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作者(外文):Lin, Ze-Min
論文名稱(外文):Reaction kinetics of sulfate radical and the kinetic isotope effect on the reaction of sulfate radical and methanol probed by transient absorption spectroscopy
指導教授(外文):Chu, Li-Kang
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yuan-Pin
Luo, Pei-Ling
外文關鍵詞:transient absorption spectroscopysulfate radicalreaction kineticsmethanolkinetic isotope effect
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硫酸根自由基(sulfate radical, SO4-)具有較高的還原電位,常用於降解汙染物,稱為硫酸根自由基高級氧化程序(sulfate-radical-based advanced oxidation processes, SR-AOPs)。此方法中常以紫外光照射過硫酸鈉(sodium persulfate, Na2S2O8)產生硫酸根自由基,且根據前人文獻,當過硫酸根高於特定濃度時,會競爭硫酸根自由基使分解汙染物的效率降低,因此決定硫酸根自由基與過硫酸根之反應速率常數至關重要,但在過往文獻未有一致的結果。故吾人以瞬態吸收光譜法偵測不同濃度過硫酸鈉水溶液經266 nm脈衝雷射光解後,產生於455 nm之硫酸根自由基差異吸收度時間側寫。硫酸根自由基消逝途徑主要透過自身再結合(Rrecom)及與過硫酸根的雙分子(Rbi)反應,二者的反應速率常數分別以krecom及kbi表示。吾人以硫酸根自由基再結合反應積分速率定律式獲得krecom約為(8.8 - 10.8) × 10^8 M-1 s-1,並計算於實驗條件下的Rrecom/Rbi = 75 - 170,二者結果顯示硫酸根自由基消逝途徑以其自身再結合反應為主。但若僅藉由積分速率定律式及Rrecom/Rbi的分析將無法正確地描述其差異吸收度時間側寫,故吾人以非線性動力學方法模擬不同過硫酸鈉初始濃度對其差異吸收度時間側寫之影響,以kbi = 1.0 × 10^4 M-1 s-1模擬結果和實驗較吻合。過往研究中曾提出甲醇與硫酸根自由基之反應速率常數,但為較早期的結果,且較少對於該反應之動力學同位素效應(kinetic isotope effects, KIE)進行探討,故吾人以上述瞬態吸收光譜法研究15 - 55°C之過硫酸鈉和(氘代)甲醇混合水溶液經光解後,產生之硫酸根自由基與(氘代)甲醇之準一級反應速率常數(kMeOH),而結果顯示kMeOH與溫度無關。此外,若將甲醇羥基的氫置換為氘時,平均kMeOH幾乎不變;而將甲醇碳上的氫置換為氘時,平均kMeOH下降,其KIE約為2,顯示硫酸根自由基與甲醇反應涉及α碳上的氫而非羥基的氫。
Sulfate radical (SO4-) possesses a high reduction potential and has been widely used in the sulfate-radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) for degrading pollutants. Generally, SO4- is generated by the ultraviolet photolysis of sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8). In principle, the increase in the [S2O82-] can enhance the efficiency of contaminant degradation. However, exceeding a specific concentration of S2O82- can lead to a decrease in contaminant degradation efficiency due to competitive reactions of S2O82- + SO4-. Therefore, the reaction rate constant of SO4- + S2O82- is crucial for understanding the contributions of this competitive reaction. In this study, UV-Vis transient absorption spectroscopy was used to probe the kinetics of SO4- at 455 nm upon pulsed 266 nm excitation of S2O82- solutions at different initial concentrations. Generally, SO4- decay was dominated by the recombination reaction of SO4- (Rrecom) and bimolecular reaction with S2O82- (Rbi), with the reaction rate coefficients krecom and kbi, respectively. krecom was determined to be approximately (8.8 - 10.8) × 10^8 M-1 s-1 by the integrated rate law of recombination reactions, and the corresponding ratio Rrecom/Rbi was 75-170, indicating that the recombination reaction majorly dominated the decay of SO4-. However, the result of kinetics are not sufficient to illustrate the decay of SO4-. Therefore, non-linear kinetics simulations were performed to simulate the temporal profiles of SO4-, and the simulation results with kbi = 1.0 × 10^4 M-1 s-1 agreed with the experimental data. In addition, the reaction rate coefficients between methanol (CH3OH) and SO4- has been reported decades ago, and the kinetic isotope effects (KIE) of this reaction has not been greatly investigated. The transient absorption spectroscopy was used to investigate the pseudo-first-order reaction rate coefficients (kMeOH) between SO4- and CH3OH isotopologues in 15 - 55°C. The results showed that kMeOH is independent of temperature. Additionally, replacing the hydrogen in hydroxyl group with deuterium did not alter to averaged kMeOH; replacing the hydrogen in α carbon with deuterium caused a decrease in the average kMeOH, with a KIE of approximately 2. This indicates that the reaction between SO4- and CH3OH involves the α hydrogen abstraction rather than the hydroxyl group.
第一章 緒論..........................................................1
第二章 光譜技術原理、實驗系統與樣品溶液製備............................29
2.1 穩態紫外/可見吸收光譜法...........................................29
2.3.3過硫酸鈉/(氘代)甲醇 = 50/40 mM之混合水溶液.......................33
第三章 以MATLAB軟體進行非線性動力學模擬...............................43
3.1 MATLAB軟體......................................................43
3.2 MATLAB於化學動力學上的應用.......................................43
3.4.1 Formula.......................................................45
3.4.2 Simulation....................................................46
第四章 結果與討論....................................................49
第五章 結論.........................................................76
附錄一 Formula檔....................................................77
附錄二 Simulation檔.................................................79
第一章 緒論
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第四章 結果與討論
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1. 以紫外/可見光吸收光譜法、拉曼光譜法及瞬態吸收光譜法探討甲二醇與硫酸根自由基之反應產物及動力學
2. 甲醇在固體酸(鹼)觸媒上之反應機耩及動力學模式之研究
3. 由合成氣製造甲醇之動力學研究
4. 在銅- 鋅觸媒上以甲醇製造氫氣之動力學研究
5. 在銅- 鋅觸媒上以甲醇製造氫氣之動力學研究
6. 以時間解析紅外吸收光譜法研究甲醇和甲二醇於光解亞硝酸根水溶液中之反應性比較
7. 界面活性劑對紫膜及細菌視紫質結構的影響
8. 在不同pH值下細菌視紫質光迴圈反應M態生成量子產率的激發波長相依性
9. 細菌視紫質受脈衝光源誘發之光電流動力學與環境pH值相依性
10. 嗜鹽古細菌H. marismortui之雙細菌視紫質系統的光化學反應-HmbRI與HmbRII
11. 以時間解析紅外差異吸收光譜法結合數學的相關性分析方法研究細菌視紫質光迴圈的質子傳遞過程與結構變化
12. 利用色胺酸作為螢光溫度計 定量金奈米粒子之光熱轉換效率
13. 藉由瞬態事件組合法擬合穩態現象並應用於細菌視紫質之光誘發質子幫浦反應
14. I. 奈米碟中脂質對細菌視紫質光迴圈動力學之調制 II. 截斷格點法對於量子波包動力學之應用
15. I. Xanthorhodopsin於可見光區的光迴圈效率與波長之相依性研究 II. 從動力學與熱力學觀點探討紫膜中細菌視紫質暗適應過程之溶劑同位素效應
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