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作者(外文):Zhuge, Yuan-Fang
論文名稱(外文):The impact of real estate investment on business performance under the mediating effect of corporate innovation capability
指導教授(外文):Tsai, I-Chun
Lin, Che-Chun
口試委員(外文):Yang, Jerry T.
Chang, Jow-Ran
外文關鍵詞:Real Estate InvestmentBusiness PerformanceInnovationPrincipal Component AnalysisIntermediary Effect ModelSuppressing Effects
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  • 點閱點閱:29
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, the economic development of mainland China and the real estate industry have been closely linked, with many non-real estate enterprises investing heavily in investment real estate as a means of securing healthy financial statements and high profits. However, the most important factor in maintaining the vitality and growth of a business is not only its profitability, but also its ability to innovate. As there is a crowding-out relationship between investment in real estate and investment in corporate technological innovation, this paper focuses on whether the real estate investment behavior of non-real estate companies has an impact on corporate performance through its influence on corporate innovation, i.e. what role corporate innovation plays in the relationship between corporate real estate investment and operational performance.
This paper focuses on the relationship between real estate investment and business performance of listed enterprises in Mainland China. The first step is to compile various types of financial data into a comprehensive indicator through principal component analysis, and then use a mediating effect model to identify corporate innovation as a mediating factor. Firstly, the relationship between the three factors is investigated in the light of domestic and international historical literature, and it is concluded that: real estate investment has different effects and explanations on various aspects of enterprises, and is not uniform; real estate investment has a suppressive effect on enterprises' innovation ability; and enterprises' innovation ability has a facilitating effect on enterprises' business performance. The results of the analysis of the mediating effect model show that real estate investment has a negative effect on the overall business performance indicators of enterprises; real estate investment has a negative effect on innovation capability; and the final mediating effect is also negative, according to the criteria for judging the mediating effect, the mediating effect of enterprise innovation capability has a masking effect in the relationship between the two, which means that it weakens the negative effect of real estate investment on the business performance of enterprises. This means that the negative effect of real estate investment on business performance is diminished. This explains why many non-real estate companies continue to invest in the real estate sector, knowing that this will affect their own technological progress.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究意義 3
第四節 研究框架 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 企業房地產投資對企業經營績效的影響研究 5
第二節 房地產投資對企業技術創新能力的影響 9
第三節 企業技術創新能力對企業經營績效的影響研究 10
第四節 文獻綜述小結 12
第三章 數據來源及模型設定 14
第一節 樣本與數據 14
第二節 變量定義 14
第三節 模型設定 17
第四章 實證檢驗 20
第一節 企業經營績效指標計算 20
第二節 描述性統計及皮爾遜相關性分析 25
第三節 前置檢驗 27
第四節 基準回歸 29
第五節 中介效應 31
第六節 穩健性檢驗 32
第五章 異質性分析 34
第一節 企業性質分類 34
第二節 企業類型分類 36
第三節 企業專精特新分類 38
第六章 研究結論及建議 40
第七章 參考文獻 42

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