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作者(外文):Zhang, Yi-Ming
論文名稱(外文):A 2.4GHz RF-to-DC Converter design for RF Energy Harvesting
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Klaus Yung-Jane
口試委員(外文):Liu, Yi-Chun
Pei, Zingway
外文關鍵詞:RF Energy HarvestingRF-to-DC Converter2.4GHz
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隨著Henrich Hertz和Nikola Tesla證明環境中電磁波的存在,隨後Nikola Tesla提出了無線充電的概念,射頻能量收集逐漸進入大家的視野。
因此,本文提出的高靈敏度、低功耗、高轉換效率的射頻能量收集電路。希望在保證轉換效率的前提下,降低RF Energy Harvesting電路所需成本,提高經濟效益,讓RF Energy Harvesting在之後能得到真正的普及。
晶片使用TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS的製程來製作,尺寸大小為338.964 μm x 255.36 μm。電路供應的射頻能量為 -20 dBm。負載為13kΩ的電阻、1nH的電感及1pF的電容,模擬後端Power IC的輸入。在輸入的的射頻能量為 -20 dBm條件下,輸出足夠能量供後端Power IC收集並使用。
With the demonstrations of electromagnetic waves in the environment by Heinrich Hertz and Nikola Tesla, followed by Nikola Tesla's concept of wireless charging, the idea of RF energy harvesting gradually entered the public consciousness.
Energy harvesting from radio frequency sources faces more significant challenges than solar, thermal, and vibrational power within a unit area. It indicates that collecting radio frequency power is relatively more complex. Additionally, radio frequency power in the environment is sometimes isolated and cannot consistently provide a stable radio frequency power input. Therefore, storing and managing the collected energy for subsequent use is necessary. Despite these challenges, low-power circuits utilizing radio frequency energy as their power source are readily available in today's market. However, their RF energy harvesting circuits often exhibit lower sensitivity and efficiency, making their conditions of use relatively demanding.
Therefore, this paper introduces an RF energy harvesting circuit with high sensitivity, low power consumption, and high conversion efficiency. The goal is to reduce the cost of RF Energy Harvesting circuits while maintaining conversion efficiency, ultimately enhancing economic viability, and promoting the widespread adoption of RF Energy Harvesting in the future.
The chip is manufactured using TSMC's 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS process and has dimensions of 338.964 μm x 255.36 μm. The circuit is designed to operate with an input radio frequency power of -20 dBm. It interfaces with a load consisting of a 13 kΩ resistor, 1 nH inductor, and 1 pF capacitor, simulating the input to the backend Power IC. Under the given conditions with an input radio frequency power of -20 dBm, the circuit can produce sufficient power for collection and use by the backend Power IC.
第一章 緒論--------1
第二章 原理及相關文獻--------5
2.3.3阻抗匹配--------13 L型阻抗匹配--------14 自適應阻抗匹配網路--------17
2.3.4 RF-DC整流升壓電路--------18
第三章 電路架構與系統規格--------26
3.1 電路架構簡介--------26
3.2 系統規格--------27
第四章 電路設計與佈局--------28
4.1 子電路設計--------28
4.1.2 Matching Network--------28
4.1.3 整流升壓電路--------31
4.1.4 Power IC 及储能装置--------32
4.2 系統模擬結果--------33
4.2.1 Pre-sim--------33
4.2.2 Post-sim--------34
4.2.3 模擬結果與文獻比較--------38
第五章 晶片量測結果--------40
5.1 PCB板設計--------40
5.2 量測儀器介紹--------42
5.3 量測步驟--------43
5.3.1 外接天線量測--------43
5.3.2 整流升壓電路量測--------44
5.3.3 Matching Network量測--------46
5.3.4 Matching Network + 整流升壓電路量測--------47
5.3.5 完整RF-CD整流升壓電路量測--------48
5.4 量測結果--------49
5.4.1 外接天線量測數據--------49
5.4.2 整流升壓電路量測數據--------50
5.4.3 Matching Network量測數據--------51
5.4.4 Matching Network + 整流升壓電路量測數據--------52
5.4.5 完整RF-CD整流升壓電路量測數據--------53
5.5 量測問題討論--------55
第六章 結論與後續研究建議--------65
6.1 結論--------65
6.2 後續研究建議--------65

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