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作者(外文):Pan, Wan-Chi
論文名稱(中文):導電多孔水膠介導無線磁電驅動靶向 miR6236 下調之基因療法用於創傷性腦損傷後神經再生
論文名稱(外文):Wireless magnetoelectric-driven Gene Therapy Targeting miR6236 Downregulation-mediated by Conductive Porous Hydrogel for Nerve Regeneration after Traumatic Brain Injury
指導教授(外文):Hu, Shang-Hsiu
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chao-Chi
Ho, Yi-Ju
Chang, Chien-Wen
外文關鍵詞:traumatic brain injurymicrobead-based hydrogel,conductive MXenemiR6236 spongehigh-frequency magnetic field
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創傷性腦損傷 (TBI) 是一項重大的全球公共衛生挑戰,每年影響數百萬人。 可注射的微球水凝膠已成為再生醫學中很有前途的細胞支持支架,可有效減輕腦萎縮和神經元變性。在這裡,我們提出了一種將GelMA微球 (Microbead, MB) 與二維導電材料MXene (MX)、聚乙烯亞胺 (PEI) 和miR6236 sponge (msp)核酸藥物結合的新型配方,設計出了msp/PEI-MX@MB水凝膠 (mPMMH ),探索其在TBI修復中的功能。研究發現msp/PEI-MX@MB水凝膠可以有效地增強細胞浸潤、神經元再生和神經元生長的基因轉染。此外,高頻磁場 (HFMF) 的應用可刺激神經元再生,透過導電 MX 塗層響應外部電刺激,miR6236 sponge核酸藥物能更容易進入細胞質中以協同促進神經元再生。一旦miR6236 sponge被引入細胞骨架,會抑制住miR6236 序列的增生累積。miR6236序列是由RNAseq得知會在早期受損神經元中累積並抑制神經細胞再生的一條序列,透過miR6236 sponge將該序列耗盡,將有助於神經突伸長和再生。此外,當mPMMH植入腦傷部位時,證明了對TBI的有效修復能力。與其他組別相比,mPMMH + HFMF 組表現出顯著的神經恢復和更高的大腦完整性。這種多功能水凝膠為腦外傷患者的傷口填充和基因療法提供了一個有前景的治療平台,有效滿足了該領域的關鍵需求。
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) poses a significant global public health challenge, impacting millions annually. Injectable microbead-based hydrogels have emerged as promising cell healing scaffolds in regenerative medicine, effectively mitigating brain atrophy and neuron degeneration. Here, we present a novel formulation of GelMA microbeads (MBs) incorporated with MXene (MX), polyethylenimine (PEI), and miR6236 sponge (msp) to create msp/PEI-MX@MB hydrogel (mPMMH) as a conductive gene-carrier microbead hydrogel (CGH), exploring its function in TBI repair. It is found that msp/PEI-MX@MB hydrogel could effectively enhance cell infiltration, neuron regeneration, and gene transfection for neuron growth. Furthermore, the application of a high-frequency magnetic field (HFMF) stimulates neuron regeneration, synergistically promoted by the incorporation of the miR6236 sponge plasmid via conductive MX-coating. Once introduced into the cytoskeleton, the miR6236, known by RNAseq to accumulate in early damaged neurons and inhibit regeneration, will be depleted, thus aiding in neurite elongation and regrowth. Additionally, when the mPMMH is implanted into the injured brain trauma site, effective repair capability for TBI was demonstrated. The mPMMH + HFMF group shows remarkable nerve recovery and higher brain integrity in comparison to the other groups. This multifunctional hydrogel offers a promising platform for wound filling and gene therapy in brain trauma injury patients, effectively addressing critical requirements in the field.
