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作者(外文):Lo, Yu-Hung
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Seng-Chi
Chen, Woei-Luen
外文關鍵詞:EVE-scooterSPMSMspeed controltorque controlbatterySCCLLC resonant converterSMRinverterG2Venergy harvesting
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This thesis develops a battery/supercapacitor (SC) powered electric scooter (E-scooter) surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) drive with grid- connected and plug-in auxiliary charging functions. In driving mode, the motor drive DC-link is established by battery and SC with individual interface converter. In plug-in mode, the grid-to-vehicle (G2V) isolated charging operation can be made. And a plug-in energy harvester (PEH) is developed to accept possible various sources to auxiliarily charging the on-board battery.
First, the fixed DC-link voltage SiC-based inverter fed SPMSM drive is established as the basic platform. The necessary rotor position and armature current sensing schemes are designed for realizing vector control. In inner control loop, the current controlled space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) switching scheme is adopted. As to the outer control loop, both speed and torque controls are made and comparatively evaluated. The detailed designs of all constituted controllers are presented. Moreover, a dynamic braking leg is equipped to prevent the DC-link over-voltage.
Next, the battery/SC hybrid source powered motor drive with varied DC-link voltage is developed. The boosted and variable DC-link voltage is established to improve the motor driving performance and energy conversion efficiency over wide speed range. The power type storage device SC can assist the battery in quick discharging/charging operations. With the proposed power management strategy, the transient currents of the battery and the SC can be properly distributed.
In idle plug-in mode, the isolated grid-to-vehicle (G2V) charging operation is achieved using the embedded motor drive components. The power circuit includes a single-phase boost switch-mode rectifier (SMR) formed by armature winding as energy storage inductor, an isolated half-bridge CLLC (HBCLLC) resonant converter and the battery interface converter in buck mode. Good charging performance and power quality in line input utility grid are obtained. In plug-in mode, the on-board battery auxiliary charging can also be made via the proposed PEH to effectively utilize the accessible sources. The Vienna SMR schematic is employed to construct the developed PEH. Through proper circuit and control scheme arrangements, the possible input sources include three-phase AC, single-phase AC and DC sources.

1.1 Motivation (1)
1.2 Literature Survey (1)
1.3 Contributions of this Thesis (3)
1.4 Organizations of this Thesis (4)

2.1 Introduction (6)
2.2 Overview of Electric Vehicles (6)
2.2.1 Classifications (6)
2.2.2 Power Control Units (8)
2.3 Energy Storage Devices (9)
2.3.1 Battery (10)
2.3.2 Supercapacitor (11)
2.3.3 Possible Interconnected Schematics of Battery and SC (11)
2.4 Introduction of Grid-connected Operation of EV (12)
2.5 Interface Converters (14)
2.5.1 DC-DC Converters (14)
2.5.2 AC-DC Converters (16)
2.5.3 SPWM Inverters (18)
2.6 Introduction of PMSM Drive (20)
2.6.1 Some Key Issues of an EV PMSM Drive (20)
2.6.2 Motor Structures (20)
2.6.3 Physical Modeling (21)
2.6.4 Estimation of Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters (24)
2.7 Digital Control System (26)
2.7.1 Sample Interval Selection (26)
2.7.2 Design of Control Algorithm (26)

3.1 Introduction (29)
3.2 System Configuration (29)
3.3 Power Circuit (29)
3.4 DSP-based Digital Control Environment (31)
3.4.1 Sensing and Interfacing Circuits (31)
3.4.2 The Employed DSP (33)
3.4.3 Control Flowcharts (33)
3.5 Control Schemes (35)
3.6 Performance Evaluation Under Speed Mode (40)
3.6.1 Speed Dynamic Responses (41)
3.6.2 Acceleration/Deceleration Characteristics (41)
3.6.3 State-steady Characteristics (42)
3.6.4 Reversible Operation (43)
3.6.5 Programmed Speed Pattern Evaluation (43)
3.7 Energy Conversion Efficiency Assessment (45)
3.8 Performance Evaluation Under Torque Mode (51)
3.8.1 Torque Command Tracking (51)
3.8.2 Reversible Operation Under Torque Mode (51)

4.1 Introduction (53)
4.2 System Configuration and Functional Description (53)
4.2.1 System Configuration (53)
4.2.2 Functional Description (53)
4.3 Battery Interface DC-DC Converter (55)
4.3.1 Power Circuit (56)
4.3.2 Control Schemes (57)
4.3.3 Discharging Performance Evaluation (65)
4.3.4 Efficiency Measurement (66)
4.4 Performance Evaluation of the Established E-scooter SPMSM Drive (67)
4.4.1 Battery Only with Fixed DC-link Voltage (67)
4.4.2 Battery Only with Varied DC-link Voltage (72)
4.5 SC Interface DC-DC Converter (75)
4.5.1 Estimated Equivalent Circuit Parameter of SC (76)
4.5.2 Power Circuit (78)
4.5.3 Control Schemes (78)
4.6 Battery/SC Powered E-scooter SPMSM Drive (83)
4.6.1 Hybrid Energy Operation Management (83)
4.6.2 Experimental Verification (86)

5.1 Introduction (88)
5.2 System Configuration (88)
5.3 Half-bridge CLLC Resonant DC-DC Converter (89)
5.3.1 Operation Principle (89)
5.3.2 Design of System Components (93)
5.3.3 Control Strategy (96)
5.3.4 Measured Results (97)
5.4 G2V Charging Operation (100)
5.4.1 System Configurations (100)
5.4.2 Single-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR (101)
5.4.3 Experimental Results (104)

6.1 Introduction (109)
6.2 Plug-in Energy Harvester with Three-phase AC Input (109)
6.2.1 Circuit Operation of Vienna SMR (110)
6.2.2 Equivalent Circuit (113)
6.2.3 Power Circuit Components (114)
6.2.4 Control Schemes (116)
6.2.5 Simulation Results (118)
6.2.6 Measured Results (118)
6.3 Plug-in Energy Harvester with Single-phase AC Input (121)
6.3.1 Circuit Operation (121)
6.3.2 Power Circuit (122)
6.3.3 Control Schemes (123)
6.3.4 Measured Results (123)
6.4 Plug-in Energy Harvester with DC Input (124)

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