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作者(外文):Wang, Yi-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical Properties and Solid-Solution Strengthening Mechanism of Dilute Binary Alloys with Severe Lattice Distortion
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shou-Yi
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Ming-Hung
Tsou, Nien-Ti
外文關鍵詞:metallattice distortionsolid solution strengtheningalloycrystal defectmechanical property
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Among various methods to strengthen metals, solid solution strengthening offers a straightforward approach to enhancing alloy strength while maintaining ductility. Solute elements induce lattice distortion, which influences the movement of dislocations during plastic deformation. Over the past decade, high-entropy alloys and multi-principal element alloys have garnered increasing attention from scholars worldwide. With their multiple constituent elements and atomic size difference, these alloys exhibit severe lattice distortion effects, resulting in a unique combination of high strength and ductility. However, blending multiple elements at high concentrations can complicate processing and increase costs. The degree of lattice distortion is not solely determined by the number of elements. Therefore, this study establishes guidelines for solid solution design. We selected elements based on these criteria to develop a series of dilute binary alloys using Ni, Cu, and Fe as matrices, with Al and W as solutes to induce severe lattice distortion. Basic properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD), and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Additionally, hardness and macroscopic tensile tests were conducted to assess mechanical properties. This study aims to develop a series of binary alloys with enhanced strength and ductility. We have clarified how different solute elements affect grain boundary strengthening and solid solution mechanisms, offering insights that may inspire the future development of next-generation alloys.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XX
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 2
2-1 合金材料及其強化機制 2
2-1-1 合金材料 2
2-1-2 加工硬化 5
2-1-3 晶界強化 7
2-1-4 析出強化 9
2-1-5 固溶強化 12
2-1-6 固溶合金 14
2-1-7 鐵合金 16
2-1-8 鋁合金 17
2-1-9 銅合金 18
2-1-10 鎳合金 20
2-1-11 鈦合金 23
2-2 固溶強化機制 24
2-2-1 古典固溶強化理論 24
2-2-2 晶格扭曲 28
2-2-3 晶格扭曲評估方式 30
2-2-4 晶格摩擦力 (lattice friction) 33
2-2-5 溶質與差排交互作用 34
2-2-6 原子尺寸差異 36
2-2-7 彈性模數差異 38
2-2-8 電負度差異 41
2-2-9 電荷轉移效應 43
2-2-10 殘餘應變 45
2-2-11 晶粒細化 47
2-3 多主元素合金 48
2-3-1 多主元素合金與高熵合金 48
2-3-2 嚴重晶格扭曲效應 50
2-3-3 組成元素對晶格扭曲之影響 52
2-3-4 異質晶格應變場 (Heterogeneous lattice strain field) 53
2-3-5 疊差能降低 54
2-3-6 差排移動能力 56
2-3-7 晶界強化效果提升 59
2-3-8 局部化學有序性 (Local chemical ordering) 61
2-4 二元合金 63
2-4-1 低濃度二元合金 63
2-4-2 位能改變 64
2-4-3 電負度效應 66
2-4-4 鍵結型態改變 67
2-4-5 疊差能改變 69
2-4-6 晶界強化效果改變 71
2-4-7 高濃度二元合金 72
2-5 研究目的 75
參、實驗步驟 76
3-1 實驗規劃 76
3-2 實驗流程 77
3-2-1 成分選擇 77
3-2-2 合金熔煉 85
3-2-3 均質化 86
3-2-4 冷滾軋與再結晶曲線 86
3-2-5 金相處理 88
3-2-6 XRD晶體結構鑑定 89
3-2-7 SEM微結構觀察 89
3-2-8 晶粒尺寸量測 89
3-2-9 EPMA成分分析 91
3-2-10 EBSD結構分析 91
3-2-11 維氏硬度測試 92
3-2-12 室溫拉伸測試 92
肆、結果與討論 93
4-1 微結構觀察與分析 93
4-1-1 XRD晶體結構鑑定 93
4-1-2 EPMA組成成分分析 98
4-1-3 SEM微結構觀察 99
4-1-4 EBSD微結構觀察與相鑑定 105
4-2 再結晶行為 108
4-2-1 NA系列合金 108
4-2-2 NW系列合金 111
4-2-3 CA系列合金 114
4-2-4 FA系列合金 116
4-3 Hall-Petch relation探討 119
4-3-1 NA系列合金 119
4-3-2 NW系列合金 121
4-3-3 CA系列合金 122
4-3-4 FA系列合金 123
4-3-5 總結與比較 124
4-4 室溫拉伸測試 143
4-4-1 NA系列合金 143
4-4-2 NW系列合金 148
4-4-3 CA系列合金 153
4-4-4 FA系列合金 158
4-4-5 總結與比較 163
伍、結論 171
陸、參考文獻 173
柒、附錄 181

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