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作者(外文):Chien, Tom C.-C.
論文名稱(外文):Finding dusty AGNs from the JWST CEERS field with mid-infrared photometry
指導教授(外文):Goto, Tomotsugu
口試委員(外文):Chu, Yi-Zen
Oyama, Youichi
外文關鍵詞:GalaxiesInfrared astronomyActive galactic nucleiHigh-redshift galaxies
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活耀星系核(AGN)與其宿主星系之間的互動本質仍是一個未解之謎。因此,進行活耀星系核的普查對於其研究是非常有價值的一步。然而,大多數的活耀星系核皆被其環境遮蔽住,圍繞在中心超大質量黑洞的塵埃圓環阻擋了紫外線與可見光波段的輻射。由於被遮擋的輻射能在中紅外線波段重新釋出,中紅外線波段的探測在鑑定屏蔽活耀星系核的工作中顯現出重要性。詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡(James Webb Space Telescope,JWST)具有高靈敏性,可以比先前的太空望遠鏡發現更多黯淡的目標。在這篇論文中,我們透過光譜能量分布(Spectral energy distribution, SED)研究在JWST早期發布宇宙演化科學調查(CEERS)中的活耀星系核候選目標。我們確定了42個候選目標,其中有30個為混合星系(0.2 ≤ f_{AGN,IR} < 0.5);12個為活耀星系核(f_{AGN,IR} ≥ 0.5)。我們報告活耀星系核貢獻與活耀星系核數量比值分別與紅移與總紅外線光度的函數之間的關係,由於樣本數量不足,與先前研究報告的上升趨勢結果相比並不明顯。我們也將先前用極亮紅外星系(ULIRGs, L_{TIR} ≥ 10^12L_{⊙})做出的結果延伸至更黯淡的星系,凸顯了JWST的力量。
The nature of the interaction between active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and their host galaxies remains an unsolved question. Therefore, conducting an AGN census is valuable to AGN research. Nevertheless, a significant fraction of AGNs are obscured by their environment, which blocks UV and optical emissions due to the dusty torus surrounding the central supermassive black hole (SMBH). To overcome this challenge, mid-infrared (IR) surveys have emerged as a valuable tool for identifying obscured AGNs, as the obscured light is re-emitted in this range. With its high sensitivity, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) uncovered more fainter objects than previous telescopes. By applying the SED fitting, this work investigates AGN candidates in JWST Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) fields. We identified 42 candidates, 30 of them are classified as composites (0.2 ≤ f_{AGN,IR} < 0.5), and 12 of them are AGNs (f_{AGN,IR} ≥ 0.5). We report the AGN luminosity contributions and AGN number fractions as a function of redshift and total infrared luminosity, showing that previously reported increasing relations are not apparent in our sample due to the sample size. We also extend the previous results on ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, L_{TIR} ≥ 10^12L_{⊙}) to less luminous AGNs, highlighting the power of JWST.
Abstract (Chinese) I
Acknowledgements (Chinese) II
Abstract IV
Acknowledgements V
Contents VII
List of Figures IX
List of Tables X

1 Introduction 1

2 Data and analysis 5
2.1 MIR observations in CEERS and merged catalogue with CANDELS-
EGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 CIGALE SED fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Sample selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Results and discussions 14
3.1 The uncertainties of SED fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Source distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 AGN contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 AGN number fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.5 X-ray-selected AGNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.6 Colour-colour selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4 Summary 32

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Jane Rigby, Marshall Perrin, Michael McElwain, Randy Kimble, Scott Friedman,

Matt Lallo, Ren ́e Doyon, Lee Feinberg, Pierre Ferruit, Alistair Glasse, Mar-
cia Rieke, George Rieke, Gillian Wright, Chris Willott, Knicole Colon, Ste-
fanie Milam, Susan Neff, Christopher Stark, Jeff Valenti, Jim Abell, Faith Ab-
ney, Yasin Abul-Huda, D. Scott Acton, Evan Adams, David Adler, Jonathan

