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作者(外文):Du, Chuan-Bin
論文名稱(外文):Aerosol-based Synthesis of Hybrid Catalyst for Methane Bi-reforming
指導教授(外文):Tsai, De-Hao
口試委員(外文):Pan, Yung-Tin
Chen, Bing-Hung
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:30
  • 評分評分:*****
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The objective of this research is to develop catalysts by aerosol method to catalyze the methane bi-reforming reaction, reduce the reaction temperature, and generate syngas with adjustable H2/CO ratio, and achieve the goal of stable hydrogen production.
In the first part of the work, we synthesized MOF materials (Ni/ZIF-8@Al2O3) using aerosol method. The MOF-derived Ni-ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst was synthesized through air and hydrogen calcination. Temperature-programmed activity test based on the stoichiometric feed ratio of BRM and 10-hour stability test at 650℃ are performed at different feed ratio to see the performance of the developed hybrid catalysts for bi-reforming of methane. The results show that the Ni-ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst we developed has low onset temperature (450°C) and has stable catalytic performance within 10 hours. In addition, the presence of the steam in the reaction has shown to inhibit the coke formation and prevent catalyst deactivation. Tunable H2/CO ratio (1.4~6.5) can be controlled by adjusting the feed ratio and reaction temperature. However, Zn in the catalyst has a low boiling point and is not suitable for catalytic reactions at high temperatures. Moreover, it cannot inhibit the water gas shift reaction at the low-temperature range (300~500°C), so the CO2 conversion is negative at this temperature range.
In the second part of this work, we synthesized the NiPd@Al2O3 catalyst to catalyze methane bi-reforming reaction by aerosol method, and designed the reaction system with the concept of industrial carbon dioxide reflux, using excess carbon dioxide as a reactant to achieve a methane conversion rate of 100% at 600°C, while the unreacted CO2 and by-product CO can be refluxed as the reactant in the next cycle. The results showed that an appropriate amount of CO as a reactant can promote the water-gas shift reaction to produce more hydrogen. However, excess CO will hinder hydrogen production, so as the number of cycles increases, excess CO must be separated from the system. The addition of precious metal Pd could reduce the temperature of methane bi-reforming reaction, and had stable catalytic performance in the stability test for 30 hours, and the hydrogen production could be stably produced in the CO2 and CO reflux system for 4 cycles, and the CO removal in the 5th cycle was helpful to maintain more cycles.
The above research shows that we can synthesize MOF by aerosol method and use its derived materials to catalyze the methane bi-reforming reaction, which provides another effective way for CO2 utilization. Besides, we can use CO2 and CO reflux system to achieve the goal of stable hydrogen production through methane bi-reforming reaction.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 二氧化碳再利用:甲烷重組反應1
1.2 混成式觸媒材料於甲烷重組反應之應用6
1.3 金屬有機框架及其衍生材料7
1.4 氣溶膠合成方法9
1.5 研究目的11
第二章 實驗方法及儀器13
2.1 實驗藥品13
2.2 觸媒之製備:金屬有機框架及其衍生材料之合成14
2.2.1 Ni/ZIF-8@Al2O3及其衍生物之合成14
2.2.2 NiPd@Al2O3材料之合成16
2.3 觸媒材料分析之儀器18
1. X光繞射儀 (X-ray Diffraction Analyzer)18
2. 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscopy)19
3. 化學吸附分析儀20
4. 比表面積與孔隙度分析儀(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Method)23
5. 熱重量分析儀 (Thermogravimetric Analyzer)24
6. 高解析度X光電子能譜儀(High resolution X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer)25
7. X光螢光光譜儀(X-ray fluorescence spectrometer)26
2.4 甲烷雙重組反應之熱力學分析27
2.5 甲烷雙重組反應之活性測試及穩定性測試29
2.6 反應參數對於平衡轉化率、產率與選擇性之探討32
2.7 二氧化碳進料量對工業二氧化碳回流系統的影響34
第三章 實驗結果與分析37
3.1 以Ni/ZIF-8@Al2O3之MOF衍生材料催化甲烷雙重組反應37
3.1.1 材料性質分析37
3.1.2 觸媒活性測試54
3.1.3 定溫650℃觸媒穩定性測試60
3.2 以NiPd@Al2O3材料催化甲烷雙重組反應69
3.2.1 材料性質分析69
3.2.2 觸媒活性測試82
3.2.3 定溫600℃觸媒穩定性測試87
3.2.4 甲烷雙重組8次循環測試92
第四章 結論103
第五章 未來工作104
第六章 參考文獻105
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