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作者(外文):Mei, Li-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Aerodynamic forces and moments on solid objects in a cavity flow
指導教授(外文):Chang, Ching
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chao-An
Liao, Chuan-Chieh
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:133
  • 評分評分:*****
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空腔流場(cavity flow)為流場分析中一個相當重要的領域,其中在航空方面,則可以應用在投放飛彈或干擾彈上面。本篇論文旨在分析二維與三維空腔流場中,不同形狀之障礙物的受力與能量分布情形,其形狀包含圓形、正方形以及三角形,三維流場方面則是圓柱、四角柱以及三角柱,並且含有無貫穿與貫穿Z軸之障礙物類型。流場方面使用有限體積法(FVM)來解Navier-Stokes equation,紊流方面使用k-ϵ 模型,並使用Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operators algorithm (PISO algorism) 來求解。可以發現到:在障礙物受力方面,二維流場之障礙物x軸受力與三維貫穿流場的障礙物x軸受力相似,而障礙物之y軸受力則因障礙物形狀之影響,而呈現不相同的趨勢。流場的渦漩分布方面,部分流場會因為障礙物的形狀而造成渦漩的分化或是逐漸消失;在三維流場方面,則會因為障礙物是否貫穿壁面而有不同的立體渦流型態產生。
Cavity flow is a significant area in the analysis of fluid dynamics, with applications in aviation for missile deployment or decoy systems. This paper aims to analyze the forces and energy distribution on obstacles of different shapes in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional cavity flows. The shapes considered include circles, squares, and triangles in the two-dimensional context, and cylinders, rectangular prisms, and triangular prisms in the three-dimensional context. Obstacles are categorized as non-penetrating and penetrating the Z-axis. The finite volume method (FVM) is employed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations, while the k-epsilon model is used for turbulence modeling. The Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operators algorithm (PISO algorithm) is utilized for solving. It is observed that in terms of obstacle forces, the x-axis forces for obstacles in the two-dimensional flow and the x-axis forces for penetrating obstacles in the three-dimensional flow exhibit similar behavior. However, the y-axis forces on obstacles differ due to the influence of obstacle shapes. Concerning vortex distribution in the flow field, certain flow cases lead to the differentiation or gradual disappearance of vortices due to the shape of the obstacles. In the context of three-dimensional flows, the presence or absence of obstacle penetration through the walls results in distinct three-dimensional vortex patterns.
第一章 導論...........................................................1
第二章 數值方法
2.1 統御方程式........................................................4
2.2 邊界條件.........................................................10
第三章 結果與討論
第四章 結論與未來展望.................................................69
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