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作者(中文):呂 芸
作者(外文):Lu, Yun
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Application of Technology Acceptance Model to Chatbot on Special Education Resource-Room in Elementary School - Take Ratio and Proportion for Example
指導教授(外文):Liao, Guan-Ze
口試委員(外文):Lin, Yung-Chi
Chau, Hsiao-Lan
外文關鍵詞:chatbotspecial educationtechnology integrated into instructionbehavioral observationmathematics instruction
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本研究以國小五年級數學單元為例,製作可用於課前預習、課中練習、課後複習與試題測驗的對話機器人,使用Google Apps Script撰寫對話內容與編輯路徑,並將內容與路徑儲存於Google sheets,透過webhook串連至LINE平台供使用者操作。研究對象為國小具有身心障礙專長的50位教師與11符合特殊教育資格學生,研究方式採量化與質性並行,結合以科技接受模型為基礎的問卷和行為觀察法探究師生在使用對話機器人時對於自我效能、焦慮對易用性、有用性和教學上使用的影響,收集相關資料加以分析和詮釋。
In the face of digital education and epidemic, technology integration into life and teaching has become the norm, but looking at the education scene, the application of technology assistance is unable to meet the needs of the users, so the design of chatbot to meet the teaching process, and the teaching content into the path and through the corresponding system platform to present, hoping that the platform to achieve the assistance to alleviate the burden of the teacher and the waiting time of the students, and precious human resources costs can be fully used in the main teaching process. It is hoped that with the assistance of the chatbot, the burden of teachers and the waiting time can be reduced, and the valuable human resource cost can be fully utilized in the main teaching process.
This study used a fifth-grade mathematics unit in an elementary school to create a chatbot that can be used for preview, practice, review, and homework. The system used Google Apps Script to write and edit chatbot and paths, and stored the content and paths in Google sheets, which were then connected to the LINE platform through a webhook for users to operate. The study was conducted with 50 teachers with expertise in special education and 11 students with special needs. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the study, combining questionnaires based on the technology acceptance model and behavioral observations to investigate the effects of the use of chatbot on self-efficacy, anxiety, ease of use, usefulness and pedagogical use of the chatbot by teachers and students, and to collect and analyze the relevant data.
The main findings of the study showed that there were significant differences in self-efficacy and anxiety by age, and significant differences in perceived ease of use and usefulness by construct, and that teachers recognized that chatbot could be used in the teaching field; students could complete the operation of the chatbot without the need for teaching, with an achievement rate of about 80%, and the students could explicitly state how the chatbot would be helpful to their learning, and decide whether to have a interaction with it to assist their learning. The students were able to clearly state that the chatbot was helpful to their learning, and decided whether or not to engage in chatbot.
This study contributes to the development of chatbot to solve the problems of short-handed and long waiting time, and the system design focuses on the recording of learning progress, multilevel instruction and real-time feedback, and provides self-directed learning and attractive learning contexts, but it is limited by the platform specifications and is unable to provide the core needs of the students, and the future researchers can make cross-platform choices or integrations based on the data of this study, and can also focus on the exploration of the needs of different students with special needs and different subjects. Later, researchers can also make cross-platform choices or integration based on the data of this study, and can also explore different subjects for different students with special needs, so that the framework of virtual-reality integration in the education field can be more complete and the mode of human-computer interaction can be more mature.
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的和問題 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 輔助科技與科技在特殊教育之應用 7
第二節 數學教材與科技融入之應用 14
第三節 對話機器人於教育現場的應用 21
第四節 科技接受模型 28
第三章 研究方法 35
第一節 研究架構與流程 35
第二節 研究設計 37
第三節 研究流程 53
第四節 研究資料處理方式 56
第四章 HAZEL C_BOT對話機器人設計 59
第一節 系統的用戶 60
第二節 系統的伺服器 62
4-2-1 入口大廳 62
4-2-2 課本相關 64
4-2-3 試題演練 68
4-2-4 試題答案 70
第三節 系統的資料庫 71
4-3-1 儲存對話腳本的資料庫 72
第五章 數據與資料分析 74
第一節 描述性統計分析 74
第二節 構面中各問項的差異分析 75
第三節 開放式問題回應結果 82
第四節 學生操作機器人行為觀察 84
第五節 學生操作機器人後半結構訪談 87
第六章 研究結論與建議 90
第一節 結論 90
第二節 建議 97
參考文獻 99
中文參考文獻 99
英文參考文獻 106
網路參考資料 114
附錄一 研究參與者知情同意書 (一式兩份) 115
附錄二 對話機器人介紹影片連結 117
附錄三 紀錄使用者路徑的資料庫 118
附錄四 學生操作對話機器人搭配學習單 121
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