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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu-Chiao
論文名稱(中文):影響學齡前幼兒螢幕時間之決定因素— 三至五歲幼兒追蹤實證研究
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of Screen Time in Preschool Children — A follow-up Empirical Study on 3 to 5-year-old Children
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Chou, Jui-Hsien
Peng, Hui-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Screen Usage TimeFamily Socioeconomic StatusParent-Child Interaction TimeParental Leave
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運用國內具代表性之「臺灣幼兒發展資料庫」(KIT),蒐集自2013年4月1日至2014年3月31日止出生滿3、4、5足歲學齡前幼兒之資料,並選取連續3年皆有受訪之樣本,最後總計樣本數1,776人。透過迴歸模型及赫斯曼檢定(Hausman Test)驗證變項間之關係,並運用交互作用項的設立,探討各變項間可能之交互作用。實證研究結果顯示:(一)家庭社經地位與學齡前幼兒螢幕使用時間有顯著關係,家庭社經地位中的父母親教育程度愈高,幼兒螢幕使用時間愈短。(二)親子互動時間對學齡前幼兒螢幕使用時間有顯著關係,親子互動時間愈長,幼兒螢幕使用時間愈短。(三)父母親教育程度對親子互動時間與學齡前幼兒螢幕使用時間的關係具有調節效果。(四)臺灣3至5歲學齡前幼兒每日平均螢幕使用時間,年紀愈小使用時間愈長;且男性使用時間顯著多於女性。(五)父母親有請育嬰假的學齡前幼兒,其螢幕使用時間愈短。
The advent of the "Slippery Generation" describes the characteristics and phenomena of today's society, and is synonymous with the reflection of technological progress on lifestyles and behavior patterns. However, the popularization and younger age of 3C electronic products have made the problem of children's addiction become more and more serious. Excessive screen time has become the most troublesome parenting problem for parents. Countries have even listed it as an important public health issue. Studies have shown that preschool children's brains develop rapidly in all aspects and are highly plastic. If they can grasp the right time to devote themselves to children's education, it will greatly reduce the cost of society in the future. Therefore, this study attempts to find out the determinants of preschool children’s screen time. In addition to exploring the relationship between family socioeconomic status, parent-child interaction time and screen time, it also explores various subsidies and parental leave policies that the government has actively implemented in recent years. Whether it has an impact on the length of children's screen use time.
Using the representative "Taiwan Early Childhood Development Database" (KIT) in China, the data of preschool children born at the age of 3, 4, and 5 were collected from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014, and selected There were interview samples for 3 consecutive years, and the final total sample size was 1,776. Verify the relationship between variables through regression model and Hausman Test, and explore the possible interaction between variables through the establishment of interaction items. The results of empirical research show: (1) Family socioeconomic status has a significant relationship with preschool children's screen use time. The higher the education level of parents in family socioeconomic status, the shorter the children's screen use time. (2) Parent-child interaction time has a significant relationship with preschool children's screen use time. The longer the parent-child interaction time, the shorter the screen use time of preschool children. (3) The level of parental education has a moderating effect on the relationship between parent-child interaction time and screen use time of preschool children. (4) The average daily screen use time of preschool children aged 3 to 5 in Taiwan. The younger the age, the longer the screen use time; and the use time of males is significantly more than that of females. (5) Preschool children whose parents have taken parental leave have shorter screen time.
According to the research results, it is suggested that the government should pay special attention to the appropriate age group, gender and family background characteristics when formulating relevant education policies and subsidy measures, assist in providing relevant education knowledge and establish guidelines for the correct use of 3C electronic products. Promote parent-child activities and create an educational and interactive environment to encourage parents to pay more attention to and properly manage their children's screen usage time, so as to reduce the negative impact of excessive exposure to 3C electronic products.
論文摘要 Ⅰ
致謝 Ⅳ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 學齡前幼兒螢幕使用情形 9
第二節 螢幕使用時間影響 14
第三節 影響學齡前幼兒螢幕使用使間之因素分析 17
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究架構與實證模型 23
第二節 資料來源與研究樣本 26
第三節 變數衡量與敘述統計 27
第四章 實證結果分析 35
第五章 結論與建議 47
參考文獻 49
附錄一 父母親職業分類表 58
附錄二 幼兒發展調查資料庫建置計畫:本研究所使用之問卷題目 59
附錄三 學齡前幼兒螢幕時間影響因素之交互作用項迴歸結果 60
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