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作者(外文):Chen, Li-Xin
論文名稱(外文):Performance Comparison between Direct Digital Control and D-Q Axis Control for Three-Phase Three-Wire Inverter with LCL Filter
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chang-Hua
Yu, Gwo-Ruey
Liao, Yi-Hung
外文關鍵詞:three phase three-wire inverterdirect digital controlD-Q axis control
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This research focuses on comparing the performances of direct digital control and D-Q axis control. To achieve this goal, two LCL filters with different inductance attenuations are designed. The experiment involves using an inverter with these filters and adopting both direct digital control and D-Q axis control. The objective is to evaluate the control ability of the system, including transient responses, steady-state responses, and anti-disturbance ability.
First, the direct digital control is introduced. It employs the division-summation (D-Σ) process to achieve the decoupling of three-phase system and incorporates system parameters into the controller calculation. This control method speeds up the responses and enhances the system robustness. On the other hand, D-Q axis control simplifies the three-phase system by D-Q domain with Park transformation. The system model in the D-Q domain is constructed through by the mathematical derivation. The controller of system is designed according to the model of inverter in D-Q domain.
This research includes LCL filter design by considering inductance attenuation, which can reduce sizes and values of the filter. However, the disadvantages of the inverter with these filters are not clear. Thus, we do the experiment with different control methods and filters. We compare the results to analyze the effects of these filters with different controllers.
The major contributions of this thesis are:(1) testing and comparing the performances of the inverter with direct digital control and D-Q axis control, (2) testing and comparing the effects of two control method with different inductance attenuation, (3) testing and comparing control ability of two control method when grid in distorted.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 三相換流器控制策略 2
1-2-2 換流器控制器 5
1-3 論文大綱 9
第二章 系統架構與控制策略 11
2-1 三相三線換流器系統架構 11
2-2 三相解耦合直接數位控制 12
2-2-1 系統共模電壓 13
2-2-2 控制器設計 16
2-3 D-Q軸轉換控制 19
2-3-1 派克變換(Park Transformation)[6] 19
2-3-2 D-Q座標軸之三相等效模型 20
2-3-3 控制器設計 22
第三章 韌體規劃與動作流程 23
3-1 韌體架構 23
3-2 微控制器 24
3-2-1 中斷系統 24
3-2-2 腳位規劃 25
3-2-3 類比/數位轉換模組 26
3-2-4 脈波寬度調變模組 27
3-3 韌體控制流程 28
3-3-1 程式流程 28
3-3-2 模組規劃 33
第四章 系統周邊電路 35
4-1 輔助電源 35
4-1-1 控制板輔助電源系統 35
4-1-2 驅動輔助電源系統 38
4-2 電壓/電流回授 40
4-2-1 直流鏈電壓回授 40
4-2-2 交流回授 41
4-3 驅動電路 46
4-3-1 緩衝器與準位調整 46
4-3-2 單相開關臂驅動電路 47
4-4 硬體保護電路 49
4-5 併網繼電器電路 50
第五章 系統參數設計與實務考量 51
5-1 換流器規格 51
5-2 LCL濾波器設計 52
5-2-1 設計考量 53
5-2-2 設計方法 55
5-2-3 設計流程 61
5-3 實務考量 62
5-3-1 濾波電感考量 62
5-3-2 韌體程式考量 69
第六章 實測結果與驗證 71
6-1 系統規格與參數 71
6-2 控制法說明 72
6-3 實測波形 73
6-3-1 暫態步階響應比較 73
6-3-2 穩態波形比較 76
6-3-3 電網失真響應 95
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 115
7-1 結論 115
7-2 未來研究方向 116
7-2-1 加入穩定度分析 116
7-2-2 分析孤島情況下之比較結果 116
7-2-3 加入通訊功能 116
參考文獻 117

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