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作者(外文):Lee, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):On Construction of Trajectory of Boxer's Punch using a single IMU
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chun-Yao
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yung-Chih
Chen, Yu-Guang
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In this work, we propose a system to construct the trajectory of punch for boxers. This system can plot trajectories of three kinds of punches including straight punch, hook, and uppercut via a single IMU sensor. A quaternion-based approach is utilized to identify rotations on collected data in three-dimensional space. Furthermore, we apply ellipsoid fitting as our calibration method to remove the built-in offsets inside the IMU sensor effectively. The experimental results show that the proposed system achieves reliable trajectories compared to the professional motion capture product, VICON Motion Systems. The root mean square error (RMSE) of trajectory in straight punch, hook, and uppercut are 0.041m, 0.078m, and 0.117m, respectively.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------- i
Abstract ------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝辭 --------------------------------------------- iii
Contents ------------------------------------------- iv
List of Tables ------------------------------------- vi
List of Figures ------------------------------------ vii
1 Introduction ------------------------------------- 1
2 Preliminaries ------------------------------------ 4
2.1 IMU Sensor ------------------------------------- 4
2.2 Quaternion ------------------------------------- 4
3 Method ------------------------------------------- 6
3.1 Data Segmentation ------------------------------ 6
3.2 Sensor Calibration ----------------------------- 8
3.3 Verfication on Calibration --------------------- 11
3.4 Orientation Adjustment ------------------------- 12
3.5 Gravity Removal -------------------------------- 13
3.6 Overall Flow ----------------------------------- 13
4 Experimental Results ----------------------------- 15
4.1 Data Segmentation ------------------------------ 15
4.2 Trajectory ------------------------------------- 16
4.3 Effectiveness of Calibration ------------------- 17
5 Conclusions -------------------------------------- 20
Bibliography --------------------------------------- 21

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