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作者(外文):Yuan, Cheng-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Neural Palettes: Lightweight Editable Representations for Semantic Segmentation
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hwann-Tzong
口試委員(外文):Liu, Tyng-Luh
Lai, Shang-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Machine LearningImage semantic segmentation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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現代的語義分割模型在訓練期間通常需要大量的 GPU 記憶體。即使對
憶體。本文提出了一種新方法,稱為神經調色板(Neural Palette),它
維空間,並使用二維径向基函數 (RBF) 核生成預測。投影到二維空間的
點形成一個可編輯的" 調色板",提供可解釋的語義,更重要的是,它能
更好,同時消耗的 GPU 記憶體比原始模型更少。
Modern semantic segmentation models often require large GPU memory
footprints during training. With even a slight modification to the segmentation results, such as fine-tuning on a subset of the dataset or fitting to a single
video, a large amount of memory is necessary for back-propagation-based optimization. This thesis presents a new method, Neural Palette, which replaces
the conventional classification head with a lightweight module that projects
high-dimensional feature embeddings onto a 2D space and uses 2D radial basis function kernels to generate predictions. The projected 2D points depict
an editable map that provides interpretable semantics and, more importantly,
enables the refinement of model predictions with a single forward pass without
needing additional memory for back-propagation. The proposed method can
be effortlessly incorporated into any pre-trained semantic segmentation model
with a low training cost to enhance the model’s interpretability and flexibility for fine-tuning. We show that the Neural-Palette-equipped model achieves
comparable results on the original tasks and performs better in fine-tuning the
subsequent tasks while consuming less GPU memory than the original model.
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 5
摘 要 7
Abstract 8
1 Introduction 9
2 Related Work 12
3 Approach 15
3.1 Preliminary 15
3.2 Overview 16
3.3 2D space converter 16
3.4 RBF predictor 17
3.5 Editable map 18
3.6 Flexibility 19
4 Experiments 21
4.1 Datasets and evaluations 21
4.2 Implementation details 22
4.3 Comparison with original models 23
4.4 Fine-tuning with a subset 24
4.5 Fine-tuning for videos 24
4.6 Visualization of the editable map 25
4.7 Robustness 28
4.8 Testing on more videos 29
4.9 Ablation study
4.9.1 Another editing method 30
4.9.2 Push loss ablation 32
4.9.3 Upper and lower bounds for novel class 32
4.9.4 Limitation 34
5 Conclusion and Future Work 36
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