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作者(外文):Lin, Chieh-Ling
論文名稱(中文):新創品牌之行銷策略 - 以工研院新創為例
論文名稱(外文):Marketing Strategies for Branding - A Case Study of ITRI Start-up
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Ching
Yin, Chin-Ching
外文關鍵詞:brand positioningmarketing strategyinnovationITRI
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  • 點閱點閱:43
  • 評分評分:*****
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1963年,臺灣對外貿易首次出超,臺灣經濟逐漸從農業社會轉為工業社會。1973年,臺灣為擺脫勞力密集,轉向技術密集,成立工業技術研究院(工研院)。1974年,一場位在台北南陽街豆漿店的早餐會報1,由時任行政院院長、經濟部部長、電信總局局長、交通部部長、工研院院長、電信研究所所長、美國無線電公司(Radio Corporation of America;RCA)研究室主任等重量級人物,確立以積體電路技術作為產業發展藍圖,奠定經濟轉型技術生根發展。1985年,張忠謀回臺擔任工研院第三任院長,1986年,工研院衍生成立台灣積體電路製造公司,創辦人張忠謀提出積體電路專業代工製造的創新營運模式。
In 1963, Taiwan's foreign trade achieved a surplus for the first time, and the economy gradually transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society. In 1973, Taiwan established the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to move away from labor-intensive industries and towards technology-intensive industries. In 1974, a breakfast meeting at a Traditional breakfast on Nanyang Street in Taipei was attended by heavyweights including the Premier, the Minister of Economic Affairs, the Director General of the Telecommunications Bureau, the Minister of Transportation, the President of ITRI, the Director of the Telecommunications Research Institute, and the Director of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) research lab. They established integrated circuit technology as a blueprint for industrial development, laying the foundation for the technological transformation of the economy.

In 1985, Morris Chang returned to Taiwan to become the third President of ITRI. In 1986, ITRI's spin-off company, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), was founded, with Morris Chang proposing the innovative business model of professional contract manufacturing of integrated circuits. Today, in 2023, as ITRI celebrates its 50th anniversary, Morris Chang is not only known as the "father of Taiwan's semiconductor industry," but TSMC has become a national treasure, and even the lifeline of the global technology industry.

The government's policy leadership, combined with the research and development of innovative technologies by research institutions and industry linkages, as well as the industry's unwavering pursuit, have become the key factors driving Taiwan's economic development. Under the "second to none" philosophy of the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) model, Taiwan's economy has come a long way over the past century. However, facing the changing times and the transformation of the global economy, can Taiwan's technology industry break through the value-cost boundary, develop new blue ocean markets through strategic innovation, and nurture its own startup DNA to create new brands? This has become a focus of the Taiwanese government's attention. This thesis explores the marketing strategy development of ITRI's spin-off startups under the twists and turns of the global political and economic environment.

According to ITRI's statistics, there are 17,464 technology service companies, 513 technology transfers, and 157 new startup companies and business groups up to 2022. As of February 2023, there were already 31,743 patents. This thesis adopts three case study methods and secondary data collection to explore the marketing strategies of three ITRI spin-off startups, from the policy environment and ITRI's recent development of new startup strategies to individual case analysis. This thesis intends to generate insights that future ITRI spin-off companies can replicate this trajectory to create the most optimized and stable operational development.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與動機 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 品牌定位 4
第二節 行銷策略 6
第三節 工研院新創公司類別 7
第三章 研究方法 10
第一節 研究流程與個案分析法 10
第二節 研究對象與訪談設計 11
第四章 工研院新創品牌行銷策略分析 13
第一節 新創的背景環境 13
第二節 工研院衍生新創個案背景 17
第三節 工研院衍生新創行銷策略 25
第五章 結論 29
參考文獻 31

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