Aguilar, Nasif Ahmed, Lo ̈ıc Albert, Stacey Alberts, David Aldridge, Marsha
Allen, Martin Altenburg, Javier Alvarez-M ́arquez, Catarina Alves de Oliveira, ́
Greg Andersen, Harry Anderson, Sara Anderson, Ioannis Argyriou, Amber

Armstrong, Santiago Arribas, Etienne Artigau, Amanda Arvai, Charles Atkin-
son, Gregory Bacon, Thomas Bair, Kimberly Banks, Jaclyn Barrientes, Bruce Barringer, Peter Bartosik, William Bast, Pierre Baudoz, Thomas Beatty,
Katie Bechtold, Tracy Beck, Eddie Bergeron, Matthew Bergkoetter, Rachana

Bhatawdekar, Stephan Birkmann, Ronald Blazek, Claire Blome, Anthony Boc-
caletti, Torsten B ̈oker, John Boia, Nina Bonaventura, Nicholas Bond, Kari

Bosley, Ray Boucarut, Matthew Bourque, Jeroen Bouwman, Gary Bower,
Charles Bowers, Martha Boyer, Larry Bradley, Greg Brady, Hannah Braun,

David Breda, Pamela Bresnahan, Stacey Bright, Christopher Britt, Asa Bromen-
schenkel, Brian Brooks, Keira Brooks, Bob Brown, Matthew Brown, Patricia

Brown, Andy Bunker, Matthew Burger, Howard Bushouse, Steven Cale, Alex
Cameron, Peter Cameron, Alicia Canipe, James Caplinger, Francis Caputo,
Mihai Cara, Larkin Carey, Stefano Carniani, Maria Carrasquilla, Margaret
Carruthers, Michael Case, Riggs Catherine, Don Chance, George Chapman,
St ́ephane Charlot, Brian Charlow, Pierre Chayer, Bin Chen, Brian Cherinka,
Sarah Chichester, Zack Chilton, Taylor Chonis, Mark Clampin, Charles Clark,

Kerry Clark, Dan Coe, Benee Coleman, Brian Comber, Tom Comeau, Den-
nis Connolly, James Cooper, Rachel Cooper, Eric Coppock, Matteo Correnti,

Christophe Cossou, Alain Coulais, Laura Coyle, Misty Cracraft, Mirko Curti,
Steven Cuturic, Katherine Davis, Michael Davis, Bruce Dean, Amy DeLisa,
Wim deMeester, Nadia Dencheva, Nadezhda Dencheva, Joseph DePasquale,
Jeremy Deschenes, Ors Hunor Detre, Rosa Diaz, Dan Dicken, Audrey DiFe- ̈
lice, Matthew Dillman, William Dixon, Jesse Doggett, Tom Donaldson, Rob

Douglas, Kimberly DuPrie, Jean Dupuis, John Durning, Nilufar Easmin, We-
ston Eck, Chinwe Edeani, Eiichi Egami, Ralf Ehrenwinkler, Jonathan Eisen-
hamer, Michael Eisenhower, Michelle Elie, James Elliott, Kyle Elliott, Tracy

Ellis, Michael Engesser, Nestor Espinoza, Odessa Etienne, Mireya Etxaluze,

Patrick Falini, Matthew Feeney, Malcolm Ferry, Joseph Filippazzo, Brian Fin-
cham, Mees Fix, Nicolas Flagey, Michael Florian, Jim Flynn, Erin Fontanella, Terrance Ford, Peter Forshay, Ori Fox, David Franz, Henry Fu, Alexander
Fullerton, Sergey Galkin, Anthony Galyer, Macarena Garc ́ıa Mar ́ın, Jonathan P.

