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作者(外文):Liao, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Designing a chatbot to improve self-awareness for facilitating communication between clients and counselors
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yuan-Chi
口試委員(外文):Tung, Fang-Wu
Yuan, Chien-Wen
外文關鍵詞:self-awarenessmental healthchatbotself-talkcounselor
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這項研究探討了使用聊天機器人輔助的自言自語方法在心理健康背景下增強自我意識和情緒管理的潛力。 研究表明,很大一部分心理健康疾病是在 24 歲之前被診斷出來的,其中抑鬱和焦慮在大學生中很常見。 然而,尋求專業幫助可能會受到財務和時間限制的阻礙,而且個人往往難以準確理解和描述自己的情緒。

為了應對這些挑戰,本研究建議利用聊天機器人來識別情緒並引導個人進行自言自語。 通過自言自語,用戶可以更深入地了解自己的負面情緒,增強自我意識。 該研究還探討了聊天機器人作為諮詢師的寶貴工具的潛力,提供情境信息以更好地理解客戶的案例。

實驗透過定性訪談,以評估聊天機器人對用戶自我意識和情緒管理的影響。 研究結果將收集實驗組的反饋並與對照組進行比較,隨後與諮商師的訪談將評估參與者對自我意識和情緒掌控的評估。 研究結果旨在促進對個人心理健康的科學理解,並為自我理解和情緒管理提供實用工具。
This study explores the potential of using a chatbot-assisted self-talk approach to enhance self-awareness and emotional management in the context of mental health. Research indicates that a significant percentage of mental illnesses are diagnosed before the age of 24, with depression and anxiety being common among college students. However, seeking professional help can be hindered by financial and time constraints, and individuals often struggle to accurately understand and describe their emotions.

To address these challenges, the study proposes leveraging a chatbot that recognizes emotions and guides individuals through self-talk. By engaging in self-talk, users can gain a deeper understanding of their negative emotions and enhance their self-awareness. The study also examines the chatbot's potential as a valuable tool for counselors, providing contextualized information to better comprehend clients' cases.

Qualitative interviews will be conducted to assess the impact of the chatbot on users' self-awareness and emotional management. User feedback will be collected and compared with a control group, and follow-up interviews with counselors will evaluate their assessments of users' self-awareness and emotional mastery. The findings aim to contribute to the scientific understanding of individual mental health and provide practical tools for self-understanding and emotional management.
List of Figures----------------------------------------IV
Table of Content---------------------------------------V
Chapter 1 Introduction---------------------------------1
Chapter 2 Literature Review----------------------------4
2.1 Benefits of self-awareness-------------------------5
2.1.1 Definition---------------------------------------5
2.1.2 Measurement--------------------------------------5
2.1.3 Functions & Effects------------------------------6
2.2 Link between Inner Speech and Self-Awareness-------7
2.2.1 Theoretical background---------------------------7
2.2.2 Inner speech and the social environment----------5
2.2.3 Inner speech and the physical environment--------8
2.2.4 Other underlying mechanisms----------------------8
2.3 Applications on Mental Health----------------------10
Chapter 3 Methodology----------------------------------13
3.1 Pilot study----------------------------------------14
3.1.1 Negative emotion choosing------------------------14
3.1.2 Persona of the chatbot---------------------------15
3.2 Experiment Design and Method-----------------------15
3.2.1 Experiment design--------------------------------15
3.2.1 Chatbot prototype--------------------------------17
3.3 Participants---------------------------------------21
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis-----------------------22
3.4.1 Interview----------------------------------------23
3.4.2 Thematic analysis--------------------------------24
Chapter 4 Result---------------------------------------26
4.1 The Effectiveness of Self-Talk---------------------26
4.1.1 Help with thinking clearly-----------------------26
4.1.2 Help with relieving emotion----------------------27
4.2 The Effectiveness of Self-Talk with Chatbot--------27
4.2.1 Dialog flow is helpful in sorting out emotions and thinking outside the box----------------------------------------27
4.2.2 Help the user build their ability to be self-aware---28
4.2.3 Help people who do not have a habit of writing or have difficulty expressing themselves----------------------------------29
4.3 The Effectiveness of Chatbots in communication with Couselor -------------------------------------------------------30
4.3.1 More information and feelings to share with the counselor in the consulting process-------------------------------------30
4.3.2 Helpful for understanding clients----------------31
4.3.3 Quickly grasp the topics that the client wants to discuss or needs to deal with-------------------------------------------32
Chapter 5 Discussion-----------------------------------34
5.1 The difference between a Counselor and the Chatbot-34
5.1.1 Negative perceptions of the chatbot--------------34
5.1.2 Positive perceptions of the chatbot--------------35
5.1.3 Negative perceptions of a counselor--------------36
5.1.4 Positive perceptions of a counselor--------------38
Chapter 6 Limitation & Design implication--------------40
6.1 Limitations----------------------------------------40
5.1 Design implications--------------------------------41
Chapter 7 Conclusion-----------------------------------44
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