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作者(外文):Lee, Ho-Weng
論文名稱(外文):TAB: Text Align - Anomaly Backbone Model for Industrial Inspection Tasks
指導教授(外文):Lai, Shang-Hong
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Ching-Te
Huang, Ching-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Computer VisionAnomaly Detection
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  • 點閱點閱:193
  • 評分評分:*****
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多依賴於預訓練在 ImageNet 上的主幹模型所產生的特徵,並在其後加入額
空間預訓練 ImageNet 和目標特徵空間工業領域數據之間的偏差。若我們能
全新的預訓練方式,該方式基於多模態模型 CLIP 的文本特徵輔助並重新將
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on anomaly detection and localization in industrial inspection tasks. While numerous studies have achieved impressive results, they often require an extensive number of training samples or robust features from pre-trained extractors trained on a multi-domain dataset like ImageNet. In this work, we propose a novel framework that utilizes the visual-linguistic CLIP model to efficiently train a pre-trained backbone model that is adapted to the manufacturing domain by simultaneously considering visual- and text-aligned embedding space in normal and abnormal terms. Our pre-trained backbone significantly enhances the performance of previous works for industrial downstream tasks, such as anomaly detection and localization. The accuracy improvement is justified through experiments on several datasets, including MVTecAD, BTAD, KSDD2, and MixedWM38, without requiring additional training data or increasing model complexity. Furthermore, using our pre-trained backbone weights allows previous works to achieve superior performance in few-shot scenarios with less training data. The proposed anomaly backbone provides a foundation model for more efficient and effective anomaly detection and localization.
1. Introduction (Page 1)
1.1 Problem Statement (Page 1)
1.2 Motivation (Page 2)
1.3 Contributions (Page 2)
1.4 Thesis Organization (Page 4)
2. Related Work (Page 5)
2.1 Anomaly Detection Methods (Page 5)
2.2 Pre-trained Models on ImageNet (Page 6)
2.3 Visual-Linguistic Foundation Model - CLIP (Page 7)
3. Proposed Method (Page 8)
3.1 Synthetic Anomaly Samples(SAS) (Page 9)
3.2 Industrial Domain Prompt Association(IDPA) (Page 10)
3.3 Prompt Samples (Page 11)
3.3.1 prompt normal (Page 12)
3.3.2 prompt abnormal (Page 12)
3.3.3 industrial domain prompt template (Page 13)
3.4 Anomaly-Text-Aware Pre-training Strategy (Page 14)
3.5 Similarity Matrix (Page 15)
4. Experiments (Page 19)
4.1 Datasets (Page 19)
4.2 Evaluation Metrics (Page 20)
4.3 Experiment Settings (Page 20)
4.4 Implementation Details (Page 21)
4.5 Performance in Anomaly Detection (Page 22)
4.6 Performance in Anomaly Localization (Page 22)
4.7 Performance in Defect Classification (Page 22)
4.8 Performance in Few-Shot Settings (Page 23)
4.9 Performance in Cross-dataset (Page 23)
4.10 Visualization and Qualitative Results (Page 28)
5. Ablation Study (Page 41)
5.1 Effectiveness of Pre-trained Strategy (Page 41)
5.2 Effectiveness of Synthetic Methods (Page 42)
5.3 Effectiveness of Aligning Text Features (Page 42)
5.4 Prompt Design (Page 43)
6. Conclusions (Page 45)
7. References (Page 46)
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