, as the product is highly customized. Therefore, an attempt was made to develop a Lean Six Sigma process improvement program. Following the DMAIC steps of the Six Sigma, we could understand customer’s voice first. After using the value stream map and identifying the Critical-To-Quality, Lean tools were used to distinguish between value-added and non-value-added operations in the process to calculate the process cycle efficiency (PCE). Diagram analysis and standardization. were also applied in the research.

We found that the cycle time of the customer credit check application process was shortened from 7,959 to 5,090 minutes, with 36% decrease; the NRE (Non-recurring engineering) IP quotation process was shortened from 5,951 to 3,545 minutes, with 40% decrease; the Usage IP quotation process was shortened from 3,789 to 1,038 minutes, with 72% decrease. The PCE improvement of the three were 45.4%, 22%, and 97.7% respectively, and the accuracy improvement were 15%, 28%, and 61%. Based on the current order quantity, we could save about 51 thousand of cost per year. This proves that the Lean Six Sigma method can shorten the waiting time in the process and have strong effect on improving order fulfillment.
摘要------------------- i
Abstract--------------- ii
謝詞------------------- iii
目錄------------------- iv
表目錄----------------- vi
圖目錄----------------- vii
第一章 緒論------------- 1
1.1 研究背景與動機------ 1
1.2 研究目的------------ 2
1.3 研究範圍------------ 3
1.4 研究架構------------ 3
第二章 文獻回顧--------- 5
2.1 精實管理----------- 5
2.1.1 定義------------- 5
2.1.2 五大原則--------- 6
2.1.3 精實服務--------- 7
2.1.4 相關文獻--------- 8
2.2 六標準差----------- 10
2.3 精實六標準差-------- 15
第三章 研究架構--------- 19
3.1 定義階段------------ 20
3.2 衡量階段------------ 21
3.3 分析階段------------ 22
3.4 改善階段------------ 24
3.5 控制階段------------ 24
第四章 個案分析--------- 26
4.1 個案背景------------ 26
4.2 運用精實六標準差改善個案之流程週期效率 29
4.2.1 定義階段---------- 29
4.2.2 衡量階段---------- 30
4.2.3 分析階段---------- 43
4.2.4 改善階段---------- 47
4.2.5 控制階段---------- 57
4.3 績效評估與討論------ 58
第五章 結論------------- 62
5.1 結論--------------- 62
5.2 未來研究方向-------- 62
參考文獻---------------- 64
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