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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of ESG on Job Seekers and Employed Individuals' Job Choice Preference
指導教授(外文):Liao, Chao-Ning
外文關鍵詞:ESGjob choice preferenceordered probit model
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本研究使用線上問卷調查並搭配次序probit模型(ordered probit model),用以探討企業之環境、社會與公司治理(Environmental, Social, and Governance,ESG)表現對求職者與已就業者工作選擇偏好之影響。研究結果顯示,當公司提供提升專業的機會、給予理想薪酬、並且在工作環境中保持適當的社交以及沒有歧視的表現時將降低員工離職的意願,而在與ESG相關變數方面,當公司有支持環境管理的實際投資和相關組織、有環境管理的績效與評價體系、有穩定員工就業的策略、有對利益相關者的ESG進行評價、有和利益相關者的成長執行雙贏的伙伴關係計劃、採用員工道德規範、會揭露嚴重影響組織決策的訊息和問題與會持續對外揭露訊息等,都是會影響工作選擇偏好的重要因素。另外,若將性別分開進行分析發現,公司沒有歧視的表現、支持環境管理的投資和組織、有環境管理績效與評價體系與利益相關者執行雙贏的伙伴關係計劃等因素,反而不會影響女性的工作選擇。
This study utilized an online survey coupled with the ordered probit model to explore the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance of companies on the job preferences of job seekers and employed individuals. The findings revealed that when companies provide opportunities for professional growth, offer desirable compensation, maintain a conducive social working environment, and demonstrate a non-discriminatory culture, they reduce employees' willingness to quit their jobs. Regarding ESG-related variables, factors such as actual investments and related organizations supporting environmental management, having an environmental performance and evaluation system, adopting strategies for stable employee employment, evaluating ESG for stakeholders, implementing win-win partnership plans with stakeholders, adopting an employee code of ethics, disclosing information and issues significantly affecting organizational decisions, and continuing external disclosure, all play crucial roles in influencing job preferences. Furthermore, when gender is considered separately, factors such as non-discriminatory practices, investments and organizations supporting environmental management, having an environmental performance and evaluation system, and executing win-win partnership plans with stakeholders do not significantly affect the job choices of women.
摘要 ii
目次 iv
表目次 vi
圖目次 vi
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究流程 2
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2.1 ESG評價與公司績效 4
2.2工作選擇偏好 5
第三章、研究方法 8
3.1問卷設計 8
3.2 信效度分析 13
3.2.1信度 13
3.2.2效度 14
3.3次序probit 模型 14
3.4卡方獨立性檢定 17
3.5概似比檢定 18
第四章、實證分析結果 19
4.1資料來源 19
4.2變數說明與敘述性統計 19
4.2.1應變數 19
4.2.2自變數 19
4.3信效度分析結果 28
4.4 Likelihood Ratio Test分析 30
4.5卡方獨立性檢定分析 30
4.6迴歸分析結果 33
4.6.1工作相關變數 33
4.6.2 ESG相關變數 34
4.6.3個人相關變數 36
4.6.4男性迴歸分析 38
4.6.5女性迴歸分析結果 40
4.7邊際效果 42
4.8 ESG相關變數合併迴歸分析結果 49
第五章、結論與建議 53
5.1研究結論 53
5.2研究限制與政策建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄一 60
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