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作者(外文):Chen, Pei-Chia
論文名稱(外文):Improving Audit Effectiveness with Natural Language Processing to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Sheng-I
Kao, Meng-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Natural language processingDeep learningQuality system audit
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  • 點閱點閱:381
  • 評分評分:*****
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現在正處於工業 4.0資訊網路時代,資料資訊化已成為工作基本運作,許多工廠已導入機器人,以自動化生產和較低的勞動成本取代人力,增加企業產值與效能,並將此精神加入至品質稽核,導入智能化,快速找到企業流程和單位較有風險的地方。過往皆靠人員記憶的經驗和散布各地資料進行客戶來訪前的預防改善,資料無整理和進行標準化,往往方向錯誤和無法提前找出真正的問題,且需耗費許多人力成本進行資料分析和討論方向,最終結果並不穩定,常常導致客戶來訪缺失項目多和不滿意。
Quality audit is an important activity of the enterprise. The results of quality audit will affect the company's image, certification, customer confidence, and further affect the company's operations and the number of customer orders. The annual external audit activities include third-party regular audits, customer annual audits, new customer certification audits and task-based audits. In the past, the records of audit results relied on the experience of senior staff and fragmentary data. When the company conducts self-examination before the customer visit, such a result will lead to the wrong direction of preparation, failure to find out the real problem, and consume a lot of manpower for data analysis and discussion time. The above results will lead to many examination disadvantages and dissatisfied of the customers.
In the era of Industry 4.0, informatization has become a good tool to improve performance. In order to increase the output value and efficiency of enterprises, many factories introduce robots to replace human labor with automated production and lower labor costs. Intelligence is added to quality audit process to quickly find the more risky places in enterprise processes and units.
This study utilizes natural language processing to structure the audit items and results. The textual data summarizes the corresponding labels according to various laws and regulations, customer needs, etc., and constructs a set of models and methods. The prosposed method can detect the early warning items and risk assessment of each factory and each customer so that the organization can defend and improve the places with high risks in advance to enhance customer satisfaction.
第一章 緒論......................8
1.1 研究背景.....................8
1.2 研究動機....................10
1.3 研究目的....................11
1.4 研究架構....................11
第二章 文獻回顧探討..............13
2.1 品質管理系統................13
2.2 自然語言處理................18
2.2.1 源起與發展................18
2.2.2 自然語言處理的常見任務.....20
2.2.3 機器學習和深度學習.........23
2.3 Summary.....................26
第三章 研究方法..................27
3.1 資料前處理...................28
3.2 模型訓練.....................29
3.3 模型驗證.....................37
3.4 模型評估.....................38
第四章 實證分析...................41
4.1 公司簡介.....................41
4.2 現有痛點.....................41
4.3 資料前處理...................42
4.4 模型架構.....................45
4.5 模型表現.....................45
4.6 專案效益評估.................52
第五章 結論 .....................55
5.1 結論.........................55
5.2 未來研究與方向................55
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ISO - International Organization for Standardization
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