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作者(外文):Huang, Z.C. Andy
論文名稱(外文):Bibliometric study and development of smart remote sensing image object detection using deep learning modeling approach
指導教授(外文):Trappey, Amy J. C.
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
Wang, Chien-Chih
外文關鍵詞:Remote sensing imagesdeep learningconvolutional neural networkobject detection
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深度學習技術的迅速發展使得影像辨識的能力顯著提升,尤其在物件偵測領域。其中執行自然景象的物件偵測,大型物件在圖像中多以側視圖的方式呈現並占據了圖片的主要視覺,如汽車、飛機。隨著遙測技術的成熟,現今透過衛星與無人機遙測技術可以拍出清晰的環境影像,而較特別的是遙測影像是由地理景象與物體的俯視圖組成,為物件偵測提出新的挑戰。因此本研究綜整自然景色、衛星遙測與無人機遙測的影像資料集,介紹三者之間的差異性。接著透過Web of Science進行文獻搜索,獲得近五年共4,492篇遙測物件偵測研究之文章,進行文獻宏觀了解此領域發展趨勢,並透過搜尋結果進行關鍵字萃取以建構遙測物件偵測本體論,提供研究者此領域的基本訊息。本研究提出遙測軍事物件圖像智能分類方法,用於識別遙測圖像中的各種目標物,包括飛機、無人機、船舶和車輛等。遙測物件偵測可用於防禦和進攻的國防安全應用,以識別潛在的威脅,近一步採取適當的行動。此研究數據集由多個遙測資料集收集而成,使用 6,393 張遙測影像,其中影像亦加入天氣擴增以模擬真實情境。方法第一階段採用先進的YOLOv7模型進行圖像之載具即時偵測與分類,將載具快速進行陸海空三大分類,透過實驗設計優化模型參數,達到平均精度87.3%。第二階段則細分各類的載具分為軍用、民用、其他特殊用途,共包含八個細項類別。第二階段使用多種分類模型進行比較,包含VGG、ResNet、DenseNet 和 EfficientNet。其中分類表現測試集最為優異是使用YOLOv7與 EfficientNet b7之模型精準度達到80.35%的mAP。
The development of deep learning technology has improved the ability of object detection. When performing object detection on natural scenery images, large objects often appear in a side view and dominate the main visual aspect. Nowadays, remote sensing (RS) technology can capture higher-resolution images. The RS images consist of geographical scenes and bird's-eye views of objects, which pose new challenges for computer vision tasks. Thus, this research first conducts a comprehensive overview of natural scenery, satellite-captured, and UAV-captured RS datasets and inroduces the difference between three types of datasets. Next, 4,492 RS object detection articles over the past five years are retrieved from Web of Science to conduct bibliometric analysis. Furthermore, an ontology is constructed using keyterm extraction to provide essential information in this field. This research proposes an intelligent classification of RS military object images aiming to detect objects including aircrafts, UAVs, ships, and vehicles. The proposed methodology can be utilized for defense and offense purposes to identify potential threats and further actions can be taken. The research collects 6,393 RS images, including simulated weather conditions, to replicate real-world conditions. The first stage of the approach employs the advanced YOLOv7 model for real-time detection, which primarily categorizes objects into land, sea, and air categories. YOLOv7 model parameters are optimized through the design of experiments, leading to mAP of 87.3%. In the second stage, the detected objects are further subclassified into eight specific categories. Several classification models, including VGG, ResNet, DenseNet, and EfficientNet, are compared. With the combination of YOLOv7 and EfficientNet b7 models achieve the best classification performance of mAP 80.35%.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research purpose 3
1.3 Research limitations 5
1.4 Research framework 5
2. Literature review 8
2.1 Overview of public datasets 8
2.2 UAV and military vehicle image datasets 14
2.3 Object detection models 15
2.4 Hierarchical classification models 21
2.5 Bibliometric analysis of RS image object detection research 22
3. Intelligent classification of RS military object images 29
3.1 Methodology structure 29
3.2 Dataset preparation and preprocessing 31
3.3 Object localization and classification model 39
3.4 Sub-category classification models 42
4. Experiment for verification 45
4.1 Experimental evaluation metrics 45
4.2 Object localization and classification model testing 47
4.3 Intelligent classification of RS military object images testing 49
4.4 Nine experiment results 53
5. Conclusions and future research 55
References 57
Appendix 64
A.1. RS images for YOLOv7 model training (localization and main category) 64
A.2. RS images for CNN models training (sub-category classification) 68
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