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作者(外文):Lin, Hsu-An
論文名稱(外文):The Dynamics of Consumers' Purchase Intention in Celebrity Endorsement: Uncovering the Key Influential Factors
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Ching
Yin, Chin-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Celebrity endorsementPersonality congruencePurchase intentionProduct usage rateUtilitarian valueHedonic valueOnline channelOffline channelSocial media platform
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  • 點閱點閱:45
  • 評分評分:*****
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Celebrity endorsement is prevalent in our daily lives, with successful endorsements enhancing brand attitudes and boosting sales. Conversely, unsuccessful endorsements can result in substantial losses in the marketing budget, causing many firms to hesitate. Existing research primarily focuses on the impact of celebrity, brand, and consumer personality congruence on brand attitudes or purchase intentions. However, there is relatively less exploration of other constructs underlying this communication.

This study adopts the classical communication framework, referred to as “Who, says what, to whom, in which channel, and with what effect?” The analysis not only examines the impact of personality congruence on purchase intention but also considers the moderating effects of utilitarian or hedonic value, product usage rate, and online or offline channels.

The findings reveal that personality congruence between the celebrity and consumer in the sincerity dimension significantly influences purchase intention. Following closely is the personality congruence between the celebrity and brand. The utilitarian value of the tagline exhibits a negative interaction effect on the first relationship. Consequently, firms should carefully select celebrities whose personalities align with consumers in sincerity and design taglines to convey hedonic value. In conclusion, the study’s results provide valuable insights for firms to better understand the communication dynamics among celebrities, brands, and consumers.
Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation-------------------------1
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypothesis Development---------4
2.1 Personality Congruence-------------------------------------4
2.2 Utilitarian or Hedonic Value-------------------------------6
2.3 Product Usage Rate-----------------------------------------7
2.4 Online or Offline Channel----------------------------------7
2.5 Purchase Intention-----------------------------------------8
2.6 Research Framework-----------------------------------------9
Chapter 3 Method-----------------------------------------------10
3.1 Pretests---------------------------------------------------10
3.2 Design and Procedure---------------------------------------12
3.3 Common Method Variance-------------------------------------13
Chapter 4 Results----------------------------------------------13
4.1 Measures---------------------------------------------------13
4.2 Exploratory Factorial Analysis-----------------------------14
4.3 Measurement Reliability and Validity-----------------------15
4.4 Congruency Estimation--------------------------------------16
4.5 Assumption Check-------------------------------------------16
4.6 Hypotheses Testing-----------------------------------------17
Chapter 5 General Discussion-----------------------------------21
5.1 Theoretical Contributions----------------------------------21
5.2 Managerial Implications------------------------------------22
5.3 Further Research and Limitations---------------------------23
Appendix A. Measurement Scales of Personalities and Purchase Intention------------------------------------------------------24
Appendix B. EFA, Reliability, and Validity Results-------------25
Appendix C. Assumptions for Multiple Regression Analysis-------28
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