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作者(外文):Liu, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Exploring How Students’ Agency of Choosing Performance Visualizations Relates to Learning Outcomes
指導教授(外文):Soumya, Ray
口試委員(外文):Kuo, Pei-Yi
Huang, Tzu-Ling
外文關鍵詞:learning analytics dashboardagencyachievement goal orientationself efficacysoftware system
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The increased adoption of remote online learning has underscored the significance of learner agency in modern educational settings, empowering individuals to take charge of their learning journey. While recent studies have explored personalization and gamification in Learning Analytics Dashboards, these approaches may inadvertently overlook students by diminishing the agency. In contrast, our study focuses on the choice of learning analytics, acknowledging the
diversity of goal orientations and self-efficacy among students while granting them full agency.
In our exploratory study, we investigated students' preferences on the eight visualizations by analyzing the frequency of clicks. We collected quantitative data through surveys that captured student demographics, achievement goal orientation, and self-efficacy. Through this investigation, we aimed to understand how these factors related to dashboard usage. Surprisingly, our findings revealed that psychological constructs, goal orientation, and self-efficacy, did not significantly
influence students' visualization preferences. However, the study shed light on the critical role of engagement in the academic setting, indicating that class engagement emerged as a crucial factor in determining students' preferences for visualizations.
Despite the constraints of a limited sample size, our study provides valuable insights into the relationship between dashboard usage and students' learning traits. It emphasizes the importance of engagement and students' agency, allowing them to exercise autonomy and enhance
learning outcomes. Future research may delve into factors that influence choices, ultimately enhancing learning environments and promoting inclusivity, and academic success.
摘要 4
Abstract 5
Table of Contents 7
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
Chapter 2. Students and Classroom Dashboard Interactions 12
2.1 Achievement Goal Orientation 12
2.2 Self-efficacy 14
2.3 Learner Agency 15
2.4 Learning Analytics Dashboard 18
2.5 Class Engagement 20
2.6 Research Questions Development 21
Chapter 3. Research Method 25
3.1 Study Procedure 25
3.2 System Design 26
3.2.1 Designing a Learning Analytics Dashboard and User Interface 27
3.2.2 Score Report 29
3.2.3 Visualization Report - My Learning Report (self related visualization) 30
3.2.4 Visualization Report - Participation (comparative related visualization) 33
3.3 Survey Questionnaire 36
3.4 Data Collection 38
Chapter 4. Data Exploration 39
4.1 Data Processing 39
4.2 Data Analysis 45
4.2.1 What factors are associated with different visualization preferences? (RQ1) 45
4.2.2 What drives students’ engagement with the class? (RQ2) 47
4.2.3 Are visualization preferences associated with different learning outcomes? (RQ3) 48
Chapter 5. Discussion 49
5.1 Achievement Goal Orientations (AGO) and visualization preferences (RQ1) 51
5.2 What drives students’ engagement with the class? (RQ2) 52
5.3 Visualization preferences and the learning outcomes (RQ3) 53
Chapter 6. Future Work and Conclusion 54
6.1 Future Work 54
6.2 Conclusion 56
References 58
Appendix 62
A. Data dictionary of all the variables 62
B. AGO-Revised Questionnaire for AGO 63
C. MSLQ Questionnaire for Self-Efficacy 64
D. Dashboard Usage Questionnaire - Preference 65
D. Dashboard Usage Questionnaire - Usability 66
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