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作者(外文):Huang, Liang-Ching
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Selective Credit Controls on Taiwan's Housing Market
指導教授(外文):Lin, Ching-Yi
口試委員(外文):Lu, Shu-Shiuan
Chen, Chun-Chih
外文關鍵詞:Selective credit controlSpeculative zonesnon-Speculative zonesStructural vector autoregressionImpulse responsePanel data regression
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究旨在探討2012年8月至2022年5月中央銀行實施選擇性信用管制措施對於台灣房地產市場之影響。政府打擊房地產炒作之政策最主要是想抑制投機性炒房,然而政府對於房價飆漲迅速之地區並沒有明確的定義,因此根據Igan and Kang(2011)對於投機性地區(speculative zones)和非投機性地區(non-speculative zones)之定義,將台灣六都七十個行政區劃分為投機性地區和非投機性地區,並採用結構式自我向量迴歸和追蹤資料模型分析選擇性信用管制對於房價、交易量、購屋住宅貸款及個人房貸總人數之影響。
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of selective credit control on housing market in Taiwan from August 2012 to May 2022. The government's primary objective in combating real estate speculation is to curb speculative property investment. Based on the definition provided by Igan and Kang (2011) regarding speculative and non-speculative zones, the seventy administrative districts in the six major cities of Taiwan were categorized into speculative and non-speculative zones.
Based on the impulse response analysis, it was found that selective credit control has a significant positive impact on the housing price and a significant negative impact on the transaction volume in certain districts of Taiwan’s six major cities. Furthermore, there is an initial positive and statistically significant relationship between selective credit controls and the total mortgage credit and the total number of individual housing borrowers. Subsequently, according to the panel data regression, it shows that implementing selective credit controls in both speculative and non-speculative regions did not effectively suppress housing prices in either case. The impact on transaction volume was either significantly negative or inconsequential, with these effects being more pronounced in speculative regions.
In certain regions and time intervals, the real estate market exhibits a decoupling phenomenon between prices and transaction volume. When comparing this with the current trend in the real estate market, it is indeed observed that there is a negative correlation between prices and transaction volume.
摘要 ii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 實施房屋貸款成數之依據 7
第二節 房屋貸款成數限制之實施效果 8
第三章 資料敘述 13
第一節 變數選擇 13
第二節 變數說明 13
第三節 資料來源與處理 15
第四節 資料走勢圖 16
第四章 使用方法 23
第一節 六都資料之實證模型:結構式自我向量迴歸模型 23
第二節 區分投機性與非投機性地區 25
第三節 投機性和非投機性地區:追蹤資料迴歸 27
第五章 實證結果 30
第一節 衝擊反應函數 30
第二節 全部地區、投機性和非投機性地區迴歸結果 39
第六章 結論 51
參考文獻 52







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