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作者(外文):Li, Ching-Wei
論文名稱(外文):A Determination and Key Information Inference Model for Literature of Radar System Maintenance Decision-making Method
指導教授(外文):Hou, Jiang-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Topic DeterminationKey Information Extraction
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  • 評分評分:*****
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When researchers want to understand the maintenance decision-making methods for radar system, they often collect relevant literature of radar system maintenance decision-making methods through academic journal websites. However, researchers need to spend a lot of time determining whether the research topic of the collected literatures are radar system maintenance decision-making methods or not. In addition, after researchers obtain relevant literature on the research topic of radar system maintenance decision-making methods, the content of each literature can be complex and intricate, researchers have to repeatedly read the literature to comprehend the content of the literature. As a result, researchers are unable to quickly and accurately obtain the key research points within the content of literature on radar system maintenance decision-making methods. In order to solve the problem, this research collects multiple literatures related to “maintenance decision methods” and “radar system” and summarize the key thematic features and the key content features of these literatures. After that, this research determining whether the research topic of the target literature is radar system maintenance decision-making methods, then extract the key research points within content of the target literature and compile these key research points in a table. As a whole, the proposed model can assist researchers to efficiently acquire the key research points within the content of literature on radar system maintenance decision-making methods.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章、研究背景 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究步驟 4
1.3研究定位 7
第二章、文獻回顧 9
2.1文件主題判定 9
2.2文件特徵擷取 14
第三章、以文獻內容為基礎之雷達系統維修決策方法文獻判定與關鍵資訊推斷模式 21
3.1文獻標題及內容解析 22
3.1.1「雷達系統維修決策方法」相關文獻內容回顧 23
3.1.2主題關鍵特徵解析 34
3.1.3內容關鍵特徵解析 40
3.2文獻主題判定 47
3.2.1維修決策方法(研究主題)相關文獻判定 49
3.2.2雷達系統(研究對象)相關文獻判定 51
3.3維修決策方法關鍵資訊分析與擷取 52
第四章、系統開發與績效驗證 60
4.1系統開發 60
4.2系統績效驗證與分析 64
第五章、結論與未來展望 82
5.1論文總結 82
5.2未來展望 85
參考文獻 87
附錄A、文獻標題及內容解析前置作業 90
附錄B、訓練資料解析結果 102
附錄C、系統於第二階段各週期之績效驗證結果 114

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