Gardner, Lisa Gardner, Dennis Garland, Bruce Garrett, Danny Gasman, An-
dras Gaspar, Daniel Gaudreau, Peter Gauthier, Vincent Geers, Paul Geith-
ner, Mario Gennaro, Giovanna Giardino, Julien Girard, Mark Giuliano, Kirk

Glassmire, Adrian Glauser, Stuart Glazer, John Godfrey, David Golimowski,
David Gollnitz, Fan Gong, Shireen Gonzaga, Michael Gordon, Karl Gordon,

Paul Goudfrooij, Thomas Greene, Matthew Greenhouse, Stefano Grimaldi, An-
drew Groebner, Timothy Grundy, Pierre Guillard, Irvin Gutman, Kong Q. Ha,

Peter Haderlein, Andria Hagedorn, Kevin Hainline, Craig Haley, Maryam Hami,
Forrest Hamilton, Heidi Hammel, Carl Hansen, Tom Harkins, Michael Harr,
Jessica Hart, Quyen Hart, George Hartig, Ryan Hashimoto, Sujee Haskins,

William Hathaway, Keith Havey, Brian Hayden, Karen Hecht, Chris Heller-
Boyer, Caroline Henriques, Alaina Henry, Karl Hermann, Scarlin Hernandez,

Brigette Hesman, Brian Hicks, Bryan Hilbert, Dean Hines, Melissa Hoffman,
Sherie Holfeltz, Bryan J. Holler, Jennifer Hoppa, Kyle Hott, Joseph M. Howard,

Rick Howard, Alexander Hunter, David Hunter, Brendan Hurst, Bernd Huse-
mann, Leah Hustak, Luminita Ilinca Ignat, Garth Illingworth, Sandra Irish,

Wallace Jackson, Amir Jahromi, Peter Jakobsen, LeAndrea James, Bryan
James, William Januszewski, Ann Jenkins, Hussein Jirdeh, Phillip Johnson,

Timothy Johnson, Vicki Jones, Ron Jones, Danny Jones, Olivia Jones, Ian Jor-
dan, Margaret Jordan, Sarah Jurczyk, Alden Jurling, Catherine Kaleida, Phillip

Kalmanson, Jens Kammerer, Huijo Kang, Shaw-Hong Kao, Diane Karakla,
Patrick Kavanagh, Doug Kelly, Sarah Kendrew, Herbert Kennedy, Deborah
Kenny, Ritva Keski-kuha, Charles Keyes, Richard Kidwell, Wayne Kinzel, Jeff
Kirk, Mark Kirkpatrick, Danielle Kirshenblat, Pamela Klaassen, Bryan Knapp,
J. Scott Knight, Perry Knollenberg, Robert Koehler, Anton Koekemoer, Aiden Kovacs, Trey Kulp, Nimisha Kumari, Mark Kyprianou, Stephanie La Massa,

Aurora Labador, Alvaro Labiano, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Charles-Philippe La-
joie, Matthew Lallo, May Lam, Tracy Lamb, Scott Lambros, Richard Lam-
penfield, James Langston, Kirsten Larson, David Law, Jon Lawrence, David

Lee, Jarron Leisenring, Kelly Lepo, Michael Leveille, Nancy Levenson, Marie

Levine, Zena Levy, Dan Lewis, Hannah Lewis, Mattia Libralato, Paul Light-
sey, Miranda Link, Lily Liu, Amy Lo, Alexandra Lockwood, Ryan Logue, Chris

Long, Douglas Long, Charles Loomis, Marcos Lopez-Caniego, Jose Lorenzo Al-
varez, Jennifer Love-Pruitt, Adrian Lucy, Nora Luetzgendorf, Peiman Maghami,

Roberto Maiolino, Melissa Major, Sunita Malla, Eliot Malumuth, Elena Man-
javacas, Crystal Mannfolk, Amanda Marrione, Anthony Marston, Andr ́e Martel,

Marc Maschmann, Gregory Masci, Michaela Masciarelli, Michael Maszkiewicz,

John Mather, Kenny McKenzie, Brian McLean, Matthew McMaster, Katie Mel-
bourne, Marcio Mel ́endez, Michael Menzel, Kaiya Merz, Michele Meyett, Luis

