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作者(外文):Chung, Wen-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Information system integration for supply chain management in IC Design Industry. Take R company as an example.
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Pei-Fang
口試委員(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
Hsieh, Pei-Shan
外文關鍵詞:IC design industry supply chain managementbullwhip effectinformation sharing in a supply chainservice-dominant logic
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:16
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis discusses the issue of supply-demand imbalance in the semiconductor industry and presents a case study on how to apply a service-dominant logic to promote collaboration among stakeholders, co-create information systems, enhance information transparency, and improve supply alignment with demand to address the supply-demand imbalance. By constructing an information system, the paper aims to achieve supply chain management strategies that align with the overall strategic direction of the case company. It is hoped that this case study can serve as a reference and assist academia and industry professionals in solving similar problems.

The thesis first introduces the background of the semiconductor industry, highlighting the continuous growth of demand and the problems encountered in supply. From the perspective of individual companies, it describes the situation they face and how they plan to solve the problem. It then presents the benefits that were achieved after implementing the plan.

Next, the literature review summarizes previous research on the semiconductor industry supply chain, IC testing processes, the bullwhip effect, supply chain information sharing, and service-dominant logic.The case study includes an overview of the background of the company and its growth strategy, which involved doubling production capacity by introducing outsourcing and implementing an information system. The study also details two types of difficulties encountered during the system implementation process: technical and conceptual. The technical difficulties were solved by building an information system, and the study describes the system implementation process and the report formats after completion. The conceptual difficulties were addressed using service-dominant logic, and the study provides a detailed account of the effective communication and problem-solving process.

Finally, this thesis explains that the completed system provides more timely and transparent information to the case company and its industry supply chain, facilitating smoother overall control. The study suggests establishing more feedback mechanisms to promote closer collaboration among the supply chain and maximize output efficiency.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1.研究背景及動機 1
1-2.研究目的 1
1-3.研究流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1.IC設計業的供應鏈 3
2-1-1.半導體產業 3
2-1-2.IC設計業的供應鏈管理 5
2-1-3.測試長度 vs 測試寬度 6
2-1-4.測試長度及寬度的改變 6
2-1-5.FT首測vs重測 7
2-2.供應鏈管理 7
2-2-1.供應鏈運作模式及管理策略 8
2-2-2.長鞭效應(bullwhip effect) 9
2-2-3.供應鏈資訊共享 10
2-2-4.共享資訊類型 11
2-2-5.資訊共享模型 13
2-2-6.資訊共享的挑戰 14
2-3.服務主導邏輯 15
2-3-1.以服務作為主導架構 15
2-3-2.服務主導邏輯的公理與基本前提 15
2-3-3.協同合作與資訊科技 16
2-3-4.服務主導邏輯的基本詞彙 16
第三章 個案研究 18
3-1.組織與委外廠概況 19
3-2.產能倍增的營運挑戰 20
3-2-1.產能倍增的途徑 20
3-2-2.量產計畫vs實際運作 落差 20
3-2-3.營運問題 21
3-2-4.為何要做 21
3-2-5.做什麼 21
3-2-6.困難點及解法 22
3-3.行動者及利害關係人-思維 23
3-4.服務主導邏輯,突破企業疆界,共創價值 24
3-5.建構服務生態系統計畫 25
第四章 導入過程 26
4-1.委測廠導入評估階段 26
4-2.委測廠「報表回傳」種類 27
4-3.「Machine_Status系統」導入 28
4-3-1.Machine Status系統架構 28
4-3-2.Machine Status系統導入遇到的問題 30
4-3-3.Machine Status「系統平台」主要報表 31
4-4.「FT_First_Run_Yield系統」導入 40
4-4-1.FT_First_Run_Yield系統架構 41
4-4-2.FT_First_Run_Yield系統導入遇到的問題 43
4-4-3.FT_First_Run_Yield「系統平台」主要報表 44
4-5.系統導入結果 49
第五章 結論及建議 50
5-1. 結論 50
5-1-1.善用資訊技術有助於公司營收快速成長 50
5-1-2. 建立供應鏈資訊平台,供應商也受惠. 51
5-1-3. 供應鏈管理讓人才匯聚技術淬鍊 51
5-2.建議 52
5-2-1.建立更多回饋機制,讓供應鏈更密切互動 52
5-2-2.讓每個產品找到適合供應商,產出效益最大化 52
第六章 參考文獻 53
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