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
致謝 IV
Table of contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables XVII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature review and theory 4
2.1 Traumatic brain injury 4
2.1.1 Immune kinetics of the brain injury 6
2.1.2 Glial dysfunction in post-traumatic brain injury 8
2.1.3 Risk of neuropathological disorder 11
2.2 Injectable material — Hydrogel 13
2.2.1 Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) for advanced tissue therapy 15
2.2.2 The fabrication techniques of microgels 19
2.2.3 Droplet based microfluidics device 20
2.3 The wireless neural stimulation strategies 23
2.3.1 Electrical stimulation and neuron modulation 24
2.3.2 Piezoelectric nanoparticles for neural regeneration 27
2.3.3 Roles of MXene hydrogel in bio application 28
2.3.4 Conductive MXene hydrogel promotes neural development 30
2.4 Nucleic acid drugs for tissue regeneration 31
2.4.1 DNA hydrogel application for brain disease treatment 33
2.4.2 Specific miR6236 sponge for neurogenesis by depleting microRNA miR6236 34
Chapter 3 Experimental Section 37
3.1 Materials 37
3.2 Apparatus 39
3.3 Method 41
3.3.1 Microfluidics chip design 41
3.3.2 Synthesis of GelMA 41
3.3.3 Fabrication of GelMA microbeads 42
3.3.4 Porosity of microbead hydrogel 43
3.3.5 Degradation of GelMA building blocks 43
3.3.6 Rheological property of MBH 43
3.3.7 Synthesis process of MXene (MX) 44
3.3.8 Synthesis of polyethylenimine-MXene (PEI-MX) 44
3.3.9 Preparation of conductive microbead hydrogel 45
3.3.10 Electrical conductivity test 45
3.3.11 In vitro cell line culture 45
3.3.12 In vitro adhesion assay 46
3.3.13 cell viability assay 47
3.3.14 Lysosomal escape assay 48
3.3.15 In vitro transfection 48
3.3.16 Embryonic neuron stem cells (NSC) extraction 49
3.3.17 NSC differentiation analysis 49
3.3.18 Gene functional assay 50
3.3.19 Calcium flux assay 51
3.3.20 In vivo experiment 52
3.3.21 In vivo transfection 52
3.3.22 Brain sections immunofluorescence (IHC) staining 53
3.3.23 Animal behavior test 54
3.3.24 Statistical analysis 54
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 56
4.1 Synthesis and characterization of CGH 56
4.1.1 Gelatin was successfully modified with methacrylate 56
4.1.2 Microfluidic chip design for droplets fabrication 56
4.1.3 Preparation and Characterization of nanocomposites 57
4.1.4 PEI-coated nanoparticles contribute to DNA binding ability 63
4.1.5 Characterization of conductive microbeads 65
4.1.6 Rheological property and self-healing behaviors of hydrogel 69
4.2 In vitro cell line experiments 70
4.2.1 Low-cytotoxicity nanoparticles for further nanoengineered GelMA-hydrogel modification 71
4.2.2 Microbead scaffolds have an excellent adhesion ability to facilitate cell proliferation 72
4.2.3 Gene-carrier cargo successfully escape from lysosome into cytoplasm 73
4.2.4 miR6236 sponge can easily transfect into cytoplasm by gene-carrier cargo 75
4.3 In vitro cellular study — primary neural stem cell 76
4.3.1 Microbeads allow neurites to grow adherently around the bio-scaffolds 76
4.3.2 pDNAs are delivered into NSC and show the different gene expression level 77
4.3.3 Introducing pDNA under HFMF treatment demonstrates enhanced neuron differentiation and neurite elongation 80
4.3.4 miR6236 depletion enhances neuronal regeneration on inhibitory substrate 81
4.3.5 miR6236 depletion evokes a moderate increase in intracellular calcium for inducing neural regenerative pathway 83
4.4 In vivo study — TBI and treatments 85
4.4.1 pDNA transfected around the TBI cavity by in situ injection of CGH and showed the better efficiency under HFMF 86
4.4.2 CGH can enhance in vivo neuron regeneration and slightly decrease the neuroinflammation level and facilitate vascular formation 87
4.4.3 miR6236 depletion has increased newborn neurons around the injury site through whole brain imaging 97
4.4.4 mPMMH with HFMF has the best motor coordination in neurological functional recovery 101
4.4.5 Biodegradable and no detectable toxicity abilities in surrounding visceral organs due to CGH treatment 102
Chapter 5 Conclusion 105
Chapter 6 Reference 106
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3. 磷脂質修飾多孔碳矽複合奈米片經磁刺激 用於加強類神經細胞分化和腫瘤治療
4. 具標靶功能紅血球膜包覆介孔性二氧化矽奈米粒子應用於藥物輸送與光熱治療
5. 具藥物再填充之可注射型磁性多孔隙複合奈米載體應於腫瘤治療
6. 仿紅血球多孔磁性奈米粒子用於增強阿黴素- 高分子粒子釋放應用於轉移肺腫瘤治療
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11. 可躲避免疫系統偵測之外泌體修飾奈米氧化鐵應用於黑色素瘤轉移型之肺癌治療
12. 可注射型多孔金奈米腦/微米水膠球複合材料應用於創傷性腦損傷治療
13. 可注射式新月形水膠微球與具磁電操控表面電性之金奈米腦應用於腦創傷的修復
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* *