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作者(外文):Chang, Cheng-Yun
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of COVID-19 on the Labor Market and Leisure Gatherings: Empirical Study in Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Chang-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Lin, Eric S.
Chou, Ta-sheng
Lin, Chia-Ling
外文關鍵詞:COVID-19Job LossHousehold IncomeSocial Activities
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本文主要實證結果顯示,疫情下「失去工作」與「家庭收入」二者大多呈現相反關係,在疫情下傾向失去工作的族群 (正向影響),通常也是疫情下家庭收入傾向減少的族群 (負向影響),反之亦然。以年齡愈高、原本薪資收入愈高的族群愈不容易因疫情失去工作,且在疫情下家庭收入愈傾向增加。行業別以餐旅及休閒服務業最容易在疫情下失去工作,其次為支援及其他服務業,二者同時也是疫情下傾向家庭收入減少最顯著的前二名。職務別以服務及銷售工作人員最容易在疫情下失去工作,以農林漁牧業生產人員在疫情下家庭收入減少最多。
This study used the SRDA Academic Survey Research Database to analyze the Taiwan Social Change Survey's eighth phase on “Health and Medical Care”in 2022. It examined 1,604 valid questionnaires to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on job loss, reduced household income, and decreased social activities in Taiwan. The results showed an inverse relationship between job loss and household income during the pandemic, with older individuals and those with higher pre-pandemic salaries less likely to lose their jobs. Industries such as food, lodging, and leisure services experienced the highest job losses and reductions in household income. Service and sales workers were most affected in terms of job loss, while agricultural and production workers faced the greatest decrease in household income. The empirical results show that social activities during the pandemic do not necessarily correlate between“gatherings with friends, colleagues, or classmates”and“gatherings with non-cohabiting family members.”Males, those in the information and communication industry, grassroots technical workers, and manual laborers tend to increase gatherings with both friends and non-cohabiting family members. Unemployed individuals tend to increase gatherings with non-cohabiting family members but not significantly with friends. Higher-educated and higher-income individuals tend to decrease gatherings with friends. As age increases, individuals tend to decrease gatherings with non-cohabiting family members, but the impact on gatherings with friends is not significant.
The study suggested that the government provides additional subsidies or resources to vulnerable populations affected by the pandemic. Varying subsidy schemes should be implemented for different industries, with more severely impacted sectors receiving higher support. Early intervention and care from government agencies were also recommended to address the psychological and mental health impact of reduced social activities during the pandemic.
論文摘要 1
Abstract 2
致謝 3
目錄 4
圖目錄 5
表目錄 6
第壹章 緒論 7
第貳章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 疫情及政府政策對人民工作的影響 10
第二節 疫情及政府政策對人民社交及心理健康的影響 12
第參章 資料、變數與模型設定 16
第一節 資料來源 16
第二節 變數說明 16
第三節 敘述統計分析 18
第四節 實證模型設定 18
第肆章 實證分析與討論 20
第一節 疫情下失去工作 20
第二節 疫情下的家庭收入 21
第三節 疫情下與朋友、同事或同學的聚會 22
第四節 疫情下與非同住家人的聚會 23
第伍章 結論與建議 25
第一節 結論 25
第二節 政策建議 27
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 28
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