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作者(外文):Yeh, Yin-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):An ERP Study on Rigid Transformation of Geometric Shape
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Hui-Yu
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Ying-Hao
Chen, Jian-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:ERPsgeometryrigid transformationmental rotationtriangle
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This study examined the ability of 37 students to transform mental images of obtuse and acute triangles using a geometric rigid transformation test. The test required students to construct mental images based on given triangles, rotate these images according to the relationships between the edges and angles of the triangles, and evaluate the correctness of the results. The study collected students' behavioral data using E-prime, including accuracy in answers and reaction times. It also utilized event-related potentials to investigate students' brain waves during the rigid transformation test of geometric shapes.

Based on the behavioral data, the analysis indicated significant effects of rotation angles and types of triangles on accuracy rates. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between rotation angles and types of triangles. The analysis also indicated significant effects of rotation angles on reaction time, while the types of triangles did not show a significant effect. There was also a significant interaction between rotation angles and types of triangles.

Based on the ERP data, the analysis revealed that in the first stage, there were significant effects of orientations and types of triangles on the mean amplitudes over certain parietal electrodes. The mean amplitudes at 90° were larger than those at 0° and 180°, and the mean amplitudes in response to obtuse triangles were larger than those in response to acute triangles. In the second stage, there were significant effects of rotation angles on the mean amplitudes and latencies over certain parietal electrodes. The mean amplitudes at 0° were smaller, and the latencies were longer compared to other degrees. In the third stage, there were significant effects of rotation angles on the mean amplitudes over certain parietal electrodes. The mean amplitudes at 0° were larger than those at 135°
1.1 Background....................................................1
1.2 Purpose.......................................................3
1.3 Terminology...................................................4
1.4 Limitations...................................................5
II.Literature Review..............................................7
2.1 Mental Imagery................................................7
2.2 Spatial Ability, Mental Rotation, and Mathematics Education...11
2.3 Neurocognitive Science Studies on Mental Rotation.............14
3.1 Research Process..............................................20
3.2 Conceptual Framework..........................................22
3.3 Research Hypotheses...........................................22
3.4 Participants..................................................23
3.5 Research Tools................................................24
3.6 Data Collection...............................................30
3.7 Statistical Analysis..........................................32
4.1 Behavioral Performance........................................34
4.2 Brain Wave Signals............................................39
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