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作者(外文):Chen, Tzu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of an Algorithm Solving for Pure Nash Equilibria on an Integer Programming Game using Rational Generating Function
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Chen, Po-An
Wu, Hao-Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:Integer programming gamePure Nash equilibriumShort rational generating functionGeneralize Nash equilibrium problemGame theoryComputing algorithm
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  • 評分評分:*****
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相較過去提出的演算法通常限制於解決正則形式賽局問題 (Sandholm et al., 2005; Porter et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2014) 且每個玩家的策略集數目通常不超過500 (Sagratella, 2016; Carvalho et al., 2021) , 我們實現的演算法可以 1) 應用在任何以多面體策略集表示的賽局問題上,包含GENP;2) 有能力解決玩家策略數較多的賽局問題;3) 在可接受的時間範圍內,可以列出所有的純奈許均衡點。除此之外,我們也在研究中提出四種不同的實例來驗證演算法的可行性。實證的過程中我們發現演算法的計算與搜尋速度取決於玩家策略集數目及問題的維度,當玩家的擴展策略數越多或是維度越大時,所需時間就比較長。我們的實證結果可以歸類當玩家策略集數目不超過560時,我們的演算法可以在5秒內找到所有純奈許均衡點;當玩家策略集數目不超過7650時,我們的演算法可以在12分鐘內找出所有純奈許均衡點。
Finding Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE) in Integer Programming Games (IPG) has been a long-standing issue. Searching, heuristic, and enumerating algorithms have been developed to find PNE, however, these algorithms usually have some limitations. For example, searching and heuristic algorithms can only find one PNE, and the enumeration algorithm is time-consuming. Thus, we propose an algorithm that can find all PNE using the short rational generating function.
Based on existing studies, the extended deviated profile of each player can be encoded into the short rational generating function. This algorithm computes the set containing PNE by subtracting all extended profiles from the extended deviated profile of each player. Next, we enumerate all PNE via binary search. In the enumeration process, the ordinary method - residue approach - to counting the number of integer points encoded in the short rational generating function naturally causes numerical deviation. Therefore, we construct a validation process to check the output of the algorithm.
Compared to existing algorithms that can only solve problems in normal form (Sandholm et al., 2005; Porter et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2014) and median-and-small problems in finite time with the strategies size of each player under 500 (Sagratella, 2016; Carvalho et al., 2021), our proposed algorithm can: i) apply to games with polyhedron strategies set; ii) have the capability to solve large-size strategies sets of each player; iii) find entire PNE in an acceptable running time. Moreover, we implemented our algorithm on different kinds of examples: traveler's dilemma, normal form, and knapsack game. The results show that the running time for finding PNE is determined by the size of the player's strategies set, and the dimension of the problem usually affects the strategies size. We can conclude that if the problem's strategies size of each player is under 560, we can solve it within 5 seconds. For the large-size problems where the strategies size of each player is 7650, we can deal with it within 12 minutes.
1. Introduction 7
2. Literature Review 10
2.1 Algorithm for Finding Mixed Nash Equilibrium of integer-valued strategies set 11
2.2 Algorithm for Finding Pure Nash Equilibrium on IPG 12
3. Methodology 14
3.1 Nash Equilibria 15
3.1.1 Extended Game 15
3.1.2 The extended deviated profile of each player 16
3.1.3 Normal-form Game 17
3.2 Short Rational Generating Function 18
3.2.1 Residue approach 18
3.2.2 Hadamard product 21
3.3 Algorithm 22
4. Implementation 33
5. Conclusion 40
6. Reference 42
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