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作者(中文):周 煦
作者(外文):Jou, Hsu
論文名稱(中文):結合Kano模型與品質機能展開以提升新產品專案管理: 以伺服器產業為例
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing New Product Project Management by Integrating the Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment: A Case Study of Server Manufacturing
指導教授(外文):Chen, James C
口試委員(外文):Lin, Dung-Ying
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:Kano ModelQuality functional deploymentSix sigmaProject management
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  • 評分評分:*****
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新產品開發的專案管理可不是一件容易的事情。專案經理除了需要在既有的資源、時程等限制下規劃專案外,執行過程更需要在不同單位間溝通、協調甚至權衡使專案符合公司對品質、時程的要求;按部就班直到量產。而今日的新產品開發對企業來說更可以說挑戰更勝以往,科技快速的進步帶來方便;但縮短了產品生命週期、不斷減少的產品開發時間、競爭對手快速的崛起、人力物料成本不斷的增加;甚至是COVID 19都迫使企業重新思考運作的方式。因此本研究以伺服器製造商為例,探討專案從概念設計到量產結束專案管理如何與跨單位利害關係人訪談、了解需求;並將需求轉換成品質因素做為專案管理優先順序參考。
本研究結合Kano模型與品質機能展開來提升新產品專案管理;並用六標準差流程使各品質工具在不同階段使用。第一步驟透過訪談方法來了解顧客聲音 (Voice of the customer)並轉換成關鍵品質特性 (Critical to quality)做為後續 Kano問卷的設計雛形。問卷設計再參考文獻中的專案管理關鍵成因素,並完成信效度成為本文獻中Kano問卷。最終問卷在個案跨單位中發放了53份,取得了初步的Kano分類並計算出顧客滿意度係數以及繪製其對應的散佈圖;也重新分類Kano品質要素。接著使用魚骨圖做為顧客聲音的問題分析;同時為後續品質機能展開上方技術需求的依據,最終繪製品質機能展開之品質屋。發現高階管理者支持、了解專案開案目的等對專案利害關係人滿意度提升相當有效,並繪製成功因素指引圖供未來專案參考。
Project management for new product development is not an easy task. In addition to planning the project within existing resource and schedule constraints, a Project Manager needs to communicate, coordinate, and even balance among cross-functional teams during execution to ensure that the project meets the company's quality and schedule requirements, step by step until mass production. Today's new product development presents much greater challenges for enterprises than before. Rapid technological advancements bring convenience but also shorten the product life cycle, reduce product development time, and lead to the rapid emergence of competitors and increasing labor and material costs. Even the impact of COVID-19 forced companies to rethink their operations. Therefore, this study uses a server manufacturer as an example to explore how, from the stage of concept design to mass production, project management can involve a Project Manager discussing with cross-functional stakeholders, understanding requirements, and converting those requirements into success factors to prioritize tasks in a project. This study combines the Kano model and Quality Function Deployment to enhance new product project management and uses Six Sigma process to apply various quality tools at different stages.
The first step is to understand the voice of the customers through different engagements and convert customers’ feedback into critical factors for quality characteristics as the prototype for the subsequent Kano model questionnaire design. The questionnaire design also references critical success factors in literature and completes reliability and validity to generate the Kano questionnaire in this study. Additionally, the Kano questionnaire was distributed across different function teams in the server manufacturer mentioned in this study, obtaining 53 responses. As a result, preliminary Kano classifications were achieved, customer satisfaction coefficients were calculated, and corresponding scatter plots were created. Furthermore, the Kano quality factors were reclassified. Then, a fishbone diagram was used to analyze the voice of the customers, providing a basis for the voice of engineer at the top of quality function deployment. Finally, a house of quality was created to understand the relationships and priorities between quality factors and technical requirements. This study found “Top management support”, “Understand project missions” are among most critical success factors to enhance stakeholders’ satisfaction, and proposed a critical factors diagram at each project phase, serving as a reference for future new product project planning and execution.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究流程 2
第 二 章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 專案生命週期 4
2.2 專案與專案管理關鍵成功因素 6
2.3 Kano二維品質模式與品質機能展開 11
2.5 Kano問卷設計以及顧客聲音的蒐集 14
2.6 相關文獻回顧 16
第 三 章 研究方法 20
3.1 問題定義 20
3.2 利用DMADV來提升利害關係人滿意度 22
3.3 定義階段 (Define) 23
3.4 衡量階段 (Measure) 27
3.5 分析階段 (Analyze) 30
3.6 設計階段 (Design) 33
3.7 驗證階段 (Verify) 36
第 四 章 個案研究 37
4.1 個案公司簡介 37
4.2 個案公司新產品開發流程以及利害關係人定義 38
4.3 個案分析: 使用DMADV方法來提升專案管理 41
第 五 章 結論與建議 68
5.1 研究結果 68
5.2 管理意涵 70
5.3 研究限制與未來研究方向 71
參考文獻 72
附錄 76
附錄1: 個案公司跨部門專家訪談摘錄 76
附錄2: 個案公司Kano與重要度問卷 83
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