Meza, Cherie Miskey, Karl Misselt, Christopher Moller, Jane Morrison, Ernie
Morse, Harvey Moseley, Gary Mosier, Matt Mountain, Julio Mueckay, Michael
Mueller, Susan Mullally, Jess Murphy, Katherine Murray, Claire Murray, David
Mustelier, James Muzerolle, Matthew Mycroft, Richard Myers, Kaila Myrick,

Shashvat Nanavati, Elizabeth Nance, Omnarayani Nayak, Bret Naylor, Ed-
mund Nelan, Bryony Nickson, Alethea Nielson, Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Niko-
lay Nikolov, Alberto Noriega-Crespo, Brian O’Shaughnessy, Brian O’Sullivan,

William Ochs, Patrick Ogle, Brenda Oleszczuk, Joseph Olmsted, Shannon Os-
borne, Richard Ottens, Beverly Owens, Camilla Pacifici, Alyssa Pagan, James

Page, Sang Park, Keith Parrish, Polychronis Patapis, Lee Paul, Tyler Pauly,

Cheryl Pavlovsky, Andrew Pedder, Matthew Peek, Maria Pena-Guerrero, Kon-
stantin Penanen, Yesenia Perez, Michele Perna, Beth Perriello, Kevin Phillips,

Martin Pietraszkiewicz, Jean-Paul Pinaud, Norbert Pirzkal, Joseph Pitman, Aidan Piwowar, Vera Platais, Danielle Player, Rachel Plesha, Joe Pollizi, Ethan
Polster, Klaus Pontoppidan, Blair Porterfield, Charles Proffitt, Laurent Pueyo,
Christine Pulliam, Brian Quirt, Irma Quispe Neira, Rafael Ramos Alarcon,

Leah Ramsay, Greg Rapp, Robert Rapp, Bernard Rauscher, Swara Ravin-
dranath, Timothy Rawle, Michael Regan, Timothy A. Reichard, Carl Reis,

Michael E. Ressler, Armin Rest, Paul Reynolds, Timothy Rhue, Karen Richon,

Emily Rickman, Michael Ridgaway, Christine Ritchie, Hans-Walter Rix, Mas-
simo Robberto, Gregory Robinson, Michael Robinson, Orion Robinson, Frank

Rock, David Rodriguez, Bruno Rodriguez Del Pino, Thomas Roellig, Scott
Rohrbach, Anthony Roman, Fred Romelfanger, Perry Rose, Anthony Roteliuk,

Marc Roth, Braden Rothwell, Neil Rowlands, Arpita Roy, Pierre Royer, Pa-
tricia Royle, Chunlei Rui, Peter Rumler, Joel Runnels, Melissa Russ, Zafar

Rustamkulov, Grant Ryden, Holly Ryer, Modhumita Sabata, Derek Sabatke,

Elena Sabbi, Bridget Samuelson, Benjamin Sapp, Bradley Sappington, B. Sar-
gent, Arne Sauer, Silvia Scheithauer, Everett Schlawin, Joseph Schlitz, Tyler

Schmitz, Analyn Schneider, J ̈urgen Schreiber, Vonessa Schulze, Ryan Schwab,
John Scott, Kenneth Sembach, Clare Shanahan, Bryan Shaughnessy, Richard
Shaw, Nanci Shawger, Christopher Shay, Evan Sheehan, Sharon Shen, Allan
Sherman, Bernard Shiao, Hsin-Yi Shih, Irene Shivaei, Matthew Sienkiewicz,
David Sing, Marco Sirianni, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Joy Skipper, G. C. Sloan,
Christine Slocum, Steven Slowinski, Erin Smith, Eric Smith, Denise Smith,
Corbett Smith, Gregory Snyder, Warren Soh, Sangmo Tony Sohn, Christian
Soto, Richard Spencer, Scott Stallcup, John Stansberry, Carl Starr, Elysia

Starr, Alphonso Stewart, Massimo Stiavelli, Amber Straughn, David Strick-
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