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作者(外文):Chien, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using Knowledge Building Activities to Promoting Dialogue Progress and Enhancing Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills in 4th Grade Students
指導教授(外文):Lin, Pei-Yi
Chen, Mei-Ju
口試委員(外文):Hong, Huang-Yao
Lee, Yuan-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge BuildingKnowledge ForumComputer Science ClassDialogueCollaborative Problem-Solving Skills
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To help students adapt to social changes, our expectations for students have evolved beyond memorizing textbook knowledge. Instead, we anticipate them to apply their learning in real-life situations to confront future challenges. Therefore, "collaborative problem-solving skills " have been increasingly emphasized, and the researcher hopes to create a "student-centered" learning environment by combining knowledge-building activities with the information class, supplemented with the operation of knowledge forums. Through the integration of topics into the curriculum, the researcher aims to rejuvenate information courses that were once characterized by solitary tasks. This approach fosters collaborative problem-solving among students and encourages meaningful dialogues within the courses.
This study aims to explore the advancement of dialogues and collaborative problem-solving skills among fourth-grade students at the national elementary school. Furthermore, based on the study's findings, it intends to provide tailored recommendations for computer science teachers and future researchers in the education field. To accomplish the study's objectives, three fourth-grade classes, comprising a total of 77 students, were selected as the target population. The research methodology used was a case study approach, where a collaborative problem-solving questionnaire was used for pre and post-tests, and students' responses to the Knowledge Forum were analyzed for corpus coding to present students' progress in their conversational and collaborative problem-solving skills.

The study's findings revealed that:
1.Knowledge-building activities led to an increase in students' engagement within the Knowledge Forum.
2.Activity within the Knowledge Forum gradually increased in correlation with the curriculum's progression.
3.Knowledge-building activities enhance students' conversational progress.
4.Knowledge-building activities improve students' collaborative problem-solving skills.
5.The level of student activity in KF, as well as their dialogue depth and collaborative problem-solving skills, mutually influence each other."
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的與問題5
第三節 名詞釋義6
第四節 研究範圍與限制7
第二章 文獻探討9
第一節 知識翻新理論9
第二節 對話進展20
第三節 協作問題解決能力27
第三章 研究設計與實施37
第一節 研究設計37
第二節 教學設計與實施41
第三節 研究流程49
第四節 資料蒐集與分析50
第四章 研究結果與討論57
第一節 知識翻新活動中的互動分析57
第二節 對話層次進展72
第三節 協作問題解決能力情形89
第四節 個案分析108
第五章 結論與建議141
第一節 結論141
第二節 建議146
參考文獻 149
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