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作者(外文):Tsou, Yi-Shan
論文名稱(外文):Gait Analysis of Speed-oriented Hikers and Leisure-oriented Hikers
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Wen-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Tai-Yan
Chiang, Chin-Yen
外文關鍵詞:HikingcadencestrideslopeYuShan speed hikinggait
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背景: 台灣為全世界3000公尺以上高山密度最高的島嶼,登山活動依不同目的及地形可區分不同類型登山者,其中近年單日往返高山及速攀百岳的活動盛行,登山缺乏實測之實驗數據,僅在實驗室中進行上坡模擬,缺乏生物力學等數據研究。目的: 藉由本次研究了解速度型及休閒型的登山者,並收集步態資訊,讓登山運動可以更科學化。方法: 本研究依登山目的及型態招募2組登山者,分為速度型登山者及休閒型登山者分別14名,進行步態跑步機上坡步態測試,負重4kg,速度可自行調整,坡度分別為1%、10%、15%各4分鐘的上坡最佳速度測試及台灣第一高峰-玉山單日往返實測,進行步頻、步幅、配速之統計步態參數分析。資料處理以描述統計呈現基本資料及數據表現,以獨立樣本t檢定進行2組間的比較,及二因子混合變異數分析坡度與組別間的影響,並以步態跑步機的表現與玉山單日往返實測進行相關性的討論。結論:在步態跑步機的測試,影響表現的關鍵是步幅,而玉山實測維持速度的關鍵是步頻。跑步機的步幅在15%的時候兩組間沒有顯著的差異,代表坡度愈陡的時候,無論是速度組或是休閒組步幅不會差異太大。實測的時候兩組的步幅雖然有顯著差異但組內上下坡的步幅是沒有差異的。顯示登山時保持上坡時的步頻以維持速度。實測的時候休閒組的上坡配速與完成時間沒有顯著相關性,但下坡的配速有顯著相關。跑步機坡度的表現與玉山單日往返的總時間之間呈現中度相關,但其步態表現在步頻和步幅方面有所不同。因此,登山時因不同地形及山域及登山者的目的性不同,在跑步機上的步態表現未必能推論登山時的步態。

關鍵詞: 登山、步頻、步幅、坡度、玉山單攻
Background: Taiwan is an island with the highest density of mountains over 3,000 meters globally. Hiking activities can be categorized into different types based on various purposes and terrains. In recent years, Mountain running and Speed hiking activities have become prevalent. However, Hiking lacks empirical experimental data, with most research limited to laboratory uphill simulations and a dearth of biomechanical studies. Purpose: This study aims to understand speed-oriented and leisure-oriented Hikers, collect gait information, and contribute to a more scientific approach to mountaineering. Methods: Two groups of hikers, comprising 14 individuals each, were recruited based on their hiking goals and profiles: speed-oriented and leisure-oriented. Gait treadmill tests were conducted with a 4 kg load, allowing self-adjustable speeds on slopes of 1%, 10%, and 15%, each lasting 4 minutes. Additionally, a practical field test of a single-day round-trip to Yushan, Taiwan's highest peak, was undertaken. Statistical analysis of gait parameters included cadence, stride, and pace. Descriptive statistics were applied for fundamental data and presentation. Independent sample t-tests were employed for between-group comparisons, and a two-factor mixed-design ANOVA was used to analyze the impact of slope and group. The correlation between performance on the gait treadmill and the Yushan field test was discussed. Results: In treadmill gait tests, stride emerged as a critical factor affecting performance, while maintaining cadence proved essential for sustaining speed in the Yushan field test. At a 15% slope, no significant difference in stride was observed between the two groups, implying that regardless of being speed-oriented or leisure-oriented, stride variation is minimal on steeper slopes. In the field test, although stride differed significantly between the two groups, there was no notable distinction in uphill and downhill strides within each group. This underscores the importance of maintaining cadence during uphill segments in hiking. During the field test, the uphill pace and completion time for the leisure-oriented group did not display a significant correlation, whereas downhill pace exhibited a marked correlation. The performance on the treadmill slope displayed a moderate correlation with the total time of the Yushan single-day round-trip, yet discrepancies arose in cadence and stride. Therefore, gait performance on a treadmill may not necessarily extrapolate to hiking due to varied terrains, mountain regions, and hiker intentions.

Keywords: hiking, cadence, stride, pace, gait, slope, Yushan, single ascent, speed-oriented hikers, leisure-oriented hikers.
中文摘要 III
致謝 VI
目次 VII
圖次 IX
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究假設 4
第四節 名詞解釋操作型定義 4
第五節 研究範圍與限制 5
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 台灣登山活動相關文獻 6
第二節 步態分析研究 9
第三節 登山及不同坡度步態相關文獻 12
第四節 文獻總結 16
第參章 研究方法 16
第一節 研究架構 16
第二節 研究對象 18
第三節 研究日期與地點 19
第四節 研究儀器與設備 20
第五節 研究場地與儀器架設 22
第六節 研究步驟與流程 23
第七節 資料處理與統計分析 26
第肆章 實驗結果與分析 26
第一節 研究參與者資料分析 27
第二節 不同坡度之步頻、步幅、配速之步態差異 27
第三節 單日往返玉山上下坡之步頻、步幅、配速之差異 42
第伍章 討論與建議 56
第一節 討論 56
第二節 結論 59
第三節 建議 59
參考文獻: 61
附錄 65
附錄一 實驗參與者須知 65
附錄二 研究參與者知情同意書 66
附錄三 實驗參與者基本資料、記錄表 70

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