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作者(外文):Chen, Yu-Pon
論文名稱(中文):利用Talys 分析70MeV 迴旋加速器產製 Tl-201、I-123、Sr-82、Ac-225、Cu-67 和Sn-117m 的可行途徑
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Tl-201, I-123, Sr-82, Ac-225, Cu-67 and Sn-117m Possible Production Routes at a 70MeV Cyclotron by Talys
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Hui-Yu
Duh, Ting-Shien
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如ALICE、EMPIRE 與Talys 等) 與多用途的蒙地卡羅粒子遷移程式(例如FLUKA、PHITS 與MCNP 等),本研究選擇使用Talys 與自行開發之輔助程式TalysSup 進行一系列有興趣之核種產製流程的產率預測及相關參數的敏感度研究分析。

Talys 程式內建有數個不同的核反應模型,為了驗證計算的可靠性與不同核反應模型選擇的適用性,本研究首先彙整IAEA-TECDOC-1211 報告中所有的實驗數據並利用Talys 逐一分析,嘗試歸納針對不同質子能量區間與不同靶材原子序範圍的Talys 最適計算模型,以供後續使用者參考。台灣即將建置新的70 MeV 迴旋加速器,目前有興趣產製的放射性核種包括Tl-201、I-123、Sr-82、Ac-225、Cu-67 和Sn-117m,本研究利用驗證最適的Talys 計算模型逐一分析上述六個核種的可能產製途徑,並透過一系列敏感度研究分析回報最佳產製的照射條件與冷卻分離時間,期望在合理的雜質不純度下達到
最高的目標產物產率。為了能夠更有效率使用Talys 進行上述分析,本研究亦開發出相應的自動計算輔助軟體TalysSup 以及圖形化介面TalysGUI,協助開發者將Talys 計算之作用截面與產率評估所需之阻擋本領結合,達成自動化分析的效果,有利於使用者快速探討各放射性核種產製的物理條件與流程。
The production of radioisotopes is an important issue that can be widely used in many essential medical applications, mainly in medical imaging and nuclear medicine. This study delves into the production of radioisotopes from the perspective of nuclear reaction physics, focusing primarily on isotopes that can be produced using medium to low-energy proton cyclotrons. The findings and experiences related to the production process are beneficial for predicting and optimizing the production flow. There are two major types of reaction analysis programs commonly used in the literature for isotope production: standalone nuclear reaction cross-section calculation programs (such as ALICE, EMPIRE, and Talys) and multipurpose Monte Carlo particle transport programs (such as FLUKA, PHITS, and MCNP). In this study, Talys and a self-developed auxiliary program called TalysSup were chosen to perform a series of rate predictions for the interested isotope production processes and sensitivity studies of related parameters.

Talys program includes several different nuclear reaction models. To verify the reliability of the calculations and the suitability of different nuclear reaction models, this study first compiled all the experimental data from IAEA-TECDOC-1211 report and analyzed them one by one using Talys. The aim was to deduce the most appropriate Talys calculation models for different proton energy ranges and atomic number ranges of target materials, for reference by subsequent users.
Taiwan is about to establish a new 70 MeV cyclotron, and the radioisotopes of interest for production include Tl-201, I-123, Sr-82, Ac-225, Cu-67, and Sn-117m. This study utilized the validated optimal Talys calculation models to analyze the potential production pathways for these six isotopes and reported the best irradiation conditions and cooling separation times through a series of sensitivity studies. The goal is to achieve the highest target product yield with easonable impurity levels. In order to efficiently use Talys for the aforementioned analyses, this study also developed a corresponding automated calculation support software, TalysSup, and the graphic user interface, TalysGUI, to assist developers in combining the cross-sections calculated by Talys with the stopping power required for ield assessment, achieving automated analysis and facilitating rapid exploration of the physical conditions and processes for the production of various radioisotopes.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 加速器應用 1
1.2 核反應參數 3
1.2.1 微觀作用截面 3
1.2.2 阻擋本領 4
1.2.3 產率 4
1.3 文獻回顧與研究動機 5
第二章 方法與工具介紹 8
2.1 作用截面 8
2.1.1 入射能量低於 0.2MeV 9
2.1.2 入射能量在 0.2 到 4MeV 之間 9
2.1.3 入射能量在 4 到 8MeV 之間 10
2.1.4 入射能量大於 8MeV 11
2.1.5 入射能量超過 40MeV 11
2.2 核能階密度 11
2.2.1 FGM 12
2.2.2 CTM 13
2.2.3 BFM 13
2.2.4 GSM 14
2.2.5 HFB 15
2.3 阻擋本領 16
2.3.1 貝特公式 16
2.3.2 NIST 17
2.3.3 蒙特卡羅法 17
2.4 Talys 19
2.4.1 基本參數 19
2.4.2 進階參數 20
2.5 產製方法與流程 21
第三章 Talys 的使用與驗證 22
3.1 IAEA-TECDOC-1211 核種產製反應截面 23
3.1.1 光子放射源 23
3.1.2 正子放射源 40
3.2 Talys 輸出活度隨時間變化 47
3.3 驗證差異與趨勢觀察 48
第四章 Talys 輔助程式的開發與應用 50
4.1 Talys 輔助程式 51
4.1.1 圖形化介面 (TalysGUI) 51
4.1.2 自動化分析 (TalysSup) 53
4.2 201Tl 產製 57
4.3 123I 產製 61
4.3.1 127I(p,5n)123Xe−→123I 61
4.3.2 124Xe(p,pn/2n)123Xe/123Cs−→123I 64
4.4 82Sr 產製 70
4.5 225Ac 產製 74
4.5.1 226Ra(p,2n)225Ac 74
4.5.2 232Th(p,α4n)225Ac 77
4.6 67Cu 產製 81
4.6.1 natZn(p,xpxn) 81
4.6.2 三明治產製法 84
4.7 117mSn 產製 88
第五章 結論與未來工作 92
5.1 結論 92
5.2 未來工作 92
參考資料 94
附錄 A 程式碼 99
A.1 Talys 99
A.1.1 203Tl(p,3n)201Pb−→201Tl 99
A.1.2 127I(p,5n)123Xe−→123I 99
A.1.3 124Xe(p,pn/2n)123Xe/123Cs−→123I 100
A.1.4 natRb(p,xn)82Sr 101
A.1.5 226Ra(p,2p)225Ac 101
A.1.6 232Th(p,α4n)225Ac 102
A.1.7 natZn(p,xpα) 67Cu 103
A.1.8 natSb(p,xnα) 117mSn 103
A.2 TalysGUI 104
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