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作者(外文):Hung, Wei-Che
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Ultrasonic Power Supply with Phase-Locked Loop and Vibration Amplitude Compensation
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Liu, Pang-Jung
Lee, Tzung-Lin
Chen, Yu-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic power supplyfrequency trackingnon-contact power transmissionpiezoelectric ceramic transducer
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本研究主要貢獻為:(1) 研製一部輸入電壓介於110~220 vrms,輸出電壓為10~100 Vdc,掃頻頻率為16 kHz~32 kHz的超音波電源,(2) 藉由微控制器RX62T實現鎖相迴路,使系統能追蹤換能器諧振頻率,(3) 透過偵測回授電流大小,判斷換能器振動幅度,並在其衰減時調整輸出電壓進行補償。
This research designs and develops an ultrasonic power supply with frequency auto-tracking and amplitude compensation functions, serving as the power core for a rotary ultrasonic machining system. The ultrasonic power supply consists of the power stage and the control stage. The power stage is made up of two parts: a buck converter and and a full-bridge inverter. The former is responsible for stepping down and stabilizing the rectified AC mains voltage. The latter is responsible for converting the stepped-down DC voltage into a high-frequency AC voltage, which then supplies power to the transducer through a non-contact energy transmission system. The control stage uses Renesas RX62T as a controller. By receiving signals of feedback circuit, the controller adjusts the PWM signals to control the switches after analysis and calculation, changing the system output voltage and inverter switching frequency.
During the research, we analyzed and explored various types of piezoelectric elements, transducer structures, equivalent circuit models, and impedance characteristics. Then, measure the equivalent electrical parameters of the transducer by using an impedance analyzer. In addition to the transducer, we also deeply explored the non-contact energy transmission transformer. The mathematical formula and equivalent circuit model of isolated coupling induction transformer are successfully derived. The transformer parameters are measured according to these models, which provide a scientific basis for selecting matching capacitors.
In the ultrasonic machining system, the performance of the transducer is related to the automatic frequency tracking ability of the ultrasonic power supply. Through the combination of the maximum current method and the phase-locked loop method, the system can automatically adjust the output frequency to match the resonant frequency of the transducer. During the machining process, the amplitude of the transducer may be reduced due to the mechanical stress of the load. By adjusting the working voltage of the transducer, its amplitude can be maintained within a certain range.
The major contributions of this thesis are: (1) development of an ultrasonic power supply with an input voltage of 110~220 vrms, an output voltage of 10~100 Vdc , and sweep frequency range of 16 kHz~32 kHz, (2) implementation of a phase-locked loop through the RX62T microcontroller, enabling the system to track the resonant frequency of the transducer, and (3) by detecting the feedback current, the vibration amplitude of the transducer being determined, and when it decays, the output voltage being adjusted for compensation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 頻率自動追蹤 3
1.2.2 阻抗匹配 4
1.3 論文大綱 5
第二章 換能器與非接觸傳輸系統分析 6
2.1 壓電換能器 7
2.1.1 壓電材料 8
2.1.2 壓電效應 9
2.1.3 材料應用場合 12
2.1.4 常見壓電參數 15
2.2 超音波換能器 18
2.2.1 換能器組成結構 18
2.2.2 換能器機電等效電路與阻抗特性 21
2.2.3 換能器特徵頻率與特性 24
2.2.4 換能器振動幅度與電流的關係 25
2.2.5 換能器參數量測與模擬 26
2.3 非接觸傳輸系統電路模型 28
2.3.1 變壓器等效模型推導 29
2.3.2 變壓器參數量測 42
2.3.3 變壓器漏感對諧振點的影響 45
2.4 換能器阻抗匹配 46
2.4.1 單邊電容補償 46
2.4.2 雙邊電容補償 47
第三章 電路架構與動作原理 49
3.1 Buck 降壓型轉換器 49
3.1.1 連續導通模式 50
3.1.2 不連續導通模式 52
3.2 變流電路設計 55
3.2.1 Half-bridge半橋變流器 56
3.2.2 Push-Pull推挽式變流電路 56
3.2.3 Full-bridge全橋變流電路 57
3.3 頻率追蹤方法 59
3.3.1 最大電流追蹤法 59
3.3.2 鎖相迴路頻率追蹤方法 61
3.3.3 振動幅度補償對頻率追蹤的影響 63
第四章 系統周邊電路設計 65
4.1 輔助電源 65
4.2 電壓保護電路 66
4.3 直流鏈差動降壓電路 67
4.4 電流回授電路 68
4.5 全橋變流器驅動電路 68
4.6 微控制器輸出緩衝器 69
4.7 零交越偵測電路 70
第五章 系統架構與程式流程 72
5.1 系統軟體架構 72
5.2 微控制器RX62T簡介 73
5.3 控制流程 76
5.3.1 主程式控制流程 77
5.3.2 類比/數位中斷副程式 79
5.3.3 直流鏈電壓穩壓副程式 80
5.3.4 最大電流掃頻副程式 82
5.3.5 相位偵測副程式 83
5.3.6 數位濾波副程式 90
5.3.7 鎖相與振幅補償副程式 91
第六章 電路實測驗證 94
6.1 實體電路呈現 94
6.1.1 超音波電源 94
6.1.2 換能器 95
6.1.3 非接觸電能傳輸變壓器 96
6.2 實務考量 97
6.3 實驗結果 97
6.3.1 頻率自動追蹤 97
6.3.2 振動幅度補償 107
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 109
7.1 結論 109
7.2 未來研究方向 109
參考文獻 111

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