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論文名稱(外文):Circular Economy and Industrial Maturity of Polyester Recycling: The Innovation Ecosystem View
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan-Chieh
口試委員(外文):Chien, Ker-Hsuan
Chen, Po-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:Circular economyInnovation ecosystemPET recyclingIndustry maturity
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,循環經濟概念受到了全球各國的廣泛關注和重視。許多國家紛紛將循環經濟作為實現可持續發展和綠色經濟的關鍵策略之一,並積極推動相關政策和措施。 本研究目的為探討以創新生態系統觀點探討寶特瓶回收產業成熟度,其以F公司作為研究對象,並探討其生態系統中的除了技術創新之外,還包括其他三個要素:推動者(actors) 與合作夥伴(partners)所承擔風險、政府法規與政策對循環經濟產業的支持,與一般民眾意識與非政府組織的支持等,這四個因素會共同決定循環經濟的產業成熟度。
  本研究結果發現此創新生態系統已達到成熟,從政府制訂完善相關政策、食藥署2022年通過R-PET相關規範、F公司至美國拓廠、與T公司在711發展”Close th e loop”商業模式,打造瓶到瓶流程、公民團體提升正確回收度,另有許多公司也相繼投入聚酯產業,皆可顯示出一個創新生態系統除了技術達到創新外,也需與參與者共同協同創新,寶特瓶回收生態創新系統對於聚酯回收和環境保護具有重要意義,能夠提高資源利用效率,實現循環經濟而藉由本研究發現成功的創新生態系統發實施需要政府、企業和公眾的共同努力,並達到相同的共識以達到永續發展。
In recent years, the concept of the circular economy has received widespread attention and emphasis from countries around the world. Many nations have recognized the circular economy as a key strategy for achieving sustainable development and a green economy and have actively promoted related policies and measures. This study aims to explore the maturity of the PET bottle recycling industry from the perspective of an innovative ecosystem. The study focuses on Company F as the research subject and examines the four key factors that determine the maturity of the circular economy industry: technological innovation, the risks undertaken by actors and partners, government regulations and policies supporting the circular economy industry, and the awareness and support of the general public and non-governmental organizations.
Taking the global PET recycling leader, Company F, as the focal point, this study investigates the innovative ecosystem by analyzing the role of other participants such as government regulatory support, cooperation from upstream and downstream suppliers, and support from civic groups. The study analyzes how the entire process achieves profitability and technological innovation, and how the participants in the ecosystem interact and evolve, creating an innovative ecosystem that combines commercial viability with environmental protection in the circular economy.
The results of this study indicate that the innovative ecosystem has reached maturity. It is observed that the government has developed relevant policies, the Food and Drug Administration passed R-PET regulations in 2022, Company F expanded its operations to the United States, and collaboration with Company T on the "Close the Loop" business model in 7-Eleven has been established to create a bottle-to-bottle process. Civic groups have also contributed to improving recycling rates, and several other companies have entered the PET industry. These findings demonstrate that in addition to technological innovation, an innovative ecosystem requires collaborative innovation among participants.
The PET bottle recycling ecosystem is of significant importance for PET recycling and environmental protection, improving resource efficiency, and achieving a circular economy. Successful implementation of the identified innovative ecosystem requires collective efforts from the government, businesses, and the public to achieve a consensus for sustainable development.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝辭 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究問題與目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1循環經濟 5
2.1.1循環經濟之概念 5
2.1.2線性經濟與循環經濟的差異 7
2.1.3循環經濟生態系統 8
2.1.4循環經濟實踐與政策實施 10
2.2產業成熟度與創新生態系統 11
2.2.1產業成熟度 11
2.2.2創新生態系統定義 13
2.2.3創新生態系統特徵 15
2.2.4創新生態系統組成與要素 16
2.2.5創新生態系統風險 18
2.3研究架構 20
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1個案研究法 22
3.2深度訪談法 22
3.3個案選擇 23
3.4資料蒐集 24
第四章 個案研究 25
4.1個案公司介紹 25
4.1.1焦點廠商:F公司 25
4.1.2合作夥伴:T公司 27
4.1.3民眾與社會意識: R公民組織 28
4.1.4法規以及相關限制: 環保署資源回收基金管理會 29
4.2 聚酯產業概況 32
4.2.1 聚酯產業概述、應用 32
4.2.2聚酯產業營收與同業比較 34
4.2.3寶特瓶回收、聚酯生產流程 37
4.3創新生態系統互動關係與階段介紹 40
4.4 創新生態系統-完善期(2010~2023) 41
4.4.1階段介紹與目標:拓展海外市場 、發展close the loop生態圈 41
4.4.2風險評估 42
4.4.3風險改善 51
4.5研究結果 53
第五章 結論與建議 54
5.1結論 54
5.2建議 55
參考文獻 56
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