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作者(外文):Lin, Christine
論文名稱(外文):Analyze country specific and country comparison of research and development in sustainable development goals using text-mining-based bibliometric techniques
指導教授(外文):Trappey, Amy J. C
口試委員(外文):Shih, Tsui Yii
Chang, Ai-Che
中文關鍵詞:聯合國永續發展目標Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)KeyBERTNormalized Term Frequency (NTF)
外文關鍵詞:Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)KeyBERTNormalized Term Frequency (NTF)
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聯合國於2015年提出了17項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),這17項目標的內容則是關於「人類」、「地球」、「繁榮」、「和平」以及「夥伴關係」,期望所有國家能在2030年之前達成這17項目標。這份研究將探討各國在SDGs文獻的關注議題,並找出各國在SDGs的研究趨勢與其社會經濟狀況的相關性。為了分析不同國家的SDGs的相關研究,本研究透過Web of Science資料庫蒐集在2017 ~ 2021年的各項SDG文獻摘要,並聚焦在作者是來自台灣、美國、英國、日本、南韓、中國、印尼、柬埔寨和寮國的文獻,以利進行國家和跨國之間的文獻計量分析。首先,對於各項SDG,在蒐集9個國家學者在五年間 (2017 ~ 2021)的摘要後,利用Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)主題模型找出各個SDG下的多個主題。另外,分別對於每個國家的摘要利用兩種關鍵字萃取方法,KeyBERT 和Normalized Term Frequency,找出每篇摘要的重要關鍵詞,以確保關鍵詞提取的準確率和效率。本研究展示了不同國家對SDGs的研究趨勢和研究重點。再透過分析各國在一些社會、經濟、環境面向的發展情形,比較各國在SDGs的研究發展優勢和劣勢。最後總結出橫跨多項SDG的重要議題,例如,「Microfinance」同時為SDG 1, SDG 5, SDG 8的重要議題;「GHG emissions」同時為SDG 1, SDG 11的重要議題等。並且針對這些議題提出未來展望,提供更多的研究發展方向,以利我們實現永續發展目標。
Member States of the United Nations had proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 and the goals are about “People,” “Planet,” “Prosperity,” “Peace” and “Partnership.” All countries are expected to achieve these goals in 2030. This study aims to identify the key issues of SDG (in 17 categories) among countries and correlate SDGs research trends with the social economic statuses of different countries and regions. In order to analyze SDG related researches from different countries, all SDG relevant articles under 17 categories, in the database of Web of Science (publications 2017~ 2021 in 5 full years), are collected and analyzed. The documents with authors from Taiwan, USA, UK, Japan, South Korea, China, Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos are selected for further country-specific and cross-country bibliometric analyses. After collecting each SDG abstracts in the whole five years with authors in the 9 countries, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used for discovering detailed concepts of each SDG. Moreover, keyword extraction methods, i.e., KeyBERT and Normalized Term Frequency (NTF), are applied to identify accurate key terms from all abstracts efficiently. This research results have shown research trend and research emphases of SDGs in different countries. Furthermore, this study discusses each country’s research and development in some socio-economic and environmental aspects. At last, important issues across multiple SDGs are summarized, for instance, “microfinance” is an important issue of SDG 1, SDG 5, SDG 8, “GHG emissions” is an important issue of SDG 1, SDG 11, etc. The research and development directions are also recommended, which provide us with the basis for achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
摘要 I
Abstract II
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research purposes 4
2. Literature review 6
2.1 Sustainable Development Goals 6
2.2 Text mining 8
2.3 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) 10
2.4 Keyword extraction 11
2.4.1 KeyBERT 12
2.4.2 TF-IDF 13
3. Methodology 15
3.1 Database: Web of Science (WOS) 16
3.2 Text preprocessing 17
3.3 Topic modeling 18
3.4 Key term extraction 19
3.4.1 KeyBERT 21
3.4.2 Normalized Term Frequency (NTF) 23
3.5 Calculate key term importance in each country 24
3.6 Statistical indicators 27
3.6.1 Food security index 27
3.6.2 Gender gap index (GGI) 28
3.6.3 Real GDP growth 28
3.6.4 Global innovation index (GII) science and technology cluster 28
3.6.5 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 29
3.6.6 Marine protected area coverage 29
4. Results 30
4.1 Main concepts of each SDG 30
4.2 Geographic analysis 37
4.2.1 SDG 1 38
4.2.2 SDG 2 43
4.2.3 SDG 3 47
4.2.4 SDG 4 51
4.2.5 SDG 5 55
4.2.6 SDG 6 59
4.2.7 SDG 7 64
4.2.8 SDG 8 67
4.2.9 SDG 9 71
4.2.10 SDG 10 75
4.2.11 SDG 11 79
4.2.12 SDG 12 82
4.2.13 SDG 13 86
4.2.14 SDG 14 90
4.2.15 SDG 15 93
4.2.16 SDG 16 97
4.2.17 SDG 17 102
4.3 Research and development in different countries 106
4.3.1 Food security index 106
4.3.2 Gender gap index (GGI) 107
4.3.3 Real GDP growth 108
4.3.4 Global innovation index (GII) science and technology cluster 110
4.3.5 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 111
4.3.6 Marine protected area coverage 112
5. Discussions 114
6. Conclusions and prospects 117
References 118
Appendix 126

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