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作者(外文):Wu, Chia-Chi
論文名稱(中文):Covid-19 對各人口群體勞動市場之影響-以台灣進行實證分析
論文名稱(外文):Impact of Covid-19 on Labor Markets by Demographic Group - An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Hwei-Lin
Lee, Yi
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chao-Hsi
Wu, Huo-Ying
中文關鍵詞:Covid-19 疫情遠距工作居家工作比例失業狀況月收入每週工時
外文關鍵詞:Covid-19 PandemicRemote WorkProportion of Working from HomeUnemployment StatusMonthly IncomeWeekly Work Hours
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2019 年底開始,Covid-19 疫情於全球各地爆發,勞動市場因而產生許多問題與變動,台灣也在此時受到衝擊,並且於 2021 年 5 月進入三級警戒。雖然政府積極應對,Covid-19 疫情仍對台灣造成衝擊。本研究探討不同性別、有無 6 歲以下子女、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況等人口群體在 Covid-19 疫情時期分別對失業狀況、月收入及每週工時之影響,並比較外銷產業與內需產業受疫情影響下之不同表現。使用行政院主計處所發布之「人力運用調查」資料,並採用 Heckman 樣本選擇模型進行估計,同時考慮此時逐漸盛行的遠距工作模式,加入居家工作比例進行研究。
實證結果顯示,受疫情影響最為明顯的是女性以及有 6 歲以下子女者,在相同居家工作比例下,於民國 110 年相較於民國 109 年,有 6 歲以下子女者有更高的機率會失業,而女性則是有較低的失業可能;女性以及有 6 歲以下子女者其月收入於民國 110 年更高:而大多數群體受到 Covid-19 疫情的影響,每週工時皆呈現下降的趨勢。外銷產業與內需產業兩者間之失業狀況與月收入之差異顯著擴大,外銷產業之失業可能更小,月收入也更高,但每週工時更低。
Since the end of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic has erupted worldwide, resulting in various problems and changes in the labor market. Taiwan has also been impacted during this time and entered level three alert in May 2021. Despite the government’s proactive response, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact Taiwan. This study explores the impact of different gender, whether there are children under 6 years old, age, education level, marital status and other demographic groups on unemployment, monthly income and weekly working hours during the Covid-19 epidemic period, and compares export-oriented industries with domestic demand industries Different manifestations under the influence of the epidemic. The study utilizes data from the “Manpower Utilization Survey” published by the Directorate-General of Budget,
Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, and employs the Heckman sample selection model for estimation. Additionally, it takes into account the prevalent trend of remote work by incorporating the proportion of working from home in the analysis.
The empirical results show that women and those with children under the age of 6 are most affected by the epidemic. Under the same proportion of working from home, those with children under the age of 6 have a higher probability of unemployed, while women have a lower possibility of being unemployed; women and those with children under the age of 6 had higher monthly incomes in 2021; and the weekly working hours of most groups showed a decline due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic trend. The export-oriented industries have a lower unemployment rate and higher monthly income, but lower weekly work hours.
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究動機...1
1.2 研究架構...2
第二章 文獻回顧...3
2.1 歐美國家相關文獻...3
2.2 亞洲國家相關文獻...5
2.3 台灣相關文獻...5
第三章 資料來源 ...7
3.1 資料來源...7
3.2 失業狀況之基本統計量...7
3.3 月收入之基本統計量...9
3.4 每週工時之基本統計量...11
第四章 研究方法...14
4.1 Heckman 樣本選擇模型...14
4.2 居家工作比例之衡量...16
4.3 外銷產業 v.s.內需產業...20
第五章 實證結果...23
5.1 失業狀況...23
5.2 月收入...35
5.3 每週工時...46
5.4 外銷產業 v.s.內需產業...58
第六章 結論...60
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