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作者(外文):Liao, Ying-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Key Factors Influencing the Flavor of Taiwanese High Mountain Oolong Tea
指導教授(外文):Lin, Eric S.
口試委員(外文):Chou, Ta-Sheng
Chu, Jo-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan High Mountain Oolong teaCatechinsBlind Tasting
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台灣高山烏龍茶 (以下稱高山茶) 是台灣特有的茶葉,從台灣1000公尺以上的高山環境中培育出的優質茶葉,主要分為桃園茶區、梨山茶區、仁愛鄉茶區、杉林溪茶區、玉山茶區、阿里山茶區。高山茶含大量的膠質,經過特殊的生產工藝處理後,造就出豐富的口感以及非凡的風味。其茶水之色、香、味俱佳,清澈無雜質、入口柔順圓潤,其香味獨特,以水果香、花香為主,飲後回甘,在全球的茶葉中獨樹一格。其產量占全世界茶產量不到2%。
Taiwan High Mountain Oolong tea, referred to as High Mountain tea, is a unique tea variety cultivated in the high-altitude environments of Taiwan, at elevations above 1000 meters. It is primarily grown in several regions, including Taoyuan, Lishan, Ren'ai Township, Shanlinxi, Yushan, and Alishan. High Mountain tea contains a substantial amount of colloids and, after undergoing special production processes, it develops rich flavors and exceptional taste. The tea exhibits outstanding qualities in color, aroma, and flavor, being clear, pure, smooth, and mellow with a unique fragrance, characterized by fruity and floral notes, and a lingering aftertaste, setting it apart from teas worldwide. Despite its distinctiveness and high quality, High Mountain tea constitutes less than 2% of global tea production.
The author, who has been exposed to High Mountain tea for over 30 years and is captivated by its flavor, also has some knowledge about the various High Mountain tea producing regions and their unique characteristics. High Mountain tea is rich in tea polyphenols and amino acids, with the main component of tea polyphenols being catechins, which numerous research studies have confirmed to be beneficial for health.
Due to its limited production and high prices, counterfeit products flood the market, leading to a significant price discrepancy. Consumers often worry about purchasing expensive High Mountain Oolong tea that may not match its quality, creating a psychological barrier that discourages the general public and hampers the promotion of Taiwanese High Mountain tea, which is regrettable.
This research focuses on eight types of tea leaves, including those from seven High Mountain tea producing regions and one variety of Baozhong tea. Through blind tasting tests and questionnaires, the study evaluates tea characteristics such as taste, aftertaste, aroma, color, and also predict tea prices. Simultaneously, the research collects relevant cultural traits of the participants. Utilizing statistical and big data analysis tools, the study aims to outline the participants' preferences for the color, aroma, and taste of High Mountain tea and their correlation with predicted tea prices. Additionally, it explores the role of cultural traits. The findings serve as a reference for general consumers, tea producers, and sellers, and can also be used as a basis for government policies promoting High Mountain tea.
論文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 台灣茶葉的歷史 3
2.1 台灣茶葉的沿革 3
2.2 台灣的茶葉種類及製作 4
2.2.1 台灣茶葉種類 4
2.2.2 台灣烏龍茶製作過程: 4
2.2.3 台灣高山烏龍茶介紹: 5
第參章 文獻探討 7
第肆章 實驗設計和資料蒐集說明 9
第伍章 實驗結果 11
5.1 品茶風味總分 vs 實際價格的相關性 11
5.2 品茶四種風味和預測價格和實際價格的相關性 11
5.3 線性迴歸模型探討四種風味和預測價格的關係 12
5.4 受測者人文特徵和平均品茶能力的相關性 13
5.4.1 受測者各人文特徵和品茶優劣能力的相關性分析 13
5.4.2 受測者各人文特徵和茶價格預測能力的相關性分析 14
5.5 決策樹分析:系統性觀察特徵組合與品茶能力間的關係 15
5.5.1 模型訓練方法簡介 15
5.5.2 受試者個人特質與茶葉品質判斷能力的關係 16
5.5.3 決策樹模型1 16
5.5.4 受試者個人特質與判斷茶葉價格能力的關係 16
5.5.5 決策樹模型2 17
5.5.6 討論: 17
第陸章 結論與未來研究 19
參考文獻 21
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