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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Wen
論文名稱(外文):EEG Oscillations on Proprioceptive-Motor Dysfunctions in Young Adults with A Probable Developmental Coordination Disorder
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yu-Ting
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Chia-Liang
Chuang, Chun-Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:ProprioceptionPassive movementEvent-related spectral perturbationDevelopmental coordination disorderLower limb
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目的:本研究旨在了解疑似發展性協調障礙成年人(pDCD)執行踝關節本體感覺動覺偵測任務時,腦部事件相關頻譜震盪的特徵。方法:招募34名年輕成年人,依BOT-2動作能力評估結果,分為pDCD組12位和典型發展(TD)組22位。參與者慣用腳會被踝關節本體感覺儀以22°-1的速度被動移動,同步收錄腦波。參與者於主動情境時,被要求當感知到踝關節移動後盡快按下手持的按鈕;被動情境則純粹接收踝關節被動移動。結果: pDCD組參與者相較於TD組在VR情境下有更長的反應時間(MDTmean)和更大的標準差(MDTSD)。對腦波數據進行混合設計變異數分析顯示主動情境下組別與情境有交互作用(p = .007),事後比較顯示, TD組在主動情境的delta頻段震盪能量高於pDCD組(p < .001)。主、被動情境下pDCD組在alpha頻段於感覺動作區域的震盪能量比TD組更高(p < .031)。相關分析顯示,額葉的delta頻段與感覺動作區的alpha頻段震盪能量與MDTmean、MDTSD、BOT-2分數顯著相關(p < .05)。結論:本研究發現年輕pDCD者接收下肢本體感覺刺激的delta頻段震盪能量降低與alpha頻段震盪能量增加。且此兩種結果皆與動覺偵測任務的行為表現較差以及BOT-2得分較低密切相關。此發現提供有關本體感覺-動作能力的腦波證據,代表delta與alpha頻段震盪能量可能可作為年輕pDCD者動作缺陷的電生理特徵。
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the characteristics of EEG oscillations in young adults with probable developmental coordination disorder (pDCD) during an ankle joint proprioceptive motion detection task. Methods: Thirty-four young adults were recruited and divided into pDCD (n=12) and typically developing (TD) (n=22) groups based on BOT-2 motor ability assessment. An ankle proprioception device passively moved the participants' dominant foot at a velocity of 22°/s while EEG was simultaneously recorded. In the voluntary response condition (VR), participants were instructed to press a handheld button as fast as they perceived movement of the ankle joint. In contrast, participants received purely passive motion in the no voluntary response condition (NVR). Results: In the VR condition, participants in the pDCD group exhibited longer motion detection times (MDTmean) and larger MDT standard deviations (MDTSD). Mixed-design ANOVA of the EEG data showed a significant interaction effect of Group x Condition (p = .007) for delta power. The subsequent post-hoc analyses further indicated that both groups showed increased oscillation power in the delta and theta bands in the VR condition (p < .001). The pDCD group demonstrated higher oscillation power in the delta frequency band in the VR condition than the TD group (p < .001). At the same time, no significant differences in delta band were observed in the NVR condition. The pDCD group exhibited higher alpha band oscillation power in the sensorimotor area compared to the TD group in both VR and NVR conditions (p < .031). The analysis showed significant correlations (p < .05) between delta oscillations in the frontal lobe and alpha oscillations in the sensorimotor area with MDTmean, MDTSD, and BOT-2 scores. Conclusion: This study demonstrated for the first time that reduced delta oscillations and increased alpha oscillations were observed in young adults with pDCD following lower limb proprioceptive stimuli. These EEG characteristics are significantly linked to poorer performance in proprioceptive-motor tasks and lower clinical motor assessment scores. These findings provide preliminary EEG evidence of proprioceptive-motor function, suggesting delta and alpha power as a potential electrophysiological marker for motor deficits in young adults with pDCD.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目次 V
表次 VII
圖次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究假設 4
第四節 名詞操作性定義 4
第五節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 本體感覺與其測量方式 7
第二節 發展性協調障礙 8
第三節 發展性協調障礙對本體感覺的關聯 10
第四節 事件相關頻譜震盪 11
第五節 本體感覺相關腦波研究 12
第六節 發展性協調障礙者的電生理研究 14
第七節 文獻總結 16
第三章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究架構 18
第二節 研究對象 18
第三節 研究器材與設備 18
第四節 實驗場地與儀器架設 20
第五節 驗流程與步驟 24
第六節 資料處理 27
第七節 統計方法 28
第四章 結果 30
第一節 參與者基本資料 30
第二節 下肢踝關節本體感覺測驗行為表現 30
第三節 下肢踝關節本體感覺動覺偵測任務之事件相關頻譜震盪資料 32
第四節 delta頻段ERSP能量與BOT-2各項動作能力之相關分析 39
第五節 BOT-2各項動作能力與踝關節本體感覺動覺偵測時間之相關分析 48
第六節 delta 頻段ERSP能量與下肢踝關節本體感覺MDT相關分析 49
第五章 討論與結論 56
第一節 本體感覺行為表現 57
第二節 本體感覺腦波表現 57
第三節 動覺偵測任務之腦波與行為動作表現之關聯性 60
第四節 結論與建議 61
參考文獻 63

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