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作者(外文):Chien, Yu-Yang
論文名稱(中文):使用ASPEN AI Hybrid 和代理編碼器預測酯化反應觸媒衰退
論文名稱(外文):Prediction of Catalyst Degradation using ASPEN AI Hybrid and Surrogate Encoder for an Esterification Process
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shan-Hill
Yao, Yuan
口試委員(外文):Liu, Jia-Lin
Kang, Jia-Lin
中文關鍵詞:乙酸正丁酯觸媒衰退Aspen 混和模型代理編碼器
外文關鍵詞:Butyl AcetateCatalyst DeactivationAspen AI Hybrid ModelSurrogate Encoder
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壽命的估算,這些調整是經驗性且次優的。在本研究中,我們使用ASPEN Plus
最近,ASPEN Plus™ 發布了一個AI 混合模型,其可以訓練一個神經網路模
查了AI 混合模型預測觸媒失活的能力。
器通過在由獨立變量和𝑘0 空間組成的多維空間中生成大量模擬數據來進行訓練。
In a chemical process, the catalyst gradually deactivates over operational time, prompting adjustments in reactor temperature and pressure to maintain yield. Without a quantitative prediction of catalyst deactivation and an estimate of remaining useful life, these adjustments are empirical and suboptimal. In this study, an esterification process was simulated using ASPEN Plus. The fresh feed and recycled stream are pumped into an isothermal catalytic fixed-bed reactor. The reactor effluent is pumped into a distillation column to separate BuAc from the other components. BuAc leaves the bottom of the distillation tower. The unreacted HAc and BuOH are separated with water at the top of the distillation tower.
Recently, ASPEN Plus™ released an AI Hybrid model that allows us to train a neural network model to predict unknown coefficients (NN output) in the simulator using operating degrees of freedom in the simulator (independent variables) so that simulation results match measured sensor variables (dependent variables). In this work, the ability of the AI Hybrid model to predict catalyst deactivation is
On the other hand, a surrogate encoder in the form of a neural network is built with all independent and dependent variables as input and the latent parameter, the pre-exponential factor 𝑘0, as output. This surrogate encoder is trained by generating numerous Aspen simulation results within the multidimensional space defined by independent variables and the k0. In this way, the catalyst decay path can be properly modeled.
第一章 緒論--------10
一.1 人工神經網路模型--------10
一.2 乙酸正丁酯簡介--------11
一.3 研究動機與目標--------11
第二章 文獻回顧--------13
二.1 酯化反應--------13
二.2 固定床反應器酯化反應製程--------13
二.3 連續攪拌槽反應器酯化反應製程--------14
二.4 薄膜反應器酯化反應製程--------15
第三章 研究方法--------17
三.1 建立 Aspen Plus 模型--------17
三.1.1 成分建立 --------17
三.1.2 熱力學模型 --------17
三.1.3 動力學模型 --------19
三.1.4 反應器模型 --------20
三.1.5 蒸餾塔模型 --------22
三.1.6 整廠穩態模擬 --------23
三.2 觸媒衰退數據模擬--------24
三.2.1 前次回收進料 --------25
三.2.2 平均回收進料 --------28
三.2.3 隨機回收進料 --------31
三.3 Aspen AI Hybrid Model--------34
三.4 代理編碼器--------35
三.4.1 拉丁超立方取樣法 --------35
三.4.2 代理編碼器架構 --------36
第四章 結果與討論--------39
四.1 Aspen AI Hybrid Model 預測結果--------39
四.2 代理編碼器預測結果--------45
第五章 結論--------46
第六章 參考文獻--------47
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