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作者(外文):Zhan, Yu-Ping
論文名稱(中文):通過系統生物學方法、基於 DNN 的 DTI 模型和全基因組微陣列數據進行銀屑病藥物靶標識別和藥物再利用
論文名稱(外文):Drug target identification and drug repurposing in psoriasis through systems biology approach, DNN-based DTI model and genome-wide microarray data
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor-Sen
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Chung-Han
Wu, Chien-Feng
Lian, Kuang-Yow
外文關鍵詞:pathogenesis of psoriasisdrug design specificationssystems biology methodkey signaling pathwaysDNN-based DTI modelmulti-molecule drugbig data miningDTI databases
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  • 點閱點閱:256
  • 評分評分:*****
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Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. In 2014, psoriasis was acknowledged as a severe non-communicable disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this study, we utilized a systems biology approach to investigate the underlying pathogenesis of psoriasis and identify potential drug targets for therapeutic treatment. The study conducting big data mining to construct a candidate genome-wide genetic and epigenetic network (GWGEN). Subsequently, we applied system order detection and system identification methods to identify real GWGENs in psoriatic and non-psoriatic conditions. Core GWGENs were extracted using the Principal Network Projection (PNP) method, and the corresponding key signaling pathways were annotated using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways. Through the comparison of key signaling pathways between psoriasis and non-psoriasis conditions and their downstream cellular abnormalities, NF-κB, STAT3, CEBPB, and FOXO1 were identified as significant biomarkers of pathogenesis and were considered to be drug targets for the therapeutic treatment of psoriasis. Then, DNN-based DTI model was trained to predict candidate molecular drugs. By considering adequate sensitivity, toxicity, and regulatory ability as drug design specifications, Naringin, Butein, and Betulinic acid were selected from the candidate molecular drugs and combined into potential multi-molecule drugs for the treatment of psoriasis.
2. Results----11
2.1 An overview of Systems Biology Approaches for the Study of Pathogenesis and Systematic Drug Design and Discovery for treating Psoriasis----11
2.2. The key Signaling Pathways and Associated Cellular Dysfunctions for Investigating the Molecular Pathogenesis of Psoriasis----14
2.3 The Specific Molecular Pathogenesis of Non-Psoriasis ----18
2.4. Design and Discovery of Potential Multi-Molecular drugs for treatment of psoriasis by Drug Design Specifications and Deep Neural Network-Based Drug-Target Interaction Model----18
3. Discussion ----25
4. Materials and Methods ----27
4.1 A Overview of the process of constructing core Genome-Wide Genetic and Epigenetic Networks (GWGENs) for both psoriasis and non-psoriasis----26
4.2 Data collection and preprocessing of microarray data and candidate GWGENs----28
4.3 Building the Stochastic System Models of Candidate GWGEN----29
4.4 System Order Detection Method and System Identification Scheme for Removing False Positives and Detecting Real GWGENs in Psoriasis and Non-Psoriasis----32
4.5 Extracting the Core GWGENs via Principal Network Projection (PNP) method from the Real GWGENs----37
4.6 Design and Discovery of Multi-Molecule Drug for Treatment of Psoriasis by DNN-Based DTI Model----40
5. Conclusions----43
Reference ----44
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