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論文名稱(外文):Efficiency Evaluation of Informal Green Spaces for Urban Sustainable Development
指導教授(外文):Huang, Shu-Wei
口試委員(外文):Kuo, Hsing- Fu
Lee, Tzu-Chang
外文關鍵詞:informal green spacesustainable developmentefficiency assessment
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1962年由《寂靜的春天》提醒了世人關心環境議題,發展至今,由聯合國提出的永續發展指標成為世界依循的項目,其中,人口眾多的都市,其永續發展不容忽視。世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)將都市綠地(Urban green spaces, UGS)定義「為任何有植被覆蓋的城市土地」,許多研究皆顯示都市綠地是現在都市不可或缺重要元素之一,其中包括非正式綠地(Informal urban greenspace, IGS)。
In 1962, "Silent Spring" reminded the world to care about environmental issues. Today, the sustainable development indicators proposed by the United Nations have become a project followed by the world. Among them, the sustainable development of cities with a large population cannot be ignored. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines urban green spaces (UGS) as "any urban land covered with vegetation." Many studies have shown that urban green spaces are one of the indispensable and important elements of today's cities. Among them Including informal urban greenspace (IGS).
Informal green spaces are sunken in urban corners but contribute to the city’s green foundation, green space ecosystem, optimize the living environment, and even occupy a place in the living culture of a region. Since these lands are relatively fragmented, most of them are idle or used privately, but they often have vacant or semi-open public properties, allowing people to use them too close or visually enjoy the services brought by informal green spaces. Therefore, this study Through literature review, understand and explore the characteristics and types of informal green spaces, and use the concept of environmental efficiency to calculate and evaluate the efficiency of informal green space inputs on sustainable urban development outputs using data envelopment analysis (DEA). , further confirming the role and importance value of informal green spaces in the urban environment.
Empirical results show that although informal green spaces are fragmented and small, their environmental efficiency can still be improved by calculating the input display indicators. However, some informal green spaces can cool the urban environment by 1°C. From the correlation coefficient, it can be seen that when green When the coverage rate is greater than 0.15, the heat island temperature can be significantly improved and further have a positive impact on the quality of urban life. The impact of informal green space on air pollution is not significant, with only a slight improvement. The possible reason is that informal green space is not as good as park green space planting. Mainly trees; the impact of formal green spaces on runoff may lead to an increase in surface runoff. Based on the above results, informal green spaces play a supporting role in urban ecological environment and sustainable development, and the larger the area, the higher the efficiency value.
第一章 緒論 .................................. 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ......................... 1
第二節 研究方法與流程.......................... 3
第二章 文獻回顧 ............................... 7
第一節 非正式綠地 ............................. 7
第二節 永續發展及公園綠地相關指標 .............. 16
第三節 環境效率 .............................. 29
第三章 研究方法及設計 ......................... 37
第一節 研究架構與設計 ......................... 37
第二節 非正式綠地環境指標 ..................... 38
第三節 非正式綠地環境效率評估方式 .............. 47
第四章 實證分析 .............................. 49
第一節 研究範圍基本分析 ....................... 49
第二節 投入產出指標分析 ....................... 52
第三節 效率評估............................... 65
第五章 結論與建議 ............................ 93
第一節 研究結果與討論 ........................ 93
第二節 後續相關研究之建議 .................... 94
參考文獻 .................................... 96
附錄 ....................................... 108
附表一 非正式綠地效率評估投入產出資料表 ....... 108
附錄二 無非正式綠地效率評估投入產出資料表 ..... 111
附錄三 83個DMU差額變數分析表 .................. 114
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