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作者(外文):Chou, Tzu-Chuan
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Wan-Tsun
Xu, Guo-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Switched-reluctance machinewind generatorDC microgridPVBESSload inverterSMRcommutation shiftingvoltage controlcurrent controlrobust controlfeedforward controlG2MM2GV2MM2V
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本論文旨在建構一具可重組介面轉換器之風機/光伏直流微電網,風力開關式磁阻發電機由變頻器供電感應馬達建置之風機模擬器驅動,並採用高切換彈性之非對稱橋式轉換器。採用強健之磁滯電流控制,以及妥予設計之電壓控制器,得額定轉速 (6000轉) 下穩定之48伏直流輸出電壓。為降低反電動勢對開關磁阻發電機發電特性之影響,採行適當之換相移位,使風力開關磁阻發電機能在廣轉速和負載變動範圍下可靠運行。其他有關增能研究研究,包含換相移位對直流鏈電流漣波降低之影響,其亦間接降低開關磁阻發電機之轉矩漣波,以及在單相斷臂故障下之容錯能力等。此外,納入模擬光伏系統為另一再生能源輸入。具三單元之交錯式直流-直流升壓轉換器用以接受兩種再生能源,建立直流微電網400伏之共同直流匯流排。交錯組數由再生能源輸入狀況自動決定之。除電流及電壓回授控制器外,引入輸入電壓前饋控制,使開關磁阻發電機輸出電壓對變動之輸入電壓具快速調節排除能力。為維持直流微電網之供電可靠性,系統中建置妥適設計及控制之蓄電池儲能系統。
This thesis focuses on the development of a DC microgrid based on wind switched-reluctance generator (SRG)/photovoltaic (PV) using reconfigurable interface boost converter. The wind SRG is driven by an inverter-fed induction motor (IM) as prime mover. The SRG adopts the asymmetric bridge converter for its high PWM switching flexibility. The robust hysteresis current control scheme and the properly designed voltage controller to ensure well-regulated DC output voltage of 48V at rated speed (6000rpm). To mitigate the effects of back electromotive force (back-EMF) on the generation of SRG, the commutation shifting approach is employed. This enables the wind SRG to operate reliably under variations of driven speed and load. Additional enhancements to the SRG performance include investigating the impact of commutation shift on DC-link current ripple, which indirectly reduces the torque ripple, and assessing the fault-tolerant capability in the event of single-phase fault. In addition, an emulated photovoltaic (PV) is added as the second renewable source. A three-cell reconfigurable interleaved boost converter is proposed to accept the wind SRG and PV and establish common DC-bus voltage of 400V in the microgrid. The interleaving cell number selection is automatically determined according to the input renewable power conditions. Alongside carefully designed current and voltage feedback controllers, an input voltage feedforward controller is incorporated to ensure rapid voltage regulation in response to fluctuations in the input voltages. To enhance the power supplying reliability, a battery energy storage system (BESS) is established and integrated into the developed microgrid.
As the renewable energy and the battery stored energy are insufficient to support the established DC microgrid, the interleaved boost converter is reconfigured into an H-bridge switch-mode rectifier (SMR) to achieve grid-to-microgrid (G2M) operation. The microgrid can be supported energy from the utility grid. Thanks to the bidirectional SMR, the microgrid-to-grid (M2G) operation is also conductible and evaluated. For making load testing, a three-phase three-wire (3P3W) load inverter is also established. In addition, an available electric vehicle (EV) switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drive is employed for experimentally exploring isolated vehicle-to-microgrid (V2M) and microgrid-to-vehicle (M2V) inter-connected operations. The successful operation and satisfactory performance are demonstrated by some measured results.
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Survey 2
A. Microgrids 2
B. Switched-reluctance Machine 3
C. Interface DC/DC Converter and Reconfigurable Schematic 5
D. Switch-mode Rectifiers 6
E. Inverter 7
F. Energy Storage System 8
1.3 Contribution of this Thesis 9
1.4 Organization of this Thesis 10
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Microgrid Systems 12
A. Microgrid Classifications 12
B. Controls of Microgrids 14
C. Voltage Level Consideration for DC Microgrid 16
2.3 Wind Energy Systems 17
A. Wind Generator System 17
B. Governing Equations 18
C. Some Typical Wind Energy Systems 19
2.4 Photovoltaic Systems 21
A. Governing Equation for a PV Cell 21
B. Parameter Determination 22
C. I-V Curves and Effects of Temperature and Irradiance 23
2.5 Battery Energy Storage Systems 24
2.6 Interface Converters 28
A. DC-DC Converters 28
B. Switch-mode Rectifiers 30
2.7 Switched-reluctance Machines 33
A. Structural Features 33
B. Operation Mode 35
C. Some Existing SRM Converters 35
3.1 Introduction 42
3.2 Basics of Switched-Reluctance Machine 42
3.2.1 Governing Equations 43
3.2.2 Ripple Characteristics 44
3.3 Power Stage Establishment 45
3.3.1 System Configuration 45
3.2.2 Digital Control Environment 47
3.3.3 Interfacing and Sensing Circuits 47
3.4 Control Schemes 50
3.4.1 Current Control Scheme 50
3.4.2 Voltage Control Schemes 51
3.5 Commutation Scheme 55
3.5.1 Manual Commutation Angle Setting 56
3.5.2 Dynamic Shifting 62
3.5.3 Performance of the DSC 63
3.6 Measured Results 64
3.6.1 Varied Generator Driven Speed 64
3.6.2 Regulation Response 64
3.7 Fault Tolerant Characteristic 66
4.1 Introduction 68
4.2 Wind SRG with Followed Interleaved Boost Converter 68
4.2.1 System Configuration 68
4.2.2 Interleaved Boost Converter 68
4.2.3 Interleaving Operation 69
4.2.4 Control Schemes 71
4.2.5 Measured Results 73
4.3 Battery Energy Storage System 76
4.3.1 Discharging Mode 76
4.3.2 Charging Mode 79
4.3.3 Measured Results 80
4.4 PV Powered DC Microgrid 82
4.4.1 Simulated PV Arrays 82
4.4.2 Power Circuit 83
4.4.3 MPPT Control Scheme 83
4.4.4 Measured Results 85
4.5 DC Microgrid with Integrated Wind and PV Sources 87
4.5.1 Power Circuit 87
4.5.2 Control Schemes 88
4.5.3 Measured Results 89
5.1 Introduction 93
5.2 Bidirectional G2M/M2G Operations 93
5.2.1 G2M Operation via H-bridge SMR 93
5.2.2 M2G Operation via H-bridge Inverter 102
5.3 Three-Phase Load Inverter 105
5.3.1 System Configuration 105
5.3.2 Control Scheme 106
5.3.3 Measured Results 108
5.4 Bidirectional M2V/V2M Operations 112
A. CLLC Resonant Converter 113
B. Control Scheme 113
C. V2M EV Discharging Operation 114
D. M2V Charging EV Operation 116

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