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作者(外文):Chiu, Jo-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the impact of intrusive In-Game pop-up Advertisements in mobile games on brand memory and attitude
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Kuo, Pei-Yi
Hsu, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:In-Game Advertisementsbrand memorybrand attitudepop-up Advertisements
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我們總計招募 242 名研究對象,皆為 20~30 歲與曾經玩過手機遊戲的參與者,並採用2(尺寸:大 / 小)× 2(曝光時長:5秒 / 15秒)× 2(具美學的神祕感廣告 / 不具美學與神祕感的廣告)的實驗設計。 實驗過程中,研究對象被給予任務:遊戲會在 3 分鐘內結束,最高分者有獎金$100元。同時,研究對象會在玩遊戲時受到彈跳廣告的干擾。 我們採用問卷調查的方式收集數據,並使用 spss 軟體進行數據分析。本研究將心理抗拒理論作為理論框架,研究了參與者玩手機遊戲時對彈出式廣告的廣告侵入性,並衡量心理抗拒的兩個子結構:消極認知和憤怒。最後測量參與者的品牌記憶與品牌態度。
With the proliferation of smartphones, in-game mobile advertising is becoming more common. Since in-game advertising shares the player's attention with the game itself, advertisers must find ways to capture the player's attention and increase brand memory and brand attitude. Therefore, it is essential for advertisers how to put advertisements in the game to deepen brand memory without causing too much negative brand attitude. This study aims to understand how the intrusiveness of pop-up ads while playing games on mobile phones affects brand memory and attitude. And use the influence of visual aesthetics in advertising value on the intrusiveness of advertising to explore whether there is a difference between brand memory and brand attitude in advertising with aesthetic mystery. Maximize potential effective benefits, enhance brand memory and attitude, and bring benefits to advertisers.
We recruited a total of 242 subjects, aged 20-30, and used 2 (size: large/small) × 2 (exposure time: 5 seconds/15 seconds) × 2 (aesthetic mystery advertisement / non-aesthetic mystery advertisement ) experimental design. During the experiment, the participants were assigned a task: the game would end in 3 minutes, and the person with the highest score would receive a $100 prize. At the same time, the participants will be disturbed by pop-up advertisements while playing the game. We collect data through questionnaires and use Spss software for data analysis. We use the psychological reactance theory as a theoretical framework. This study examines the intrusiveness of pop-up advertisements when participants play mobile games and measure two substructures of psychological reactance: negative cognition and anger. Finally, participants' brand memory and brand attitudes were measured.
First, the main results show that the more intrusive the advertisement is, the greater the psychological reactance is. Second, psychological reactance cannot mediate and has no significant effect on advertising intrusiveness, brand memory, and brand attitude. It is worth mentioning that the more intrusive the advertisement, the lower the brand attitude.Third, our study found no difference in brand memory and attitude between aesthetic and non-aesthetic mystery ads. Finally, we asked mobile game players open-ended questions to investigate how to strengthen brand memory and brand attitude through advertisements. We found that video advertisements were among the top three. The findings have important implications for marketers and advertisers.
目錄 頁次
摘要 1
Abstract 3
目錄 頁次 5
第一章 緒論 7
第一節 研究背景與動機 7
第二節 研究目的 8
第二章 相關理論與文獻探討 9
第一節 遊戲內的彈出式廣告 9
第二節 廣告侵入性 10
2.1 IGA 尺寸大小與廣告侵入性 11
2.2 IGA 曝光時長與廣告侵入性 11
第三節 理論框架:心理抗拒理論與品牌記憶、品牌態度 12
3.1 心理抗拒對品牌記憶的影響 13
3.2 心理抗拒對品牌態度的影響 14
第四節 具美學的神祕感 15
4.1 廣告價值與具美學的神祕感 15
4.2 具美學的神祕感 15
第三章 研究方法與設計 17
第一節 研究方法 17
第二節 研究流程 17
2.1 第一階段,實驗操弄定義 17
2.2 第二階段,主要實驗 17
第三節 研究設計 19
3.1 第一階段,實驗操弄定義 19
3.2 第二階段,主要實驗: 20
第四章 實證統計資料與結果分析 23
第一節第一階段,實驗操弄定義: 23
第二節第二階段,主要實驗 25
2.1 廣告侵入性 25
2.2 心理抗拒:憤怒、消極認知對品牌記憶的影響 27
2.3 心理抗拒:憤怒、消極認知對品牌態度的影響 28
2.4 具美學的神祕感廣告 29
2.5 新發現 31
2.6 改善建議 32
第五章 討論 34
第一節 結論 34
第二節 討論與發現 35
第三節 學術貢獻 36
第四節 管理意涵 37
第五節 局限性與未來建議 38
參考文獻 39
附錄 45
1.大尺寸廣告 45
2.小尺寸廣告 45
3.實驗畫面 46
4.問卷題目 48

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