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作者(外文):Liou, Jhih-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Robotic Process Automation in Order Fulfillment Process: A Case Study of C Company
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
口試委員(外文):Wang, Zih-Huei
Liu, Shih-Wen
Wu, Chia-Huang
Wang, To-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Robotic Process AutomationBusiness Process AnalysisDigital TransformationOrder Fulfillment Process
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  在電信營運商的業務單位每天都面臨各式各樣的客戶訂單需求,儘管有大量訂單資料要處理,目前仍需以人工操作方式進行工作。一旦發生錯誤,將導致服務交付延遲、訂單追蹤困難,並降低客戶滿意度。電信運營商推動數位轉型戰略,旨在提升營運效能並創造企業新價值,機器人流程自動化(Robotic Process Automation, RPA)成為其中一個有效的解決方案。因此,本研究透過自動化技術執行高重複性、具規則性與繁瑣費時的手動作業,幫助個案公司提升營運效能。
  透過上述的研究過程,個案公司實現了以下三個主要結論與成果:(1)透過訪談方式進行個案背景與痛點分析,整理後使用ECRS工具梳理流程,找出了RPA軟體與人力協作的最佳模式。(2)在部署了三個RPA後,平均每個訂單的處理時間從6.4分鐘縮短至1.4分鐘,每年約節省11,000分鐘。這不僅成功減少了延遲等待時間,同時也確保了訂單交貨時間的正常進行,提升了客戶滿意度。(3) RPA的導入提升了作業流程效率,實現了100%的資料準確度,同時降低了成本。此外,它還改善了客戶滿意度,並減少了對於手動流程的需求,從而釋放出資源,讓員工能夠專注於更具價值的任務。
  Telecommunication service providers’ business units face various customer order demands on a daily basis. Despite dealing with a large volume of order data, the current process still relies on manual operations. Any errors in the process might lead to service delivery delays, difficulties in order tracking, and decreased customer satisfaction. To overcome these challenges and enhance operational efficiency, telecommunication operators are adopting digital transformation strategies. This study utilizes Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate repetitive, rule-based, and time-consuming manual tasks, improving operational efficiency.
  The study outlines a four-phrase RPA implementation plan to address the intricate order processes and enhance work efficiency:
(i)Insight Phase: Identify pain points through interviews and create an As-Is process diagram.
(ii)Analysis Phase: Identify high-value business tasks suitable for prioritized RPA implementation.
(iii)Design Phase: Develop a To-Be process diagram and designate robot placements, creating RPA robots.
(iv)Execution Phase: Evaluate the outcomes of the implementation.
  Through the research process outlined above, the case company achieved three key findings and outcomes: (i) By conducting background interviews and analyzing pain points, and utilizing the ECRS tool for process mapping, the study identified the optimal mode of collaboration between RPA software and human resources. (ii) After deploying three RPA robots, the average order processing time reduced from 6.4 minutes to 1.4 minutes, resulting in an annual saving of approximately 11,000 minutes. This reduction in delays improved order fulfillment timelines and enhanced customer satisfaction. (iii) RPA implementation enhanced operational workflow efficiency, achieved 100% data accuracy, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it reduced the reliance on manual processes, thereby freeing up resources for employees to focus on higher-value tasks.
  In summary, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of RPA implementation in improving operational efficiency, streamlining order processing, and increasing customer satisfaction, offering valuable insights for telecommunication service providers' digital transformation efforts.
摘要 ......................................................I
ABSTRACT ......................................................II
誌謝 ......................................................IV
目錄 ......................................................V
圖目錄 .....................................................VII
表目錄 .....................................................VIII
第一章 緒論 ......................................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機 ......................................................1
1-2 研究目的 ......................................................4
1-3 研究架構 ......................................................4
第二章 文獻探討 ......................................................6
2-1客戶體驗 ......................................................6
2-1-1 B2B電信業的客戶體驗 .............................................. 6
2-1-2提升客戶體驗的趨勢 ................................................7
2-2流程自動化 ......................................................9
2-2-1業務流程管理 ......................................................9
2-2-2機器人流程自動化 ..................................................10
2-2-3業務流程自動化 ...................................................11
2-2-4 RPA、BPM與BPA比較 ...............................................11
2-3 RPA應用的行業與案例 ................................................13
2-3-1 RPA在醫療產業的應用 ..............................................13
2-3-2 RPA在電信與運輸產業的應用 .........................................14
2-3-3 RPA在製造與零售產業的應用 .........................................15
2-3-4 RPA在銀行與保險產業的應用 .........................................16
第三章 研究方法 ......................................................18
3-1 RPA實施步驟 ......................................................18
3-2研究流程 ......................................................19
3-3 業務流程分析 ......................................................20
3-4 消除、合併、重排與簡化改善原則 ........................................21
3-5 RPA ............................................22
3-5-1 RPA軟體介紹 ..................................................22
3-5-2 RPA如何運作 ..................................................24
3-5-3 RPA的好處 ......................................................25
3-5-4 RPA的挑戰 ......................................................27
第四章 個案分析 ......................................................29
4-1個案問題背景 ......................................................29
4-2洞察階段 ......................................................30
4-3分析階段 ......................................................31
4-3-1流程識別 ......................................................31
4-3-2詳細流程評估 .....................................................36
4-4擘劃階段 ......................................................39
4-5執行階段 ......................................................47
第五章 結論 ..............................................52
5-1結論與管理意涵 ......................................................52
5-2研究限制與建議 ......................................................54
參考文獻 ......................................................55
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