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作者(外文):Huang, Yu-Jui
論文名稱(外文):Does Music Have Colors? The Impacts of Chromesthesia and Emotions on Advertising Liking as Moderated by Tonality and Tempo in Music.
指導教授(外文):Kao, Teng-Ti
口試委員(外文):Yu, Pei-I
Kuo, Su-Hui
外文關鍵詞:ChromesthesiaEmotionTonality in MusicMusic TempoAdvertising Liking
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Synesthesia is a neurologically based, involuntary, atypical perceptual phenomenon characterized by the interplay of multiple sensory modalities. Current research indicates that synesthetes can experience numerous combinations of sensory perceptions, such as associating colors with letters or numbers, perceiving taste variations upon touching objects, or even eliciting tactile sensations when exposed to music. Specifically, the ability to perceive colors upon hearing sounds is referred to as chromesthesia. Despite some related studies in the fields of cognition and neuroscience, the application of chromesthesia in the domains of branding and marketing remains relatively unexplored. Furthermore, there is limited research that combines chromesthesia with emotional responses, musical key, and tempo, and applies these factors to the study of consumer preferences for advertisements. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the degree of chromesthesia influences consumer preferences for advertisements, taking into consideration the mediating effects of emotions, musical key (major/minor), and musical tempo (fast/slow). Experiment 1 employed a single-factor, between-subjects design to manipulate musical key (major vs. minor), while Experiment 2 employed a single-factor, between-subjects design to manipulate musical tempo (fast vs. slow). Participants were categorized into high and low chromesthesia groups based on their scores on a chromesthesia assessment test. Advertisement preference was assessed as the dependent variable. The results of this study revealed several key findings: (1) Emotions played a mediating role between chromesthesia and advertisement preference; (2) Emotions mediated the relationship between musical key and advertisement preference; (3) Emotions mediated the relationship between musical tempo and advertisement preference; (4) In the presence of major key music, regardless of chromesthesia levels, participants did not exhibit significant differences in emotional responses; (5) In the presence of minor key music, individuals with higher chromesthesia tendencies had difficulty generating positive emotional responses; (6) Regardless of musical tempo (fast or slow), there were no significant differences in emotional responses between high and low chromesthesia groups.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與研究動機 1
1.2 研究問題 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討與研究假說 6
2.1 聯覺 6
2.1.1 連帶色覺 7
2.2 音樂調性與音樂速度 9
2.2.1 音樂調性 11
2.2.2 音樂速度 11
2.3情緒 13
2.4 廣告喜好度 15
2.5 連帶色覺程度對情緒的影響 17
2.6情緒對廣告喜好度的影響 18
2.7 情緒的中介效果 20
2.8 音樂調性對情緒的影響 21
2.9 連帶色覺程度與音樂調性對情緒的影響 23
2.10 音樂速度對情緒的影響 25
2.11 連帶色覺程度與音樂速度對情緒的影響 26
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究架構 29
3.2 實驗及研究設計 30
3.2.1 實驗設計 30
3.2.2 音樂操弄 31
3.2.3 情緒衡量 31
3.2.4 廣告喜好度衡量 32
3.2.5 連帶色覺程度 32
3.3 分析資料 34
第四章 研究結果 35
4.1 問卷回收對象 35
4.2 信度分析 37
4.3 實驗一 38
4.3.1 操弄檢定 38
4.3.2 假說檢驗與結果 38
4.4 實驗二 43
4.4.1 操弄檢定 43
4.4.2 假說檢驗與結果 43
4.5 研究結果總結 47
第五章 討論 48
5.1 綜合討論 48
5.1.1 情緒的中介效果 48
5.1.2 連帶色覺程度與音樂調性對情緒的影響 48
5.1.3 連帶色覺程度與音樂速度對情緒的影響 49
5.2 學術貢獻 51
5.3 實務貢獻 52
5.3.1 情緒的中介效果 52
5.3.2 連帶色覺程度與音樂調性對情緒的影響 52
5.3.3 連帶色覺程度與音樂速度對情緒的影響 53
5.4研究限制與未來發展 54
參考文獻 55
附錄一 實驗一問卷一 66
附錄一 實驗一問卷二 71
附錄一 實驗二問卷一 76
附錄一 實驗二問卷二 81

表 1 實驗一:受試者描述統計表 35
表 2 實驗二:受試者描述統計表 36
表 3 實驗一:音樂調性操弄檢定表 38
表 4 實驗一:連帶色覺程度對情緒的影響 39
表 5 實驗一:情緒對廣告喜好度的影響 39
表 6 實驗一:情緒的中介效果 39
表 7 實驗一:音樂調性對情緒的影響 40
表 8 實驗一:情緒的中介效果 40
表 9 實驗一:連帶色覺程度與音樂調性對情緒的影響 41
表 10 實驗一:連帶色覺程度×音樂調性對情緒交互作用之影響 41
表 11 實驗二:音樂速度操弄檢定表 43
表 12 實驗二:連帶色覺程度對情緒的影響 44
表 13 實驗二:情緒對廣告喜好度的影響 44
表 14 實驗二:情緒的中介效果 44
表 15 實驗二:音樂速度對情緒的影響 45
表 16 實驗二:情緒的中介效果 45
表 17 實驗二:連帶色覺程度與音樂速度對情緒的影響 46
表 18 本研究假說驗證結果彙整 47

圖1 研究架構一 29
圖2 研究架構二 29
圖3 廣告文案 31
圖4 測量連帶色覺程度網站 33
圖5 實驗一:連帶色覺程度×音樂調性對情緒交互作用 42
圖6 實驗二:連帶色覺程度與音樂速度對情緒的影響 46
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