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作者(外文):Yang, Yung-Hao
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Surface Flatness Enhancement and Removal Rate Prediction for Silicon Carbide Wafer Lapping Process
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chia-Huang
Chen, Tzu-Li
Wang, Zih-Huei
外文關鍵詞:Silicon carbide waferLappingFlatnessRemoval rate prediction
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因此,為提升製程品質,本研究主要分為兩大部分:第一部分為提升晶圓平坦度與降低厚度標準差。首先,針對個案的磨平製程進行現況分析,透過統計檢定找出需要改善的平坦度項目為總厚度差(Total Thickness Variation , TTV)。接著,使用田口方法進行實驗,找到主要影響TTV與厚度標準差的因子為中心齒輪與外環齒輪轉速。為了維持個案公司的產能,再透過第二次田口方法以及限縮機台壓力的範圍,找到TTV、厚度標準差與產能三者兼具的最佳參數組合。最後進行確認實驗,驗證在實際生產中有達到預期的效果;第二部分則透過隨機森林及其他三種方法預測磨平製程的移除率,讓個案公司的產線不再由人工自行判斷,而是透過移除率預測的結果來決定下一盤的加工時間,以減少多磨與少磨所造成的物料成本浪費。
In recent years, electric vehicles (EVs) have seen a significant increase in demand due to heightened environmental awareness, supportive government policies, continuous technological advancements, and cost reductions. It is estimated that by 2035, the cumulative sales of EVs will exceed 525 million units, accounting for more than 50% of global new car sales. As the EV market rapidly expands, the demand for silicon carbide (SiC) high-power components, such as onboard power conversion devices, inverters, and charging piles, is also increasing. It is expected that by 2033, the SiC component market will reach approximately 11.29 billion USD.
However, with the growing demand for SiC wafers, many manufacturers are entering this market. To stand out amid the influx of new entrants and existing competitors, it is essential to continuously improve quality, reduce production costs, and create product differentiation.
Therefore, to enhance process quality, this study is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses on improving wafer flatness and reducing thickness standard deviation. Initially, a current situation analysis of the lapping process for the case was conducted, identifying Total Thickness Variation (TTV) as the flatness item needing improvement through statistical testing. Next, the Taguchi method was used to conduct experiments, identifying the primary factors affecting TTV and thickness standard deviation as the rotational speeds of the central gear and the outer ring gear. To maintain the production capacity of the case company, a second Taguchi method was employed, narrowing the machine pressure range to find the optimal parameter combination that balances TTV, thickness standard deviation, and production capacity. Finally, confirmation experiments were conducted to verify the expected effects in actual production.
The second part involves predicting the removal rate in the lapping process using Random Forest and three other methods, enabling the case company's production line to determine the next batch's processing time based on the predicted removal rate rather than manual judgment, thus reducing material cost waste caused by over-lapping and under-lapping.
Through the research process described above, the case company achieved the following two main conclusions and results: (1) After processing, the TTV flatness of SiC wafers can be reduced from 2.2µm to 0.84µm, and the thickness standard deviation can be reduced from 1.48µm to 0.98µm; (2) By predicting the removal rate of the next batch using the Random Forest method, the average thickness due to over-lapping decreased from 5.35µm to 4.5µm, a reduction of approximately 15.9%; the average thickness due to under-lapping decreased from 4.39µm to 2.94µm, a reduction of approximately 33.0%; and the overall average monthly material cost could be reduced by about 1,356,000 NTD.
第一章 緒論...1
1-1 研究背景與動機...1
1-1-1 碳化矽晶圓簡介與應用...1
1-1-2 碳化矽晶圓主要應用-電動車市場需求...1
1-1-3 碳化矽晶圓主要應用-電動車碳化矽高功率元件市場需求...2
1-1-4 碳化矽晶圓產量與遭遇的挑戰...4
1-2 研究目的...5
1-3 研究架構...7
第二章 文獻探討...9
2-1 晶圓研磨與磨平加工製程...9
2-2 碳化矽晶圓品質改善...11
2-3 碳化矽晶圓移除率提升...14
2-4 晶圓移除率預測...15
第三章 研究方法...18
3-1 研究流程...18
3-2 提升晶圓平坦度的方法-田口方法...20
3-3 磨平移除率預測...20
3-3-1 決策樹...21
3-3-2 隨機森林...21
3-3-3 極限梯度提升(XGBoost)...22
3-3-4 多元線性回歸...22
第四章 個案分析...25
4-1 田口實驗...25
4-1-1 現況分析...25
4-1-2 確定反應值...32
4-1-3 選擇控制因子與其水準...32
4-1-4 選定直交表與配置因子於直交表中...34
4-1-5 平坦度TTV與厚度標準差實驗結果...35
4-1-6 平坦度TTV與厚度標準差結果分析...43
4-1-7 第二次田口實驗選擇控制因子與其水準...46
4-1-8 第二次田口實驗選定直交表與配置因子於直交表中...47
4-1-9 第二次田口實驗平坦度TTV與厚度標準差實驗結果...49
4-1-10 第二次田口實驗確認實驗...56
4-2 移除率預測...59
4-2-1 現況分析...59
4-2-2 找尋磨平站移除率不穩定的原因...61
4-2-3 資料預處理...62
4-2-4 關聯度分析...63
4-2-5 選擇預測模型...64
4-2-6 驗證集移除率預測...70
4-3 改善效益分析...71
第五章 結論...73
5-1 結論...73
5-2 未來研究建議與方向...73
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