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作者(外文):Hsu, Yi-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Role-based Approach for Readability Enhancement and Content Conversion of Technical Documents
指導教授(外文):Hou, Jiang-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Document Readability AnalysisText Readability EnhancementNeural Network
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The project engineer who is responsible for a product development project often needs to read the technical documents written by research and development (R&D) engineers and convert the technical content into concise and easily interpretable content. However, due to the different professional domains between R&D engineers and project engineers, the latter often struggle to efficiently and accurately convert the technical content into concise and easily interpretable content. Additionally, the project engineer has to invest time and effort in reading numerous technical documents and enhancing the readability of these documents. In order to solve the above problems, this study develops a “Readability Enhancement and Content Conversion” model. The proposed model extracts the key information from technical documents and utilizes the neural network to assess the readability of technical documents. After that, the proposed model provides recommendations for converting the technical content in order to enhance the readability of technical content. Furthermore, the proposed model visualizes the key information and the content readability analysis results. Based on the proposed model, the project engineer can effectively convert the technical content into concise and easily interpretable content.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章、研究背景 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究步驟 4
1.3研究定位 8
第二章、文獻回顧 11
2.1「文件內容之特徵值擷取」議題 11
2.2「文件內容之易讀性評估」議題 20
2.3「文件內容轉化」議題 23
第三章、依讀者角色提升文件內容易讀性之技術文件內容轉化模式 27
3.1技術內容及廣告內容之技術特徵解析 28
3.2目標技術內容之技術資訊密度值推論及技術特徵值擷取 68
3.3技術文件內容之轉化建議與重點彙整 84
第四章、系統開發與績效驗證 106
4.1「技術文件之資訊豐富度分析暨內容轉化」系統之執行過程與結果 106
4.2模式與系統之驗證方式 110
4.3模式與系統之驗證結果 114
第五章、結論與未來展望 144
5.1論文總結 145
5.2未來展望 147
參考文獻 149
附錄A、技術內容及廣告內容解析 152
附錄B、模式之績效驗證資料 165
附錄C、模式之績效驗證結果 177
附錄D、「技術內容之技術特徵值擷取」議題之問卷 338
附錄E、「技術內容之技術特徵值擷取」議題之問卷 349
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