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作者(外文):Yeh, Cheng-Han
論文名稱(外文):A Low Period Jitter CMOS Relaxation Oscillator with Voltage Averaging Feedback and Temperature Compensation
指導教授(外文):Klaus, Yung-Jane Hsu
口試委員(外文):Liu, Tang-Jie
Lai, Yu-Shen
外文關鍵詞:OscillatorTemperature CompensationLow Period Jitter
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因此本次研究致力於在TSMC 90nm 1P9M 標準製程下在CMOS電路設計上製作一個高效率且穩定的時脈產生器,使其振盪頻率可以不受溫度還有電壓的變異所影響。此外,透過只有一組充放電路徑可以有效地降低週期抖動(Period Jitter),並且加入一個除頻器以達到輸出訊號為接近50%責任週期(Duty Cycle)的方波。
In today's electronic products, any circuit with timing control, such as mobile phones, cameras, computers, etc, must rely on clock signals to ensure correct operation. Therefore, how to generate a highly accurate and stable clock signal has become a significant issue. So far, most electronic devices still rely on quartz oscillators to generate clock signals. This is mainly because quartz oscillators provide the highest frequency stability currently. However, quartz crystals, as the essential components of oscillators, have large areas and high costs. Therefore, in the past few decades, scholars from all walks of life have tried to find alternatives to quartz oscillators in pursuit of better clock signal generation technology.
In recent years, MEMS oscillators, FBAR oscillators, and CMOS oscillators have been proposed to replace quartz oscillators. However, the process technology of MEMS and FBAR is complicated and cannot integrate with CMOS circuits. Due to the characteristics of semiconductors, CMOS oscillators are easily affected by the environment, causing their oscillation frequency to change due to changes in operating temperature and supply voltage. Therefore, quartz oscillators can only partially be replaced so far. However, appropriate compensation methods can be added to the design of CMOS circuits to improve stability. Therefore, we are committed to CMOS oscillators to achieve low power consumption and temperature-compensated clock generators under standard manufacturing processes.
Therefore, this research is dedicated to creating a high-efficiency and stable clock generator based on CMOS circuit design under the TSMC 90nm 1P9M standard process so that its oscillation frequency will not be affected by temperature and voltage variations. In addition, period jitter can be effectively reduced by having only one set of charge and discharge paths, and a frequency divider is added to achieve a square wave output signal close to 50% of the duty cycle.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文章節架構 6
第二章 CMOS振盪器 7
2.1 CMOS振盪器介紹 7
2.1.1弛張振盪器(Relaxation Oscillator) 7
2.1.2諧波振盪器(Harmonic Oscillator) 8
2.2 頻率變異來源 10
第三章 文獻回顧 14
3.2 電阻的串並聯或並串聯組合 18
3.3 具溫度補償的弛張振盪電路 22
第四章 電路架構 23
4.1 電路架構概述 23
4.2 雜訊分析 24
4.3 子電路 26
4.3.1 平均電壓值回授(Voltage Averaging Feedback) 26
4.3.2 運算放大器(Operational Amplifier) 28
4.3.3 比較器(Comparator) 29
4.3.4 緩衝電路(Buffer) 31
4.3.5 固定轉導偏壓電路(Constant-Gm Biasing) 31
4.3.6 充放電路徑(RC Path) 34
4.3.7 Control Buffer 36
4.3.8 Delay Buffer 37
4.3.9 除頻器(Frequency Divider) 38
4.3.10 Buffer Chain 40
4.4 振盪頻率 41
第五章 模擬與佈局 42
5.1 子電路模擬結果 42
5.1.1運算放大器(Operational Amplifier) 42
5.1.2比較器(Comparator) 44
5.1.3緩衝電路(Buffer) 46
5.1.4固定轉導偏壓電路(Constant-Gm Biasing) 47
5.1.5充放電路徑(RC Path) 50
5.1.6 Control Buffer 52
5.1.7 Delay Buffer 53
5.1.8 除頻器(Frequency Divider) 54
5.2 整體電路模擬結果 55
5.2.1 振盪器波形 55
5.2.2 穩定時間 57
5.2.3 週期抖動(Period Jitter) 58
5.2.4 工作週期(Duty Cycle) 59
5.2.5 頻率受溫度的影響 60
5.2.6 頻率受供應電壓的影響 62
5.3 晶片布局 63
第六章 量測結果 66
6.1 PCB板的設計與環境架設 66
6.2 量測儀器介紹 68
6.3 量測方法 69
6.4 量測結果 70
6.4.1 振盪器輸出波形 71
6.4.2 頻率受供應電壓的影響 73
6.4.3 頻率受溫度的影響 74
6.4.4 週期抖動受溫度的影響 75
6.4.5 量測結果彙整 76
6.5問題討論 77
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 80
7.1 結論 80
7.2 後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 83
附錄 量測資料 86

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